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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal cyst/sinus burst

I am/was having a pilonidal cyst/sinus for the first time, there was like a boil/cyst on the skin, around an inch long, kind of swollen..It burst naturally two nights ago, there was drainage for the whole night, my parents say around 25 ml. of liquid oozed out, it must be something near to that, it was lot of it... Now, I had it seen by a surgeon before, he wanted to do operation, very reluctant to go for that, since I got college and don't want to ruin my semester. I went to my family doctor, he probed it and has led to a conclusion, depression is around an inch and a half deep and does not need surgery, he did some deep dressing and put some gauze in to it, with some antimicrobial(i guess betadine m) stuff and will contnue the same for few days.. he has started two antibiotics, 1. levo(contains, levofloxacin)2. clavam 625(contains amoxicillin and Clavulanate). Seeing to this whole situation, is there any specific homoeopathy treatment which can help me avoid me the future surgery because of recurrence or anything which will help patch it up.. thanks in advance, pl. reply asap.. I have read Mr. Pankaj's post about, but I need some more clarificatiion, specific to this case..
  siddharth41089 on 2009-07-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take silicea 6c thrice a day for one week. After that take three doses of silicea 200c on a single day. Silicea 200c should be taken only for one day.
If you have access to ayurvedic medicines you may also take 1 tsf haridra khanda twice a day.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
thank you kadwa!
siddharth41089 last decade

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