The ABC Homeopathy Forum
What kind of toothpaste is possible to use while taking a homeopathic remedy? Is it allowed to drink mint tea?Thanks,
petramal on 2003-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take meds half hour before or after brushing your teeth with tooth paste.
Mint tea, best to avoid during the course of taking homeo meds.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
petramal 2 decades ago
during homoeopathic treatment--
no herbal teas or medicinal foods in long term illness--in acute flair ups no worry
anyway mostly depend on remedy and your sensitivity to mint---
any doubt dont use--
if value mint flavor over treatment then --you decided--
john stanton
homoepatic treatment
pennsylvania usa
no herbal teas or medicinal foods in long term illness--in acute flair ups no worry
anyway mostly depend on remedy and your sensitivity to mint---
any doubt dont use--
if value mint flavor over treatment then --you decided--
john stanton
homoepatic treatment
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago
Yes Petra!
You are right and no Cannabis as you have said elsewhere.
No garlic, very little of Colas with caffeine.....better take the other soft drinks without caffeine.
Avoid strong odours like Camphor etc.
John has made a very valid point "that each med has its own set of anti-dotal substances".
It is impossible to print the entire list here. All the contents of the list will make a complete book.
The precautions, listed out above, are generally to be followed nevertheless.
Also to be noted that meds have relationships amongst themselves too. Like one med may complete the good work done by another. Alternately, one med may cancel the good work done by another.
A good homeopath keeps track of all that.....
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Ciao Pankaj Varma,
it's not easy to find a good homeopath :-). We had homeopathy at University (I studied psychology) and I'm very interested in it. For know I've met two homeopaths in my life - beeing treated by - and they were different. On next tuesday I'm about to see the third one so I'm curious. But we all must agree it's not easy to be a good homeopath.
But... I wanted to ask - is it bad to pass from sulphur to ruta and kali phosphoricum, from sulphur to nux vomica and is it neccessary to make a pause between using different remedies? All of that I'm going to ask my homeopath on tuesday, I'm just curious now.
Hello from Croatia, Europe,
it's not easy to find a good homeopath :-). We had homeopathy at University (I studied psychology) and I'm very interested in it. For know I've met two homeopaths in my life - beeing treated by - and they were different. On next tuesday I'm about to see the third one so I'm curious. But we all must agree it's not easy to be a good homeopath.
But... I wanted to ask - is it bad to pass from sulphur to ruta and kali phosphoricum, from sulphur to nux vomica and is it neccessary to make a pause between using different remedies? All of that I'm going to ask my homeopath on tuesday, I'm just curious now.
Hello from Croatia, Europe,
petramal 2 decades ago
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