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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

SILICEA usage for oily face

Hi. I found some posts on several forums about silicea for oily skin. I have been battling a strange oily face since the birth of my son 11 years ago. Nothing I have done has helped UNTIL I bought 200C silicea. I noticed my oily face clear up in a day! After 11 years!! The thing is I was unsure how often and how long I should take it. So I just did what the person on the forum was instructed to do which was 4 granules in the morning and 4 granules at night.

After about a week, I noticed the oiliness beginning to start up again, although not as bad. So I figured it was not strong enough for my chronic oiliness and switch to the next remedy that was suggested if the silicea did not work which was Nat Mur.

My skin did not respond to the Nat Mur like the silicea at all. The oiliness came back full force and I got a lot of pimples on my face, neck, arms, and back. So I stopped the Nat Mur. And went back on the silicea. This time I am following the instructions on the silicea bottle which says 4 granules 3x a day.

My question is, how long do I do this? When/if I wean off the silicea, will my oily face come back? Why is silicea making my oily skin go away? Is it ok to keep taking the silicea for a long time?
  healme on 2009-07-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Be careful with Silicea since this remedy can spread cancer tumors if you already have them.
sayayin last decade
Ok, I don't have cancer tumors, but I do have unexplainable oily skin that was never an issue before I had my son.

I am just having difficulties finding an actual dosage chart anywhere for homeopathic remedies. The only instructions on my bottle of silicea says 4 granules 3x a day and increase amount of time between dosages as symptoms decrease..... I just want to make sure I'm not taking this wrong.
healme last decade
from all that I read, silicea or nat mur are what I should be using to cure my oily face and weird pimples on my back, shoulders and neck. However, I am unable to find any actual instructions on how often to take it or how long (days? weeks? months? years? forever?) ... I would like to give this the fullest benefit of a try. Traditional medicine has left me disappointed and angry. This is truly my last hope!
healme last decade
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simone717 7 years ago

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