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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Burning scalp pain and hair loss

I am a 33 year old female and have been experiencing excessive hair shedding with a burning sensation on the top of my scalp. It hurts to move my hair and parts of my scalp feel bruised. Nothing unusual was found during a doctor visit.

I first noticed shedding about two months ago and the burning began about three weeks ago. It doesn't go away, I have it morning and night.

I sleep well, but am often tired.

I have a lot of anxiety about my health, money, pretty much everything and tend to be pessimistic and negative. I have a hard time with personal relationships and often push people away although I have a need to be comforted.

My cycles have been irregular for the past six months with regular cycles followed by short cycles.

Food cravings are mostly for salty or fatty foods.

I have psoriasis that affects much of my skin.

Hands and feet are often cold.
  briggscreek on 2009-07-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
any other medical history and any medicine did you try ???
faisal qureshi last decade
I don't really have any other medical history that is significant. My dermatologist gave me steroids to put on my scalp but it hasn't helped. I had been treated with methotrexate for the psoriasis but stopped a while ago in case that was causing the hair loss.
briggscreek last decade
you can try (Sepia-30c) 2pills twise a day for 2weeks only then stop after month please report me back,ok
faisal qureshi last decade

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