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swan flue - preventive biochemic remedy

i suggested to many friends to give biochemic remedy -- ferrum phos 30x 4 pills daily till the danger of swan flue is there.

all those who are using this remedy are so far safe.

in one family where flue was there to one person, he was cured by using 2/3 homeo/bioch. remedies depending upon the symptons but the other family members are taking ferrum phos 30x. so far they all are safe so far and appears to be well protected from this virus.

this is just for your inormation. in case some-body wants to take advantage of these safe pills to protet from the inflience of flue.

this remedy was tried 10 years back for pink eye - conjunctivitis and the response was 100%.

why and how ferrum phos works?

ferrum phos is - oxygen carrier. whosoever takes ferrum phos, his/her natural intake of oxygen from the atmosphere increases and it increases resistence power.

baba ram dev has also suggested - bhastika and anlom vilom pranayams, they also increses oxygen in the body.

dr. r.s.gupta

thanks.i have been suggested 'influenzum 200' 5 pills three times a day for
5 days to build resistance by another doctor friend.is it ok.

ashok kumar

dear ashok,

i was watching baba ramdev's programme to-day in the morning. he described
swan flue to be quite different to erlier flue. swan flue changes its mood
and impact in the body system. it affects throat, sometimes liver,
respiratoy system and sometimes brain. whereas flue earlier was giving
fever, bod ache and sometimes chest congestion.

'influemzum' was made from the influenza flue virus vaccine and so its
resistence is only to the extent of influenza. i do not how much it will be
effective to swan flue.

i suggested 'ferrum phos 30x' because it gives you enough of oxygen to fight
with any virus/infection before it enters in the body system. it is an
oxygen carrier and if taken in lower potency it increases red blood cells.

damage done to the body system after the virus enters the body is to be
treated differently.

this is for your information.
  Rajendra on 2009-08-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
dr. r.s.gupta

[phone number removed by moderator. you'll thank me one day.]
Rajendra last decade
Hello Doctor,

Could you please indicate how these pills have to be taken, in what quantity and at what times?

thefan last decade
The Times of India 8 August 2009, 11:32am IST

Homeopathy can both prevent and cure swine flu, sans any side effects, say doctors who practise this alternative medicine system in India where over 700 people have been diagnosed with the disease.

Amid panic over the spread of influenza A (H1N1) virus, homeopaths are now drafting a proposal for the health ministry to offer their services in tackling the crisis.

'Based on the symptoms, homeopathy can offer an effective cure to swine flu. Moreover, it does not have any side effects,' says Harcharanjeet Kaur, a homeopath at Baksons homeopathy clinic.

Well-known Delhi-based homeopath Mukesh Batra cited the instance of the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918 in which more than 50 million people were killed worldwide. He said the mortality rate of people given allopathic treatment was 28.2 percent, while those given homeopathic treatment was 1.05 percent at that time.

'Gelsemium and Bryonia were the two homeopathic remedies that proved to be effective against the H1N1 strain back then. These could be of great use even today,' Batra said.

Explaining the way homeopathy works, Jaipur-based homeopath Manish Bhatia said this form of medicine works on the basis of symptoms and not the disease.

'In homeopathy, there is a concept called Genus epidemicus. This means if there is an epidemic and you take the symptoms of say 15 ailing people of an area, you will notice a common trend. Based on that you give medication - for the symptoms. This same medication then, if given to people of that area, can act as a preventive medicine,' Bhatia said phone.

Besides symptoms like running nose, fever, sneezing and dullness that are the same for common flu and swine flu patients, those suffering from the latter may also have gastric problems like nausea and vomiting, Bhatia said.

'Based on the symptoms, there may be different curative medications for different cases of swine flu. One or two of these medications will be used more frequently than the others and this can then be given to others as preventive medication,' Bhatia said.

So why WHO (the World Health Organisation) or the health ministry has not taken homeopathy's help in tackling the H1N1 outbreak?

'WHO relies on statistical data before advising governments on tackling a disease. And there is no study on the effectiveness of homeopathy to prevent or cure swine flu. Therefore it cannot recommend homeopathy,' Bhatia said.

'Having said that, a group of homeopathy doctors are drafting a proposal to the government to offer their services to help in dealing with swine flu cases,' Bhatia said.

'In Brazil, the homeopathic doctors' community has collected data on the symptoms of swine flu and homeopathic treatments for symptoms and are spreading the word on its effectiveness through internet,' he added.

Anwar Amir, secretary general of the homeopathy post graduate association in Maharashtra, said he has written to the union health ministry and the state government's health department offering their services to deal with the swine flu crisis.

More than 616 people have been detected with H1N1 virus so far in India, of which 487 have been discharged. The disease has claimed one life in India.

People however should not panic. The chances of dying of swine flu are just as low as dying of common flu, homeopathic doctors said unanimously.

Giving an example of the effectiveness of homeopathy in an epidemic in India, Batra said when Japanese encephalitis hit Andhra Pradesh 10 years ago, the government distributed one million doses of Belladonna, a homeopathic drug, to children.

'No child was affected by Japanese encephalitis after that. Therefore, homeopathy can provide an effective and inexpensive preventive measure and cure for swine flu too,' Batra said.
Rajeshkk last decade

ake 4 pills direct in mouth. They will get dissolved.
Rajendra last decade
Can some one give the detailed symptoms of swine flu...then we can zero down on the medicine.

Some doctor in Pune is suggesting Rhus tox, another in Delhi is suggesting Influenzum.

Some are saying symptoms correspond to Phosphorus, may be arsenic alb due to the flowing nose and shortness of breath.

Would be grateful to receive a detailed account of the sympotms of an actual patient or a group of patients.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Pankaj,

It looks people are suggesting treatment when some-one is affected with the flue.

One of the remedies that you have indicatred can be the treatment when some-body is affected with the Flue depending upon the different symptoms.

What I have suggested is that we should have immunity and strength to fight with the virus before it enters in the system and that is Oxygen.

Whole world knows that it is Oxygen that makes the body fight with the infection.

Alopathics also gives Oxygen in he Hospitals/homes as a first aid treatment and also to continue immunity.

Ferrum Phos in Biochemic form is an effective Salt that provides lot of Oxygen in the body.It also increases Red Blood cells. It is an Iron Tonic. It is also suggested that whosoever takes Ferrum Phos should have sufficient Oxygen around him in the atmosphere.

Here I have suggested as a preentive remedy and not the Treatment when some-body is affeced with the Flue.
Rajendra last decade
Yes Dear Rajendra...those are good suggestions.

I am fully conversant with Bio - chemics and in the past five years have made many posts at ABC Forum on Bio -chemics (Cell Salts) and their theory.

You will find in the back pages of the Forum.

Best wishes

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
in many of the following 'threads' you will find my posts:

results for cell salts in the forum

topic posts views started by last post
cell salts & homeopathic remedies [last page] 32 976 cordial 15th jan 08

cell salts [last page] 26 1142 peregrine 28th jan 08
mr organon

confusion with cell salts 19 649 sujattha 12th oct 06

cell salts 15 423 peregrine 25th dec 07

cell salts 14 2878 tigerduck 2nd jun 06

biochemic cell salts-can all 12 prove effective?? 12 4089 jane525 30th oct 05

cell salts 12 460 ktsuda 13th aug 08

cell salts 11 427 mettagirl 29th dec 07

can one dilute cell salts? 10 1683 rebecca 25th aug 05

cell salts 6 379 moondog 23rd jul 07

bioplasma cell salts 5 933 peet69 30th may 06

cell salts -- too costly. 4 483 daniel iype 24th nov 06

bioplasma (cell salts) 2 639 joyce martino 14th aug 06

taking cell salts for ever? 2 418 tommys 7th jan 07
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

Results for tissue remedies in the Forum

Topic Posts Views Started by Last Post
Tissue Remedies 7 720 PANKAJ VARMA 25th Oct 06

Tissue Remedies 6 1153 logical 18th Apr 04
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Rajendra,
I think it is better to give Fever 11 combination Bio - chemic ...as it will normalise the tempreture, (has Ferrum Phos in it).

Natrum Sulph will aid the liver to make new blood and help improve breathing.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Mr. Pankaj,

It is individual's opinion. You may have some point in it. But I feel that we are concerned in not allowing the virus to enter in the body or fight with it before it enters in the Blood stream.

What you mean by Natrum Sulph is to improve the Liver. If Virus is not entered then how it will help. I do not know?

Ferrum Phos as you know is an importnt salt and is an Oxygen carrier. It helps in not allowing virus to enter in the body.

Natrum Sulph is one of the liver remedy and needed if the liver is affected.

If the virus is there then it may effect, chest, brain, throat or liver. So only Nat. sulph will not do.

On getting the symptoms of the virus ,if it has entered in the body system, then every symoptom is to be treated.

[Phone number removed by moderator.]
Rajendra last decade
Swan Flue - Preventive Biochemic Remedy From Rajendra on 2009-08-13
0 replies 41 views
I suggested to many friends to give biochemic remedy -- ferrum phos 30x 4 pills daily till the danger of swan flue is there.

All those who are using this remedy are so far safe.

In one family where flue was there to one person, he was cured by using 2/3 homeo/bioch. remedies depending upon the symptons but the other family members are taking ferrum phos 30x. so far they all are safe so far and appears to be well protected from this virus.

This is just for your inormation. in case some-body wants to take advantage of these safe pills to protet from the inflience of flue.

This remedy was tried 10 years back for pink eye - conjunctivitis and the response was 100%.

Why and how ferrum phos works?

Ferrum Phos is - oxygen carrier. whosoever takes ferrum phos, his/her natural intake of oxygen from the atmosphere increases and it increases resistence power.

Baba Ram Ddev has also suggested - bhastika and anlom vilom pranayams, they also increses oxygen in the body.

Dr. R.S.Gupta

Thanks.i have been suggested 'influenzum 200' 5 pills three times a day for
5 days to build resistance by another doctor friend.is it ok.

Ashok kumar

Dear ashok,

I was watching baba ramdev's programme to-day in the morning. he described
swan flue to be quite different to erlier flue. swan flue changes its mood
and impact in the body system. it affects throat, sometimes liver,
respiratoy system and sometimes brain. whereas flue earlier was giving
fever, bod ache and sometimes chest congestion.

'influemzum' was made from the influenza flue virus vaccine and so its
resistence is only to the extent of influenza. i do not how much it will be
effective to swan flue.

I suggested 'Ferrum phos 30x' because it gives you enough of oxygen to fight
with any virus/infection before it enters in the body system. it is an
oxygen carrier and if taken in lower potency it increases red blood cells.

Damage done to the body system after the virus enters the body is to be
treated differently.
Rajendra last decade
my sugestion for prevention of swain flu is as below;
start with baptesia 200 two doses, one in the morning empty stoach and another after a day gap.
followed by ars.alb. 200 three doses one each daily in the morning empty stomoch.
to be more safe ech.aug.q 1o drops twice daily with water .
kakku47 last decade
The symptoms of baptesia drug are of an asthenic type, simulating low fevers, Septic conditions of the blood, malarial poisoning, and extreme prostration. Indescribable sick feeling. Great muscular soreness and putrid phenomena always are present. All the secretions are offensive - breath, stool, urine, sweat, etc. Epidemic influenza. Chronic intestinal toxaemia of children with fetid stools and eructations.
Baptisia Tinctoria in low dilutions produces a form of anti-bodies to the Bac. typhosus, viz., the agglutinins ( Mellon.) Thus it raises the natural bodily resistance to the invasion of the bacillary intoxication, which produces the typhoid syndrome. Typhoid carriers. After inoculation with anti-typhoid serum. Intermittent pulse, especially in the aged.
Worse; humid heat; fog; indoors.

Taking this medicine in high potency as a preventive is not advisable.

Further these medicines are good when there is influence of infection. I do not consider them as preventive for conditions like 'swan flue'

Rajendra last decade
Dear Rajendra Gupta,
Fever 11 combination has both Ferrum Phos and Natrum Sulph in it.
I thought you would know that.

Best wishes

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Combination No.11 (Fever)
Components: Ferrum phos., Kali. mur., Natr. mur., Kali. sulf., Natr. sulf.
Indications: All kinds of fever, chills. Initial stages of inflammatory diseases.
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Combination No 11 helps the body to build up the power of the immune system to fight any kind of fever.

I have found it very effective.
It has even aborted typhoid fever in its early stages.

The body begins to fight the virus on its own once you start administering Combination - bio chemic no 11 for Fever.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dr.R.S.Gupta ji

What ever you have tried to explain in reply I think it is partially covering the pathogenesis of Bapt. In typhoid it strikingly corresponds whenever the symptoms present are very similar to it. Other important pathogenesis of it is that it acts on mucous membrane of the buccal cavity and lower portion of the intestinal canal producing fetid breath, catarrhal inflammation, producing profound prostration. It also covers the symptomatology of Gastric fever and Catarrhal fever or Influenza. It is also regarded as adaptive to stress and strains and tend to assist decongestion and detoxification as well.
Ars.Alb follows well.

With the above justification I stand on my point.

Bharat Bhushan
kakku47 last decade

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