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Urticaria/Rash 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Urticaria of Rash

About 5 weeks ago, rashes started to appear all over my body. At that time I have started to swim once a week and also took up a new teaching assignment which I have felt much anxiety initially by I took it. I've stopped swimming since but have continued the twice weekly teaching job up till now.

From internet information and the medicine my doctor gave me, I suspect it could be urticaria.

The itchy rashes are usually pale, round-shaped with red rings around them. At times, it can starts off with just spread of tiny red dots and developed into clusters of swelling all over my body, legs, arm, shoulder, back, waist and even on the cheeks.

I have read the effectiveness of homeopathic cure but couldn't find a practice here in S'pore. Could you help?


  JoosChan on 2005-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try RHUS TOX 30X. Take three times daily to see if your skin responds. 3 days only if needed.

Did you eat any shellfish? or something made with? If so this may be the culprit. In this case, use URTICA URENS instead, with the same instructions.

Please keep us posted.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Does anybody know where3 I can purchase Homeopathic medicine in Singapore?

It tooks about three weeks to purchase Rhus Tox 30X from this website to reach me in Singapore! Hence, the delay in reply...

I took the dosage of 4 pellets of Rhu Tox 30X 3 times a day as stated on the bottle and it didn't work. Hence increase it to 20 pellets each time (!) which helped to empty the bowel quite a bit on a daily basis now which was not the case previously. After about one week, the rashes have seem to soften a bit and less intense than before. But, the rashes still come back daily.

I suspect I might be experiencing a case parasites in the tummy. Is there a remedy for detox? Will any herbal detox product helps?
JoosChan last decade
Just found out that there's indeed a place in Singapore selling Homepathic medicine. Managed to call them up, the suggestion was that I try Rhus Tox and Urtica at the same time which had proven somewhat effect in their previous client. Can I take both remedies together at the same time?
JoosChan last decade
I am also in Singsapore. can I have the address of the store?
new2town last decade
Hello Joos
I get read your post & the replies of your post.
I would ask you first to take examine of your blood...the test is ,"Blood Urea".
it is the strongelly advised to you to take your test first & than use any medicine....you know rash or Urticaria are relaited by Kidneys & when kidneys function do'nt works proper the excess of Urticaria takes place in our body & rash gets occour
soo take your test & write
Thanks & keep smiling
doctorishtiaq last decade

The info of the Singapore pharmacy:

P & L Healthcare
01-10, Tanglin Road, Tanglin Shopping Centre, Singapore - 247 909, Singapore
Phone: +(65)-(6)-2359055 Fax: +(65)-(6)-7345890

They close at around 6.30 pm.

Hope the info is helpful.
JoosChan last decade
one healthpoint homeopathy clinic opp mustafa at syed alwi road.
drnandinivs last decade

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