The ABC Homeopathy Forum
9 month old with recurrent ear infections
I'm new to this forum and would appreciate any advice!My nine month old baby daughter has had around 6 middle ear infections in the last 6 months - basically, every cold she's had turns into one. I'm getting worried about giving her endless antibiotics.
Are there any homeopathic remedies that would help prevent and/or treat this problem?
Thanks in advance!
Janek on 2005-02-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes, many as 25 remedies. BUT, you must tell us about your child. Personality, likes and dislikes, a lengthy description of how this began.
What happened first? What about fever? Was there crying or just ear jerking. Any eye involvment?
It returns because the antibiotics just suppress and it reoccurs later. Read the post called "Stupidity"
Please leave spaces between your report so it is easier to read.
Blessings, Sabra
What happened first? What about fever? Was there crying or just ear jerking. Any eye involvment?
It returns because the antibiotics just suppress and it reoccurs later. Read the post called "Stupidity"
Please leave spaces between your report so it is easier to read.
Blessings, Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Sabra - if blonde and gets itchy from wollens look at Puls
If dark and 'up and down' Merc would probably fit .
But must look at hereditary aspect .
What is the major killer of old people in this family .
If dark and 'up and down' Merc would probably fit .
But must look at hereditary aspect .
What is the major killer of old people in this family .
passkey 2 decades ago
My kids had many ear infections as well. I didnt stop using antibiotics until this last 2 years. I found that the more antibiotics I gave the more infecitons they had. The antibiotics wipe out all our good intestinal flora, which is our primary line of defense for our immune system....wipe out good flora, get sick often.
I personally find that probiotics help much. Also, Garlic mullen ear drops by herbfarm (yellow label) found at organic store works wonders. I have 9 month old who, because of me is low on probiotics. I supplement him with bifidobacteria from metagenics. I get this from my natural healthcare provider. I use this brand because of my infants food helps with his food allergies too without aggrivating them. Another good brand is jarrow formula for infants. I personally would reccomend the metagenics if you can find it because it is very pure and hypoallergenic.
Ear drops also help much...eases pain within a few minutes for all in my family...this brand has calendula in it and is very soothing.
For reccomendation of homeopathic remedy, you might like to look for a book called "your vital child". It is a wonderful start to finding remedies, and other forms of natural care. For help here, you may need to post more specific info like:
Does your child run high or low fever?
fussy? If so describe
face red? one side (which) or both?
which ear?
how is sleep?
I personally find that probiotics help much. Also, Garlic mullen ear drops by herbfarm (yellow label) found at organic store works wonders. I have 9 month old who, because of me is low on probiotics. I supplement him with bifidobacteria from metagenics. I get this from my natural healthcare provider. I use this brand because of my infants food helps with his food allergies too without aggrivating them. Another good brand is jarrow formula for infants. I personally would reccomend the metagenics if you can find it because it is very pure and hypoallergenic.
Ear drops also help much...eases pain within a few minutes for all in my family...this brand has calendula in it and is very soothing.
For reccomendation of homeopathic remedy, you might like to look for a book called "your vital child". It is a wonderful start to finding remedies, and other forms of natural care. For help here, you may need to post more specific info like:
Does your child run high or low fever?
fussy? If so describe
face red? one side (which) or both?
which ear?
how is sleep?
msmanda 2 decades ago
About last post...I want to warn you to be sure eardrum is not ruptured before using any kind of eardrops. I have a lot of experience looking at normal and infected ears with my 3 kids, and am comfortable looking at their ears on my own. For my 9 month old, I cannot always see well enough (due to wax or his moving) so I take him to doctors to verify ear infection, and verify no rupture before using.
msmanda 2 decades ago
Are you still having problems? I am a Homoeopath in the Uk and am willing to help if I can?
stephanieG last decade
To the Homeopath in the UK, I am not the original person who posted on the 9 month old with an ear infection, but I have an 20 month old myself who started having recurrent ear infections this year. I would love for you to be able to enlighten me with some natural alternatives as we're very close to having tubes put in her ears. I've been reading that cow's milk could be a culprit, and it makes me wonder, since she started having problems as soon as she started drinking milk.
Claudia last decade
Hi Claudia,
Yes milk could be the problem but it may not be. Had she had a vaccination in th past 6 months or so?
If you can email me all about her particularly what she is like during the pain ie what is different about her from when she is well. What does she say, need and what does she do. I will try to find her a remedy...but I will need great detail.
Yes milk could be the problem but it may not be. Had she had a vaccination in th past 6 months or so?
If you can email me all about her particularly what she is like during the pain ie what is different about her from when she is well. What does she say, need and what does she do. I will try to find her a remedy...but I will need great detail.
stephanieG last decade
When my son had ear infections I had no effective way of treating them. When his daughter started having ear infections we used a nasal spray with xylitol on a regular basis and they went away and didn't return.
Grandmom last decade
I live in Gaborone Botswana in africa. Ive a 9 month old baby and he first had his ear problem on the right ear like whn he was 6 months n they prescribed amocycillin and paracetamols for him at the government clinic. N that was when winter was starting.It ddnt realy go away coz he was bak on a vaccination within a short time n both ears started being rubbed at 8 months and i was given some oil at the clinic to put on his ears,it ddnt help,n thats when i decided to take him to the private hospital n they prescribed sofradex for 5 days. It got better and i evn thought it was gone. And he usually doesnt get fever. He jus gets uncomfortable n rubs the ear a lot like frm behind. He recently had his 3rd prevener n it has started again. The sad thing is that he has flu now n is coughing. I was so desperate last night and i ended up putting a drop of sweet oil,which seems to ve done a little wonder coz he hasnt rubbed the ear again. My baby is still breastfeeding fulltime and the only time he gets to ve cowmilk is thru yoghurt,about 100ml together with his porridge to sweeten it,and he uses about 2 a day. He is a very active baby,always on the go and he is difficult,he drains an elder';s energy and he is so strong. Ive realised his ears are usually triggered by vaccines and im scared coz he is going for his measles in 3 days. Please ure my last hope as im never going to agree to anymore antibiotics. Anthr thing,my baby's ears usually dont drain,they seem to just get dry n itchy n he usually gets rush behind the ear. Stay blessed. Primrose
I live in Gaborone Botswana in africa. Ive a 9 month old baby and he first had his ear problem on the right ear like whn he was 6 months n they prescribed amocycillin and paracetamols for him at the government clinic. N that was when winter was starting.It ddnt realy go away coz he was bak on a vaccination within a short time n both ears started being rubbed at 8 months and i was given some oil at the clinic to put on his ears,it ddnt help,n thats when i decided to take him to the private hospital n they prescribed sofradex for 5 days. It got better and i evn thought it was gone. And he usually doesnt get fever. He jus gets uncomfortable n rubs the ear a lot like frm behind. He recently had his 3rd prevener n it has started again. The sad thing is that he has flu now n is coughing. I was so desperate last night and i ended up putting a drop of sweet oil,which seems to ve done a little wonder coz he hasnt rubbed the ear again. My baby is still breastfeeding fulltime and the only time he gets to ve cowmilk is thru yoghurt,about 100ml together with his porridge to sweeten it,and he uses about 2 a day. He is a very active baby,always on the go and he is difficult,he drains an elder';s energy and he is so strong. Ive realised his ears are usually triggered by vaccines and im scared coz he is going for his measles in 3 days. Please ure my last hope as im never going to agree to anymore antibiotics. Anthr thing,my baby's ears usually dont drain,they seem to just get dry n itchy n he usually gets rush behind the ear. Stay blessed. Primrose
Primi last decade
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