The ABC Homeopathy Forum
teething medicine for infants
Our son is 3 months old, and he is teething..! We want to give him teething homeopathic medicine for the pain.Our concern is the white stuff that the medicine is made of. Hyland's brand contains lactose. How will lactose ingredient will affect our baby? I hear that animal lactose has a bad reputation, and might cause allergies, if introduced in early infancy. Please give us you advise. Thank you. -V
porotito on 2009-08-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Our medicines are indeed placed upon milk sugar. I have never seen anyone react to these pills, but if you are concerned, dissolve one in a cup of water and give only a teaspoon of this water to your child. That should be diluted enough to prevent a reaction.
These allergies only happen in children who's health is out of balance. Children become stronger when treated well with homoeopathy, not weaker and will not develop those kind of problems.
These allergies only happen in children who's health is out of balance. Children become stronger when treated well with homoeopathy, not weaker and will not develop those kind of problems.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Btw, are you using a combination remedy? That in fact can cause problems - it is better to use single remedies for teething (Cham is a good one but there are others, selected on the basis of the child's temprement and/or the symptoms that are occuring at the same time as the teeth coming through).
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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