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BoooBooo : Warts Treatment
A wart (also known as verruca) is generally a small, rough tumor, typically on hands and feet but often other locations, that can resemble a cauliflower or a solid blister.Warts are a type of infection caused by viruses in the human papillomavirus (HPV) family. There are more than 100 types of HPV viruses. Warts can grow on all parts of body. They can grow on skin, on the inside of mouth, on genitals and on rectal area. Common types of HPV tend to cause warts on the skin (such as the hands and fingers), while other HPV types tend to cause warts on the genitals and rectal area. Some people are more naturally resistant to the HPV viruses and don't seem to get warts as easily as other people.
Warts are common, and are caused by a viral infection and are contagious when in contact with the skin of an infected person. It is also possible to get warts from using towels or other objects used by an infected person. They typically disappear after a few months but can last for years and can recur.
Causative organism- human papilloma virus.
Transmission- autoinoculable, close contact, swimming pool.
Age- common in children, young adults.
Incubation period- about 90 days.
Types of wart
A range of different types of wart has been identified, varying in shape and site affected, as well as the type of human papillomavirus involved. These include-
Common wart (Verruca vulgaris)
A raised wart with roughened surface, most common on hands and knees.
Arms, hands, legs, feet, around nails.
Rounded or oval papules or nodules.
Discrete or grouped.
Grey or brown coloured.
Size varies from lentil seed to pea.
Surface corrugated(verrucous).
Consistency firm.
Warts around nails may be painful.
Flat wart (Verruca plana)
A small, smooth flattened wart, flesh coloured, which can occur in large numbers; most common on the face, neck, hands, wrists and knees.
Face, back of hands.
Multiple small papules.
Rounded, with flat tops.
Flesh coloured.
Size: 2-5mm.
Margins irregular.
Surface smooth.
Soft to touch.
Filiform or digitate wart
A thread- or finger-like wart, most common on the face, especially near the eyelids and lips.
Beard region, neck.
Long, thin, slender, finger like processess.
Spread by shaving by implantation.
Plantar wart (verruca, Verruca pedis)
A hard sometimes painful lump, often with multiple black specks in the center; usually only found on pressure points on the soles of the feet.
Ball of foot, heel.
Painful hyperkeratotic, circular plaque.
Usually single.
Size: 1-1.5cm.
Deeply set in flask shaped cavity, being wider at bottom.
Surface corrugated, rough.
Extremely tender.
Scraping of wart reveals bleeding points.
Mosaic wart
A group of tightly clustered plantar-type warts, commonly on the hands or soles of the feet.
Genital wart (venereal wart, Condyloma acuminatum, Verruca acuminata)
A wart that occurs on the genitalia.
Maintain personal hygiene.
Homeopathic Treatment
Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. It means that homeopathic treatment focuses on the patient as a person, as well as his pathological condition. The homeopathic medicines are selected after a full individualizing examination and case-analysis, which includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental constitution etc. A miasmatic tendency (predisposition/susceptibility) is also often taken into account for the treatment of chronic conditions. The medicines given below indicate the therapeutic affinity but this is not a complete and definite guide to the treatment of this condition. The symptoms listed against each medicine may not be directly related to this disease because in homeopathy general symptoms and constitutional indications are also taken into account for selecting a remedy. To study any of the following remedies in more detail, please visit our Materia Medica section. None of these medicines should be taken without professional advice.
Homeopathic Remedies
The following homeopathic medicines are often found indicated in cases of warts: Antim-c, Bufo, Calc-c, Caust, Cinnab, Dulc, Ferr. pic, Lyco, Mag-s, Nat-c, Nat-m, Nit-ac, Ruta, Sil, Staph, Sul, Sul-ac, Thuja.
It is the leading remedy for warts, and has great practical use in homoeopathy. The warts are situated especially on hands; they are hard, horny, soft or smooth, which characteristic stinging pain. Warts are surrounded by circle of ulcers. Warts tend to develop which are pron to pressure and friction, especially suited to individuals who have tendency to grow fat. Warts develop in individuals who have suppression of eruption or ulcers.
Horny excrescences. smooth warts, often soft. Ulcers breaking out around a wart. Tendency to grow fat. Worse warm weather heat of sun. children cant bear to be touched or looked at. Feels as if he had eaten too much. Heartburn with good appetite. Characteristic while coated tongue.
For children and young people inclined to grow fat; for the extremes of life. Old people with morning diarrhoea, suddenly become constipated, or alternate diarrhoea and constipation; pulse hard and rapid. Sensitive to the cold < after taking cold.
It plays a very useful role whenever warts are inflamed with burning pain. They are hot & tender to touch with characteristic throbbing pain.
Adapted to bilious, lymphatic, plethoric constitutions; persons who are lively and entertaining when well, but violent and often delirious when sick.
Warts are present on face, neck & upper extremities, male genitalia, canthi, fingers. They are black & fleshy, hard & horny, sometimes inflamed & painful; the warts tend to suppurate. Giving an odour of stale cheese. The skin is icy cold to touch with cold & profuse perspiration. Development of warts in patient having history of suppression of eruption & perspiration. Development of warts in individual with scrofoulous diathesis with faulty development of bones. It has a typical physically constitution, i.e. fat, flabby, fair, perspiring, cold & damp.
Warts : round, soft at base, almost the colour of skin; upper surface hard, rough, whitish, horny. Wart appears, itches, bleeds & disappears. Warts : inflamed; stinging; suppurating; form ulcers. Warts thickly studding mouths of sheep. Calc. suits phlegmatic people; large head & features; pale skin & chalky look. Better dry weather, from being touched. Worse milk: from suppressed perspiration.
Leucophlegmatic, blond hair, light complexion, blue eyes, fair skin; tendency to obesity in youth. Psoric constitutions; pale, weak, timid, easily tired when walking. Disposed to grow fat, corpulent, unwieldy.
Warts are present on nose, eyebrows, face, lips, near the nail, tips of fingers, upper limbs. They are large, horny, broad, fat & hard, moist and pedenculated. They tend to bleed easily. They are also prone to easy suppuration. Warts are present in individual after suppressed eruptions.
Large, jagged, often pedunculated warts exuding moisture and bleeding easily. Small, non-pedunculated warts all over the body internal & external, and on eyelids. In caust., injuries which had healed become sore again. Years ago there was an epidermic of warts on calves at a little farm cured by causticum. Caust. is worse cold, dry weather, in clear, fine weather. Better damp & wet weather.
Adapted to persons with dark hair and rigid fibre; weakly, psoric, with excessively yellow, sallow complexion; subject to affections of respiratory and urinary tracts.
Warts are present on face, hands, fingers, close to nail; the warts are smooth, hard; they usually comes in crops; they always tend to aggravate when skin is washed with cold water.
In black type we find : warts, fleshy or large, smooth on dorsum of hands and on face. Dulc. is one of our very great skin medicines. Typical dulc. is worse from exposure to damp cold weather or air a cellar or dairy. A few years ago, dulc. cured for a patient a big wart on right lower lids, not easy to see over. Big warts on face can be very trying, yet, with the remedy, they just drop off. Dulc. in ones mind, stands especially for warts & for umbilicalpain or eruptions.
Aggravation of sufferings, chiefly in the evening or at night, an during repose, better by movement. Pains with coldness of the body.
The warts especially situated on palms, hands & knuckles. There is a cutting pain in wart, the look of the skin is oily, dry, harsh, unhealthy or yellow. Tendency to develop warts in individual after cautery with silver nitrate.
For the anaemic and cachectic, whether from lots of vital fluids- profuse menses, seminal losses- or mental affections. Great emaciation; losing flesh while living well. Throat and neck of children emaciate rapidly during summer complaint. Great liability to take cold. Irritability: child cross when spoken to; crying from slightest cause; gets into a passion about trifles, especially when consoled with. Awkward , hasty, drops things from nervous weakness. Marked disposition to weep; sad weeping mood, without cause, but consolation from others
booobooo on 2009-08-24
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