The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sulphur and Spina Bifida Page 2 of 2
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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please read properly. What I meant was rupture of appendix or intestine. There is one homeopath who claims (in year 2009) that he can use Calendula Q to heal perforations of intestine due to gunshot or knife, without nay surgical intervention.
aconite last decade
Let us all be thankful to Simon Broadlay...the Moderator and owner of the ABC Homeopathy site.
Pankaj Varma
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
No issues on that Aconite !!
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Spina bifida occurs when the fetus is growing in the womb and its spine doesn't form correctly (a neural tube defect). Some of the vertebrae (bones in the spine) don't close to make their normal ring shapes around the spinal cord. The opening that results causes one of three types of spina bifida:
* Spina bifida occulta: a tiny opening, usually causes mild or no symptoms
* Spina bifida cystica - meningocele: a big enough opening so that some of the membrane surrounding the spinal cord sticks out through the opening
* Spina bifida cystica - myelomeningocele: the most serious kind, in which some of the spinal cord itself sticks out through the opening in the spine.
What type of symptoms the person has depends on where along the spine the opening occurred, since that is where the spinal cord was injured. How severe the symptoms will be depends on which type of spina bifida has occurred. Children born with spina bifida may have other nervous system disorders such as hydrocephalus or Chiari malformation.
Who gets it?
In the U.S., spina bifida occurs more frequently among Hispanics and whites of European extraction, and less commonly among Asians and African-Americans. 95% of babies born with spina bifida have no family history of it. However, if a mother has a child with spina bifida, the risk of it happening again in a subsequent pregnancy is greatly increased.
Folic acid deficiency
Folic acid deficiency in the mother has been linked to the development of spina bifida in the baby. To help reduce the chance of spina bifida happening, the FDA mandated that all enriched cereal grain products be fortified with folic acid beginning in 1998. A study published in 2002 found that in the United States, there were 24% fewer cases of spina bifida between 1996-2001 compared to the years before. However, there are issues about adding folic acid to food.
A screening blood test, called an alphafetoprotein test (AFP), is done using the pregnant mother's blood when she is about 15-17 weeks into the pregnancy. If the results are abnormal, a detailed (Level II) ultrasound is done which can show the presence of spina bifida. An amniocentesis (sampling of the amniotic fluid in the womb) may be done to recheck the AFP level or do other tests.
There is no complete cure for spina bifida. The opening in the spine can be closed surgically either before or after birth, and this will reduce its effects on the body.
Since spina bifida causes injury to the spinal cord, treatment consists of managing the symptoms that the person has, such as difficulty standing, walking, or urinating. Some people will be able to walk with crutches or leg braces; others may need a wheelchair to get around. Children and adults with myelomeningocele will have the most medical complications and need the most medical care.
Life expectancy
The outlook for children with spina bifida has changed dramatically over the years. A study published in 2001 found that with appropriate medical care, at least 75% of children born with the most severe form of spina bifida (myelomeningocele) will most likely live until their early adult years. The study's authors point out that providing supportive care for these adults is challenging.
* Spina bifida occulta: a tiny opening, usually causes mild or no symptoms
* Spina bifida cystica - meningocele: a big enough opening so that some of the membrane surrounding the spinal cord sticks out through the opening
* Spina bifida cystica - myelomeningocele: the most serious kind, in which some of the spinal cord itself sticks out through the opening in the spine.
What type of symptoms the person has depends on where along the spine the opening occurred, since that is where the spinal cord was injured. How severe the symptoms will be depends on which type of spina bifida has occurred. Children born with spina bifida may have other nervous system disorders such as hydrocephalus or Chiari malformation.
Who gets it?
In the U.S., spina bifida occurs more frequently among Hispanics and whites of European extraction, and less commonly among Asians and African-Americans. 95% of babies born with spina bifida have no family history of it. However, if a mother has a child with spina bifida, the risk of it happening again in a subsequent pregnancy is greatly increased.
Folic acid deficiency
Folic acid deficiency in the mother has been linked to the development of spina bifida in the baby. To help reduce the chance of spina bifida happening, the FDA mandated that all enriched cereal grain products be fortified with folic acid beginning in 1998. A study published in 2002 found that in the United States, there were 24% fewer cases of spina bifida between 1996-2001 compared to the years before. However, there are issues about adding folic acid to food.
A screening blood test, called an alphafetoprotein test (AFP), is done using the pregnant mother's blood when she is about 15-17 weeks into the pregnancy. If the results are abnormal, a detailed (Level II) ultrasound is done which can show the presence of spina bifida. An amniocentesis (sampling of the amniotic fluid in the womb) may be done to recheck the AFP level or do other tests.
There is no complete cure for spina bifida. The opening in the spine can be closed surgically either before or after birth, and this will reduce its effects on the body.
Since spina bifida causes injury to the spinal cord, treatment consists of managing the symptoms that the person has, such as difficulty standing, walking, or urinating. Some people will be able to walk with crutches or leg braces; others may need a wheelchair to get around. Children and adults with myelomeningocele will have the most medical complications and need the most medical care.
Life expectancy
The outlook for children with spina bifida has changed dramatically over the years. A study published in 2001 found that with appropriate medical care, at least 75% of children born with the most severe form of spina bifida (myelomeningocele) will most likely live until their early adult years. The study's authors point out that providing supportive care for these adults is challenging.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Eminent Homeopathic doctors have made these suggestions at similima dot com for a variety of ailments.
(For Forum members other than Kirsty...who are following this thread).
Clinical Tips in Homeopathy
These clinical tips are from eminent and serious practitioners. Readers are requested to trust in these clinical tips only when the indicated /constitutional remedy fails- otherwise you may fail.
You can also contribute. Worthy clinical tips are invited from eminent practitioners like you. You have to mention the complaint, name of medicine with dose, potency and mode of repetition. Visitors comments on these tips are also published here.
Remember we have negative attitude towards fabricated clinical tips.
Let us contribute for improving the quality of Homeopathic practice. Eml : info
Evil Spirits were knocked out by Belladona
During early days of my practice, I was once invited alongwith my family members by one of my friends on Eid holidays. As we entered their home, the father and mother of my friend were sitting on a bed encircling their daughter-in-law and murmuring some verses from the Holy Quran. As my friend was not at home, therefore, his wife escorted us to the Drawing room and asked to wait for her husband. The atmosphere of the home was not lively but scary as if something unpleasant would happen. In the meantime, the father of my friend entered and informed that my friend was just coming. He sat on the chair and narrated in a hesitating tone that his daughter-in-law who was married three months ago had been overwhelmed by some evil spirits (demoniac) as diagnosed by a spiritual leader. However, another religious scholar opined that the girl was hysteric and needs medical help. The father disclosed by giving further details that during such attacks, she becomes so violent that she growls with fearful protruding red eyes and strikes whosoever comes before him. At times, she is abusive and also tears away her clothes. The father asked as to whether homoeopathy offers any treatment for such patients. The one and the only remedy according to the stated symptoms was Belladona which was given in 1M potency twice a day for two days. After three weeks it was reported by my friend that an attack of mild intensity was still recorded. The final forceful punch of Belladona-CM knocked out the remaining spirits and made them fled away forever restoring the patient to normal life.
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue,
Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Bothrops can make you speak
During the 2nd week of February, 2009, I was examining the patients at my clinic when my daughter informed on phone in a shrieking tone that Mama had suffered a sudden stroke and lost her voice. I excused with the visiting patients and rushed to my home. On my way to home, I was so perplexed that despite my best efforts, I could not recall a single remedy to my mind for this ailment. In fact, I was in a shocking condition and feared as if I was losing something very precious. As I entered the home, my wife was continuously rubbing the left side of her neck with her hand and trying to speak out her ailment with a rolling tongue in her mouth. Doubting of a facial paralysis, I gave 2 drops of Causticum-1M in some water which she swallowed without pouring it out of her mouth. After an hour, I administered Lachesis-200. As I observed, there was no distortion of face which invalidated the chances of paralysis. Blood Pressure and pulse were quite normal, grip of hands was OK. However, my daughters insisted me to visit the hospital for thorough medical checkup.
The Doctors could not ascertain the cause of this stroke that rendered my spouse speechless as all the tests including ECG, Blood CP and even the CT Scan of brain were normal. During the process of these tests, I kept on administering Causticum which showed some improvement in the speech with utterance of broken words as if intoxicated. Nevertheless, I carried on exploring the right remedies which could fully restore her speech. Finally, I was convinced by Bothrops Lanceolatus the characteristics of which have been stated in the Materia Medica of Dr. William Boericke as Inability to articulate without any affection of the tongue. I therefore started giving it in 200 potency and the patient was seen on the path of further improvement within the next 24 hours. On her complaint of pain and stiffness of neck, Cimicifuga-200 and Lachnanthes-30 were also alternated with Bothrops being the principal remedy. It took about 10 days to restore her speech. Now she is well communicative and even shouts whenever something wrong is committed against her will. Thanks to Allah and Bothrops, all family members are happy to find her back in normal life.
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
The Power of Ignatia
21st November, 2008 was a gloomy and disheartening day for the residents of Hillview Avenue when an ambulance carrying the dead body of Dr. Masood reached the vicinity. Everyone was mourning and shedding tears over the death of such a popular, compassionate and caring physician who remained in the hospital for about one week after a road accident. It was especially an irreparable loss for the widow and three children of the departed soul. Yet another blow and misfortune from the heavens fell when the ailing father of the grief-stricken widow breathed his last just after four days. The widow of Dr. Masood was torn into pieces with the series of these two colossal tragedies. After 3-4 days, my wife enquired as to whether there is any remedy in homoeopathic system which could console and act as anti-depressant. Ignatia flashed into my mind which was anxiously waiting for her. The remedy was thus administered in 1M twice a day for three days and amazingly, the widow started coming back to life within one week with a sound sleep at night. Thanks to Allah, she has also started taking interest in her home affairs with the soothing effect of Ignatia. I salute to the power of Ignatia.
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue,Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
J.N.Sircar Clinical Tips
Sender: Dr.R.Madan BHMS
23,Govindan Road,WestMambalam,
1.Pituitary-Sudden acute pains like angina,renal or biliary colic,if no clear modalities are present.
2.Staphylococcin-To reduce pustule formation[like hepar],summer boils[200],fever[30]
3.Lac defloratum-Any kind of pain with profuse urination.
4.Insulin-Progressive emaciation of children though eating well.take lot of sweets.
5.Cortisone-Excellent for frozen shoulder,intercoastal rheumatism,asthma bending backward Dioscorea
> warm pressure Mag Phos
sensation abdo pulled toward spine Plumbum Met
excrutiating pain in bowels every 2-3/52 Cuprum Acetum
choking sensation rises from stomach Mancinella
pain+ with constipation Pitruitin
Diabetes - arg nit, Phos Ac.
juvelile Phos
with skin Sx Syzygium Jam
with kidney Sx Uran Nit, Phos Ac, Rhus Aromatica
Depression - hormonal, puberty, climacteric Mancinella
post natal Cimicifuga
Diuretics - Apis, Apocynum Can, Mag Sulph
Disorders - conduct Stram
obsessive compulsive Caps, Tub, Bell, Anac
bewildered Agaricus Musc, Kali Brom
opposition defiance Tarentula
Distension - no bowel sounds post abdo surgery Raphanus 30c
Diarrhoea - early am, rush, no control Aloes
irritable & excessive disposition Nux Vom
dryness, < slightest motion
burning, menses Bell
< sun Glonoine, Bell
with constant desire to urinate (which >) - Nux Vom, Thuja
Head injury post trauma ie forceps Nat Sulph
Head cant hold - Calc Phos, Aethusa, Abrot.
Hippocratic - Arsen, Carbo Veg, Ver Alb.
Hydrogenoid - Thuja, Nat Sulph, Ant Tart, Caust, Nit Ac
Hypersexual - Cantharis
Hayfever - blocked & congestion Occ Sanct
sneezing, ulceration, epistaxis Bell, Dulc, Kali Sulph
periodic Arsen
< Summer, irritable Ambrosia
burn+++ itch+++ - Arundo
puslike profuse mucus Pentorum
Hyperactive - sedative effect Passiflora Inc
Hydrocele - with crushing sensation Rhododend
(For Forum members other than Kirsty...who are following this thread).
Clinical Tips in Homeopathy
These clinical tips are from eminent and serious practitioners. Readers are requested to trust in these clinical tips only when the indicated /constitutional remedy fails- otherwise you may fail.
You can also contribute. Worthy clinical tips are invited from eminent practitioners like you. You have to mention the complaint, name of medicine with dose, potency and mode of repetition. Visitors comments on these tips are also published here.
Remember we have negative attitude towards fabricated clinical tips.
Let us contribute for improving the quality of Homeopathic practice. Eml : info
Evil Spirits were knocked out by Belladona
During early days of my practice, I was once invited alongwith my family members by one of my friends on Eid holidays. As we entered their home, the father and mother of my friend were sitting on a bed encircling their daughter-in-law and murmuring some verses from the Holy Quran. As my friend was not at home, therefore, his wife escorted us to the Drawing room and asked to wait for her husband. The atmosphere of the home was not lively but scary as if something unpleasant would happen. In the meantime, the father of my friend entered and informed that my friend was just coming. He sat on the chair and narrated in a hesitating tone that his daughter-in-law who was married three months ago had been overwhelmed by some evil spirits (demoniac) as diagnosed by a spiritual leader. However, another religious scholar opined that the girl was hysteric and needs medical help. The father disclosed by giving further details that during such attacks, she becomes so violent that she growls with fearful protruding red eyes and strikes whosoever comes before him. At times, she is abusive and also tears away her clothes. The father asked as to whether homoeopathy offers any treatment for such patients. The one and the only remedy according to the stated symptoms was Belladona which was given in 1M potency twice a day for two days. After three weeks it was reported by my friend that an attack of mild intensity was still recorded. The final forceful punch of Belladona-CM knocked out the remaining spirits and made them fled away forever restoring the patient to normal life.
H/Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue,
Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
Bothrops can make you speak
During the 2nd week of February, 2009, I was examining the patients at my clinic when my daughter informed on phone in a shrieking tone that Mama had suffered a sudden stroke and lost her voice. I excused with the visiting patients and rushed to my home. On my way to home, I was so perplexed that despite my best efforts, I could not recall a single remedy to my mind for this ailment. In fact, I was in a shocking condition and feared as if I was losing something very precious. As I entered the home, my wife was continuously rubbing the left side of her neck with her hand and trying to speak out her ailment with a rolling tongue in her mouth. Doubting of a facial paralysis, I gave 2 drops of Causticum-1M in some water which she swallowed without pouring it out of her mouth. After an hour, I administered Lachesis-200. As I observed, there was no distortion of face which invalidated the chances of paralysis. Blood Pressure and pulse were quite normal, grip of hands was OK. However, my daughters insisted me to visit the hospital for thorough medical checkup.
The Doctors could not ascertain the cause of this stroke that rendered my spouse speechless as all the tests including ECG, Blood CP and even the CT Scan of brain were normal. During the process of these tests, I kept on administering Causticum which showed some improvement in the speech with utterance of broken words as if intoxicated. Nevertheless, I carried on exploring the right remedies which could fully restore her speech. Finally, I was convinced by Bothrops Lanceolatus the characteristics of which have been stated in the Materia Medica of Dr. William Boericke as Inability to articulate without any affection of the tongue. I therefore started giving it in 200 potency and the patient was seen on the path of further improvement within the next 24 hours. On her complaint of pain and stiffness of neck, Cimicifuga-200 and Lachnanthes-30 were also alternated with Bothrops being the principal remedy. It took about 10 days to restore her speech. Now she is well communicative and even shouts whenever something wrong is committed against her will. Thanks to Allah and Bothrops, all family members are happy to find her back in normal life.
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood,
Hillview Avenue, Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
The Power of Ignatia
21st November, 2008 was a gloomy and disheartening day for the residents of Hillview Avenue when an ambulance carrying the dead body of Dr. Masood reached the vicinity. Everyone was mourning and shedding tears over the death of such a popular, compassionate and caring physician who remained in the hospital for about one week after a road accident. It was especially an irreparable loss for the widow and three children of the departed soul. Yet another blow and misfortune from the heavens fell when the ailing father of the grief-stricken widow breathed his last just after four days. The widow of Dr. Masood was torn into pieces with the series of these two colossal tragedies. After 3-4 days, my wife enquired as to whether there is any remedy in homoeopathic system which could console and act as anti-depressant. Ignatia flashed into my mind which was anxiously waiting for her. The remedy was thus administered in 1M twice a day for three days and amazingly, the widow started coming back to life within one week with a sound sleep at night. Thanks to Allah, she has also started taking interest in her home affairs with the soothing effect of Ignatia. I salute to the power of Ignatia.
Homoeo Dr. Sultan Mahmood
Hillview Avenue,Rawalpindi (Pakistan)
J.N.Sircar Clinical Tips
Sender: Dr.R.Madan BHMS
23,Govindan Road,WestMambalam,
1.Pituitary-Sudden acute pains like angina,renal or biliary colic,if no clear modalities are present.
2.Staphylococcin-To reduce pustule formation[like hepar],summer boils[200],fever[30]
3.Lac defloratum-Any kind of pain with profuse urination.
4.Insulin-Progressive emaciation of children though eating well.take lot of sweets.
5.Cortisone-Excellent for frozen shoulder,intercoastal rheumatism,asthma bending backward Dioscorea
> warm pressure Mag Phos
sensation abdo pulled toward spine Plumbum Met
excrutiating pain in bowels every 2-3/52 Cuprum Acetum
choking sensation rises from stomach Mancinella
pain+ with constipation Pitruitin
Diabetes - arg nit, Phos Ac.
juvelile Phos
with skin Sx Syzygium Jam
with kidney Sx Uran Nit, Phos Ac, Rhus Aromatica
Depression - hormonal, puberty, climacteric Mancinella
post natal Cimicifuga
Diuretics - Apis, Apocynum Can, Mag Sulph
Disorders - conduct Stram
obsessive compulsive Caps, Tub, Bell, Anac
bewildered Agaricus Musc, Kali Brom
opposition defiance Tarentula
Distension - no bowel sounds post abdo surgery Raphanus 30c
Diarrhoea - early am, rush, no control Aloes
irritable & excessive disposition Nux Vom
dryness, < slightest motion
burning, menses Bell
< sun Glonoine, Bell
with constant desire to urinate (which >) - Nux Vom, Thuja
Head injury post trauma ie forceps Nat Sulph
Head cant hold - Calc Phos, Aethusa, Abrot.
Hippocratic - Arsen, Carbo Veg, Ver Alb.
Hydrogenoid - Thuja, Nat Sulph, Ant Tart, Caust, Nit Ac
Hypersexual - Cantharis
Hayfever - blocked & congestion Occ Sanct
sneezing, ulceration, epistaxis Bell, Dulc, Kali Sulph
periodic Arsen
< Summer, irritable Ambrosia
burn+++ itch+++ - Arundo
puslike profuse mucus Pentorum
Hyperactive - sedative effect Passiflora Inc
Hydrocele - with crushing sensation Rhododend
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Tumour Definition
Biology Online
1. (Science: oncology) An abnormal mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division that is uncontrolled and progressive, also called a neoplasm. Tumours perform no useful body function. They may be either benign (not cancerous) or malignant.
2. Swelling, one of the cardinal signs of inflammations, morbid enlargement.
Origin: L. Tumere = to swell An abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose.
Basically an abnormal mass of tissue...whether it is a growth or an is an abnormal mass of tissue.
Biology Online
1. (Science: oncology) An abnormal mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division that is uncontrolled and progressive, also called a neoplasm. Tumours perform no useful body function. They may be either benign (not cancerous) or malignant.
2. Swelling, one of the cardinal signs of inflammations, morbid enlargement.
Origin: L. Tumere = to swell An abnormal new mass of tissue that serves no purpose.
Basically an abnormal mass of tissue...whether it is a growth or an is an abnormal mass of tissue.
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
This is from the back pages of ABC Forum:
Mild spina bifida
From ndgblue on 2006-07-13
2 replies 509 views
hi im 42 and many years ago I was diagnosed with a mild form of spina bifedan now I have never sufered any disabilities before and have always been able to walk, its just that I have always had problems with lower back pain and that is the only simptom I have ever had, now for the last five years I have been without any pain or problems with my back then sudenly a month ago Im having great pain but only when I move sudenly ether from a sitting position or just make a suden move, even cough, it has not incompasitated me yet and i still work as a field service engineer with computers, I just have to be careful, is there something I can do to get this healed or fixed some how
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Re: mild spina bifida From deoshlok on 2006-07-13
Try Hekla Lava 3x 1 tab thrice in a day for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
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Re: mild spina bifida From walkin on 2006-07-13
Sounds good to me
Dr. Deoshlok and Walkin have been giving good advice to Forum members in the past.
Pankaj Varma
Mild spina bifida
From ndgblue on 2006-07-13
2 replies 509 views
hi im 42 and many years ago I was diagnosed with a mild form of spina bifedan now I have never sufered any disabilities before and have always been able to walk, its just that I have always had problems with lower back pain and that is the only simptom I have ever had, now for the last five years I have been without any pain or problems with my back then sudenly a month ago Im having great pain but only when I move sudenly ether from a sitting position or just make a suden move, even cough, it has not incompasitated me yet and i still work as a field service engineer with computers, I just have to be careful, is there something I can do to get this healed or fixed some how
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Re: mild spina bifida From deoshlok on 2006-07-13
Try Hekla Lava 3x 1 tab thrice in a day for a month and report me.
dr.deoshlok sharma
Report post to moderator
Re: mild spina bifida From walkin on 2006-07-13
Sounds good to me
Dr. Deoshlok and Walkin have been giving good advice to Forum members in the past.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.