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growing mustache and beard

im 25 male i dont have a beard and mustache . i wanna know is there anyother way to gain growth
weight 51 height 5 4 and slim
i guess and fyi i dont have any hair on my chest also but underarms and pubic hairs are well groomed .
i've read somewhere the following
so i wanna make sure if this works
Treatment to grow Beard and Moustache:

* Go to a saloon and just request the barber to gently move the razor on these areas.

* Its better to take a homeopathic tincture called Arnica Montana and mix 1 tsp in 1/2 cup of water and apply upon the face on the beard and the mustache area with a cotton swab. Then use the razor movement technique as in 1 above.

* Repeat the above process every 3rd day and see the growth in 1 month.

* Take a red mushroom called ganoderma 5 gms. 2 times per day at 12 hours interval for 3 months.

if it ll work
just clear those name of the medicine so i could buy in store you know any brand names?
thanx in advance
  spartanolove on 2009-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pituitrin 30 one dose repeat after 15 days no further dose repeat after two month the same way
akshaymohl last decade
thank you for the reply
is that a powder or tablet
is there any diet involved?
spartanolove last decade
is that a pill or powder
or any diet involved
what do you think the cause of my problem

is there any brand name or anything so i can get it
spartanolove last decade
it is a homoeopathic medicine it helps in growth pl take either in liquid or as globules
akshaymohl last decade
well i bought the pituitrin 30
they are white small pills right . how many pills should i take for a one dose?
they are really very small thats why i have to ask the question. so plz care to answer my question
spartanolove last decade
Hi Sir,

Even I am facing same problem, I am 27 years old but face doesnt looks like that .. so will pituitrin 30 in globules form help me ..could you please suggest when and how to take this....

lappy69 last decade
Hi spartanolove,

Can you please update me as I am too facing this issue.

Waiting for your response.

Thank you,

kbrao84 last decade
Hi spartanolove,

Did you use this and get any results? Can you please update me about your status as I am too facing this issue.

Waiting for your response.

Thank you,

kbrao84 last decade
pls respond.
kbrao84 last decade
Hi spartanolove,

Please respond.

kbrao84 last decade
i have verry less beard on my face. im 30 yers of age. i want to grow more hair on face... suggest some medicine for it...
dj*3642992 last decade
Some guys simply don't grow them. Looking at the suggested treatments none of them will work. The whole point of homeopathic treatments is to water the active ingredient down so much that it's essentially pointless.
badscience last decade
Didn't work for me... No results wit above procedure
spartanolove last decade
Hey, If you have a perfect diet, perfect work out regimen, and perfect stress levels, they will surely help you to grow your beard better. Include vitamin H, vitamin B and zinc in your diet and also avocados, olives, broccoli, etc. Use various good quality beard growth products which are easily available at online sites like Beard-Growth. And the very most important thing is to have patience.
[Edited by MGillespie on 2017-06-15 12:25:25]

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MGillespie 7 years ago

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