The ABC Homeopathy Forum
filariasis from 30 years
my mother aged 58 years is suffering from filariasis , in 1975 or so she got severe fever, head ache and the rt foot was swollen. then after for every 10 years it repeated and the swelling increased to thigh, previously it came in 1996 from then she is using some homeopathic medicines given by doctor, by the way she is prevented from further development of swelling. but i require it to be cured permanently and the swelling of leg should disappear and become normal, kindly suggest me some remedy for cure.vsurya263 on 2009-09-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Case Taking Sheet Part 1
GENERAL SYMPTOMS (Related to you in person)
Age: Sex: Built: Occupation:
1. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring thought?
2. Write down all your marked mental symptoms taking the guidelines as suggested below:
- Deliriums, Hallucinations, Fancies or Illusions.
- Dominant emotions in your temperament ( depressed, angry, shame, jealous, absent mindedness, fickle mindedness, hurry, agreeable, arguing, moody, suspicion, others.. etc )
- Your fears and recurring dreams.
- Loss in memory if at all (names, words, streets etc.)
- Propensities ( tendency to do/think about a certain act)
3. Your response to changes in environment
- Feel worse in the morning / afternoon / evening / night.
- Feel worse in cold or hot weather / climates.
- Feel worse in stormy or calm weather.
- Feel worse in dry or damp weather.
- Feel worse in motion / touch / jar / any particular position.
- Feel worse in bright light / loud sound / sharp smell etc.
4. What are your cravings and aversions in food?
- Cravings:
- Aversions:
5. Describe your menstrual affections ( if any )
- symptoms before / during / after
- early / late
- scanty / excessive
6. Write down the diseases running in your family.
7. Write down if you notice any abnormality with your sleep, hunger, thirst and bowel movements.
8. What are the various diseases which you have suffered from in your life and do you think your present illness is having a relation to the disease or after effects of the drugs taken during the time.
Case Taking Sheet Part - 2
PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS (Related to the parts affected in your body)
9. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring pain in the affected parts?
10. Describe your physical sufferings in the specific locations.
11. How does the suffering / pain get aggravated or ameliorated with the changing environment as suggested below:
- Time ( morning, afternoon, evening, night)
- Hot, cold, dry and wet environments.
- Touch, pressure, motion, jar, position, rubbing etc.
12. Do you think there is a specific pattern of occurance of the suffering with regard to time, period or any internal biological changes in the body?
GENERAL SYMPTOMS (Related to you in person)
Age: Sex: Built: Occupation:
1. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring thought?
2. Write down all your marked mental symptoms taking the guidelines as suggested below:
- Deliriums, Hallucinations, Fancies or Illusions.
- Dominant emotions in your temperament ( depressed, angry, shame, jealous, absent mindedness, fickle mindedness, hurry, agreeable, arguing, moody, suspicion, others.. etc )
- Your fears and recurring dreams.
- Loss in memory if at all (names, words, streets etc.)
- Propensities ( tendency to do/think about a certain act)
3. Your response to changes in environment
- Feel worse in the morning / afternoon / evening / night.
- Feel worse in cold or hot weather / climates.
- Feel worse in stormy or calm weather.
- Feel worse in dry or damp weather.
- Feel worse in motion / touch / jar / any particular position.
- Feel worse in bright light / loud sound / sharp smell etc.
4. What are your cravings and aversions in food?
- Cravings:
- Aversions:
5. Describe your menstrual affections ( if any )
- symptoms before / during / after
- early / late
- scanty / excessive
6. Write down the diseases running in your family.
7. Write down if you notice any abnormality with your sleep, hunger, thirst and bowel movements.
8. What are the various diseases which you have suffered from in your life and do you think your present illness is having a relation to the disease or after effects of the drugs taken during the time.
Case Taking Sheet Part - 2
PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS (Related to the parts affected in your body)
9. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring pain in the affected parts?
10. Describe your physical sufferings in the specific locations.
11. How does the suffering / pain get aggravated or ameliorated with the changing environment as suggested below:
- Time ( morning, afternoon, evening, night)
- Hot, cold, dry and wet environments.
- Touch, pressure, motion, jar, position, rubbing etc.
12. Do you think there is a specific pattern of occurance of the suffering with regard to time, period or any internal biological changes in the body?
♡ rishimba last decade
Case Taking Sheet Part 1
GENERAL SYMPTOMS (Related to you in person)
Age: 58 Sex: female Built:fair, fat and short Occupation: house wife
1. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring thought? nothing of that sought as i don't think much and i talk less, i can't concentrate even in day to day household conversations. again i tend to ask what happened after the conversation is completed which irritates my partners to repeat.
2. Write down all your marked mental symptoms taking the guidelines as suggested below:
- Deliriums, Hallucinations, Fancies or Illusions. i see television serials
- Dominant emotions in your temperament ( depressed, angry, shame, jealous, absent mindedness, fickle mindedness, hurry, agreeable, arguing, moody, suspicion, others.. etc )she is angry, jealous, absent mindedness, hurry, arguing, moody.
- Your fears and recurring dreams. no fear, no dreams
- Loss in memory if at all (names, words, streets etc.)
yes, words and conversations she don't remember.
- Propensities ( tendency to do/think about a certain act)
she likes doing household work and cooking.
3. Your response to changes in environment
- Feel worse in the morning / afternoon / evening / night.
- Feel worse in cold or hot weather / climates. hot climate
- Feel worse in stormy or calm weather. stormy
- Feel worse in dry or damp weather.damp
- Feel worse in motion / touch / jar / any particular position. motion, love to be constant.
- Feel worse in bright light / loud sound / sharp smell etc.
yes all
4. What are your cravings and aversions in food?
- Cravings: sweets, pickles
- Aversions: which is tasteless
5. Describe your menstrual affections ( if any )
crossed menopause
- symptoms before / during / after
- early / late
- scanty / excessive
6. Write down the diseases running in your family. i am head of the family, no diseases. my mother used to have diabetes.
7. Write down if you notice any abnormality with your sleep, hunger, thirst and bowel movements. i have good and deep sleep without any dreams.i hunger is normal, but i feel very much hungry in morning, i drink less water, my bowel movement is good but sometimes in morning in urgency i can't wait till i go into the toilet, it happened in saree itself in house i.e., twice it happened.
8. What are the various diseases which you have suffered from in your life and do you think your present illness is having a relation to the disease or after effects of the drugs taken during the time. for some period of time in my 45 years age i had blood sugar for 6 months or so and became normal. then i am suffering from filariasis from the age of 20. from past 10 years i am having thiroid problem, i am using eltroxin in allopathy.
i am suffering from severe cough from past 7 to 8 years.
whenever i eat sweets , oily foods i get cough.
Case Taking Sheet Part - 2
PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS (Related to the parts affected in your body)
9. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring pain in the affected parts? the leg becomes more heavy when kept constantly, eg., when i do bus journey, overnight. and when i don't have good sleep in the night. by heavyness i feel painful.
10. Describe your physical sufferings in the specific locations.
11. How does the suffering / pain get aggravated or ameliorated with the changing environment as suggested below:
- Time ( morning, afternoon, evening, night) night more.
- Hot, cold, dry and wet environments. in hot climate more.
- Touch, pressure, motion, jar, position, rubbing etc. in motion i feel relaxed.
12. Do you think there is a specific pattern of occurance of the suffering with regard to time, period or any internal biological changes in the body? no.
i am unable to fold my leg and so i can't sit down on the floor.
i feel like being equal to others in way of financial status, i don't like to be emotionally torchered. i shout out quickly for any mischief happening, my tone is very big.i cry for emotional scenes in pictures.
i like visiting holy places.
i am very punctual.
i am suffering from filariasis , since 1975 or so i got severe fever, head ache and the rt foot was swollen. then after for every 10 years it repeated and the swelling increased to thigh, previously it came in 1996 from then i was using some homeopathic medicines given by doctor, by the way i am prevented from further development of swelling. but i require it to be cured permanently and the swelling of leg should disappear and become normal.
GENERAL SYMPTOMS (Related to you in person)
Age: 58 Sex: female Built:fair, fat and short Occupation: house wife
1. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring thought? nothing of that sought as i don't think much and i talk less, i can't concentrate even in day to day household conversations. again i tend to ask what happened after the conversation is completed which irritates my partners to repeat.
2. Write down all your marked mental symptoms taking the guidelines as suggested below:
- Deliriums, Hallucinations, Fancies or Illusions. i see television serials
- Dominant emotions in your temperament ( depressed, angry, shame, jealous, absent mindedness, fickle mindedness, hurry, agreeable, arguing, moody, suspicion, others.. etc )she is angry, jealous, absent mindedness, hurry, arguing, moody.
- Your fears and recurring dreams. no fear, no dreams
- Loss in memory if at all (names, words, streets etc.)
yes, words and conversations she don't remember.
- Propensities ( tendency to do/think about a certain act)
she likes doing household work and cooking.
3. Your response to changes in environment
- Feel worse in the morning / afternoon / evening / night.
- Feel worse in cold or hot weather / climates. hot climate
- Feel worse in stormy or calm weather. stormy
- Feel worse in dry or damp weather.damp
- Feel worse in motion / touch / jar / any particular position. motion, love to be constant.
- Feel worse in bright light / loud sound / sharp smell etc.
yes all
4. What are your cravings and aversions in food?
- Cravings: sweets, pickles
- Aversions: which is tasteless
5. Describe your menstrual affections ( if any )
crossed menopause
- symptoms before / during / after
- early / late
- scanty / excessive
6. Write down the diseases running in your family. i am head of the family, no diseases. my mother used to have diabetes.
7. Write down if you notice any abnormality with your sleep, hunger, thirst and bowel movements. i have good and deep sleep without any dreams.i hunger is normal, but i feel very much hungry in morning, i drink less water, my bowel movement is good but sometimes in morning in urgency i can't wait till i go into the toilet, it happened in saree itself in house i.e., twice it happened.
8. What are the various diseases which you have suffered from in your life and do you think your present illness is having a relation to the disease or after effects of the drugs taken during the time. for some period of time in my 45 years age i had blood sugar for 6 months or so and became normal. then i am suffering from filariasis from the age of 20. from past 10 years i am having thiroid problem, i am using eltroxin in allopathy.
i am suffering from severe cough from past 7 to 8 years.
whenever i eat sweets , oily foods i get cough.
Case Taking Sheet Part - 2
PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS (Related to the parts affected in your body)
9. Do you have any strange, rare, peculiar, unusual or personal symptom, feeling or a recurring pain in the affected parts? the leg becomes more heavy when kept constantly, eg., when i do bus journey, overnight. and when i don't have good sleep in the night. by heavyness i feel painful.
10. Describe your physical sufferings in the specific locations.
11. How does the suffering / pain get aggravated or ameliorated with the changing environment as suggested below:
- Time ( morning, afternoon, evening, night) night more.
- Hot, cold, dry and wet environments. in hot climate more.
- Touch, pressure, motion, jar, position, rubbing etc. in motion i feel relaxed.
12. Do you think there is a specific pattern of occurance of the suffering with regard to time, period or any internal biological changes in the body? no.
i am unable to fold my leg and so i can't sit down on the floor.
i feel like being equal to others in way of financial status, i don't like to be emotionally torchered. i shout out quickly for any mischief happening, my tone is very big.i cry for emotional scenes in pictures.
i like visiting holy places.
i am very punctual.
i am suffering from filariasis , since 1975 or so i got severe fever, head ache and the rt foot was swollen. then after for every 10 years it repeated and the swelling increased to thigh, previously it came in 1996 from then i was using some homeopathic medicines given by doctor, by the way i am prevented from further development of swelling. but i require it to be cured permanently and the swelling of leg should disappear and become normal.
vsurya263 last decade
can you describe the actual sensation of pain when you keep your leg in the static for a long time or in the hanging position for long, like travelling in a bus or sitting in a high chair etc.
♡ rishimba last decade
the thing is it becomes heavy when i am strained , by the way i cannot walk but no pain from inside . before when i used to get fever at that time it used to be chewing type pain inside and burning sensation and the leg used to become red and the swelling increased from foot to thigh gradually.
now no fever and no increase in swelling from 1996 govt. doctor is giving some homeo medicines, i don't know the name. but relief from fever. i want swelling to be cured completely.
now no fever and no increase in swelling from 1996 govt. doctor is giving some homeo medicines, i don't know the name. but relief from fever. i want swelling to be cured completely.
vsurya263 last decade
the remedy is very clear with the symptoms you have provided. i feel you can cure yourself with homeopathy.
all of the symptoms call for APIS MEL.
please start treatment with APIS MEL 12C every 4 hours and take it till you feel a response.
once you feel the response, gradually taper down the frequency to three a day and then two for some more days.
stop when the heaviness is significantly reduced.
wait for the cure to take place and dont take any remedy for some days.
once the symptoms of heavyness recur, go for the doses again like before. if the 12C potency doesnt produce much response, go for 30C every 6 hours.
like this, you need to increase the potency.
come here and report every 15 days.
take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. no food or water one hour before or after.
take liquid remedy, 5 drops in some 5 ml of water slowly sipped up as each dose.
all of the symptoms call for APIS MEL.
please start treatment with APIS MEL 12C every 4 hours and take it till you feel a response.
once you feel the response, gradually taper down the frequency to three a day and then two for some more days.
stop when the heaviness is significantly reduced.
wait for the cure to take place and dont take any remedy for some days.
once the symptoms of heavyness recur, go for the doses again like before. if the 12C potency doesnt produce much response, go for 30C every 6 hours.
like this, you need to increase the potency.
come here and report every 15 days.
take the doses in empty stomach and clean mouth. no food or water one hour before or after.
take liquid remedy, 5 drops in some 5 ml of water slowly sipped up as each dose.
♡ rishimba last decade
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