The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Thyroid dysfunction
My situation is very strange. When I talk at times I lose my ability to talk with my tongue becoming heavy and difficult to use. People I talk to say to me if I have just woken up from sleep ! I At times I just cannot remember names of people working near me which is very distressing. I cannot walk steadily and feel too weak for a walk of more than 50 to 60 yards. By night fall I have lost all my patience and just cannot control my rage and speak through grit teeth with anger and I relax ! I feel anxious and every little effort is too great. Very low will. Getting up from bed and chair needs much effort. Walk is difficult for first 2/ 3 steps then body loosens up. Tears well up at laughter. My apetite is OK. I have used thyroid 1000 once at ten days gap and nowadays i am using thyroid 30. I have lost much body hair and have anxiety. In the morning eyes are filled with pus.beautiful on 2009-09-29
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