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Periodic Itching

Hi Sabra, i would like to hear some advice about my symptoms and what disease it might be that causes it.

about 3 months ago, i started to itch periodically, usually the back of my thighs and the base of my back, the itching came periodically during the day and increased in frequency and intensity over the 3 months. It always happens when i'm in the bath and i use a cream soap for the body, it usually doesnt bother me so much, i would just scratch until it went away, but just now i was sleeping and i woke up to this extremely intense itching all over my legs, it wouldnt go away, it felt so bad, i was scratching like mad, i know scratching usually makes it worse but it was impossible not to, after about 5 minutes, it went away, after scratching usually the area that is affected becomes red. no spots warts rashes etc, just red. presumably from scratching

I have a dry skin problem, but this problem has been with me for a long time, so i'm wondering why the itching would start now, i dont hav anythin wrong with my eyes, no weightloss, no implication that i have diabetes, there was one time when i didnt change my bedsheets for quite a while as i am currently a uni student and kept forgetting, i have since washed my bedsheets and the itching keeps coming, could it be from parasites, tick? if so, how does one tell? i know my case seems very general, i would like advice on how to narrow it down.

please advice! thank you
  kasumi60 on 2005-02-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you tend to get hot feet in bed try Sulphur 30 or 1m- if you dont like rich foods and cant wear wool next to the skin- also blonde try Puls 30 or 1m.

But if you take before going to sleep will tend to keep you awake.
passkey 2 decades ago
Yes Sulphur-30 for at least 2 months.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
okay thanks, will try that, but any1 know any possible causes?
kasumi60 2 decades ago
Dear Kasumi,

You wrote:

> ... any possible causes?

I'm pretty new at this.

However, homeopathy doesn't care what's the cause. Remedies are prescribed based on symptoms.

Naming "diseases," which tends to pigeon-hole varying symptoms under a single name, is the job of traditional, western-white-man medicine. For instance, perhaps your rash might be called "Dermatitis." Doctors generally don't have much understanding about the "cause" than you already can imagine on your own -- and they don’t care. That won't stop them from filling out a prescription: A doctor would give you a stronger cream than you've been using, probably one with "cortisone," a steroid preparation that is fraught with side effects.

There’s another thing about homeopathy I once read. If you’re going to have something wrong with you, there is nothing better than a “skin condition.” A skin condition means that the “disease” is far from the internal organs, and your immune system is doing its job to keep the illness from settling deeper into the body where it would be more likely to interfere with critical functions.

Regardless, you can still answer the usual questions about a rash: what makes it worse? what makes it better? do you prefer cats or dogs, etc? Or simply come visit the forum. Best luck following the advice on this thread.

neiljn 2 decades ago

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