The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Hair Loss & weight gain
Hi, I found this site through a google search & I am really impressed. I have been going through the questions posted in this forum & I thought somebody may help me out. I have been gaining weight for few years due to my sedantary job & no exercise. I went for a thyroid check but the test was negative. I am also loosing hair & I fear I will go bald very soon. There are many homeopathy doctors in Cal but I am not sure whom to go to. Could anyone help me out, please ?Moon5180 on 2005-02-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Nat Phos 6x is your remedy to reduce weight. Dose 2 tablets taken after lunch and dinner.
Hair loss or Alopecia is not easy to treat but you can use Arnica 30c and it may help. Dose twice daily under the tongue.
You must stop all other medication as the Nat Phos will not work otherwise. No coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats like ham, bacon sausages.
Record your weight every week and you should lose 0.5kg per week or more. Maximum weight loss recorded so far is 12kg in 3 months in a 135kg man. You can expect to lose about 1kg per week from the second week onwards.
Report your weight loss on this forum weekly.
Hair loss or Alopecia is not easy to treat but you can use Arnica 30c and it may help. Dose twice daily under the tongue.
You must stop all other medication as the Nat Phos will not work otherwise. No coffee, cola drinks and preserved meats like ham, bacon sausages.
Record your weight every week and you should lose 0.5kg per week or more. Maximum weight loss recorded so far is 12kg in 3 months in a 135kg man. You can expect to lose about 1kg per week from the second week onwards.
Report your weight loss on this forum weekly.
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
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