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Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal Cyst - Difference between silicea 200 and 200 c and 200 ck

Need help.

Can anybody advise me as to the difference between the three potencies.

I was advised from India - to take Silicea 200 and sulphur 1M

When I received the medication from the pharmacy it says Silicea 200 CK and advises 5 pellets - 3 times a day.

The advise from India required me to take Silicea 200 1 pellet every week.


Clarification will be greatly appreciated.
  RutSaini on 2005-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I am not sure what CK means as I am in the states.

Silicea 200, one to three pellets once a week is what I was taught. Two doses should do it. Silicea is deep and long acting. Goes deep and brings to surface.

Silica is known to bring things to surface and drain cysts. You "may" turn up with a few tempory pimples on the face. This is a good sign.

The Sulphur can be taken twice or 3 times the first week. After the first week, report any changes. Morning doses after breakfast.

I suggest Homeopathic ECHINACEA 30C, ONLY IF there is a problem with healing. (inflamed and continuing to drain). If there is no response from the Silicea after two weeks, One more dose at the 3rd week. These things need to be slowly and carefully handled. Then it will heal comfortably.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
The difference was told many times.

C and Ck are two different methods of making the potencies.Just don't bother.You can use either 'c' or 'ck.'

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago

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