The ABC Homeopathy Forum
reumatic pain after arnica dose c30
3.5 weekd ago i injured the fifth base bone in my right foot.the suffering was great. only two days ago i took arnica c30 and ruta c7.
the change was dramatic. the swelling in the bone and around it disappeared. I felt a craving for food could walk more easily and
the pain became as if "reumatic"
something that haven't been there before.
I feel as if there is a "wind" in the bone.
sometimes I feel as if someone is cutting it in a saw. I know this sound strange.
I am writing to have your feedback.
Is this new feeling a good sign? am i on the right track?
should i change the arnica c30 so something else?
anatco on 2005-02-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have just read your post and hope that you are still taking the Arnica 30 which should help your foot to recover in a few days. The Ruta is not necessary as the Arnica alone can cure your foot.
Dose 2 balls taken thrice daily under the tongue.
No coffee and cola drinks may be used during treatment
Dose 2 balls taken thrice daily under the tongue.
No coffee and cola drinks may be used during treatment
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
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