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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss - Heridetery

I hAve a Receding air line which is mainly bacause of genes.
My father went Bald when he was 28.
Presently I am 24 and have no external problems like dandruff, rough hair etc.

Can anyone help me before its too late.
Can homeopathy help me in this case.
  rohitsyal on 2005-02-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
well my freind who is a guy suffers well will suffer from hair loss. he is 19 rte now and he says in 5 years time he will loose his hair. i knwo for sure that his dad is bald 9so it mean tht it is heridtry) i need advice. wat do i do to help him. sometimes he becomes rlei depressed and he elives his life is over coz of this condition and it doesnt reli matter at al ? rite? xxx thank you
rotten_tomatoes last decade

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