The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Sound sensitivity
I have a 11 yr old with autism and he is having alot of problems with sound sensitivity. He has alot of other symptoms, but it Is always overwelming working on everything. We have worked with 2 classical homeopathics with some improvements. We don't have any homeopathics local so that is not an option.His sound sensitivity happens to be to our chewing, he also accuses us of chewing when we aren't so I assume at those times it is our breathing, and snoring. We can't even eat as the same room as him because it bothers him so much. He is a really sensitive child.
He was immunized up to 4 yrs old and has taken thuj 30c 3x for 3 days, followed up by one dose natrum mur 1m for vaccine.
Adrenals is a common problem with sound sensitivity and he was on a herb for it, but the last homepathic said it wasn't needed unless he has Addison Disease, otherwise it messes up his endocrin so I stopped it. According to hair analysis and blood pressure test adrenals are still a problem.
I appreciate any advice!!
Rch9418 on 2009-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
coffea 6 one dose daily for 5 days report it will reduce his hyper sensitivity towards sound one drop mix with one table spoon of water any time
♡ akshaymohl last decade
thank you so much for your response!!!
Coffea Cruda or Coffea Tosta? Would that be 6x or 6c?
Can you take Bioplasma tissue salts with this or is it best to avoid?
Coffea Cruda or Coffea Tosta? Would that be 6x or 6c?
Can you take Bioplasma tissue salts with this or is it best to avoid?
Rch9418 last decade
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