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Any successful remedies to heal Pterygium?

I am looking for a successful way to heal/dissolve a pterygium (a growth on the white of the eye, the sclera) without having to under go surgery.
Any suggestions?

I purchased Retania 6c and started taking that, but I am not sure how much to take and how often, etc...

Suggestions welcomed!

  Telamoon on 2005-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
THere ate a number of remedies . But one has to take into account that yjere is an immune respnse factor involved and that some detail of the individual is required to deal with the matter.
Things like are you hot or cold - tidy /untidy .
any warts , moles , eczema , dry skin. Cant shoot from the hip on this one.
passkey last decade
Zincum met 1m is a successful prescription
Qutab last decade
As Passkey says, must know more about you as a person.

I have used two remedies successfully, but both persons were entirely different people.

Please report about "who" you are and likes/dislikes. Preferences, emotionally.

Also, please tell us your reasons for choosing the Retania to use??? Your views are important to us.

I am looking for Retania, are you sure you have it spelled correctly?

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hello Sabra, Passkey and Qutab as well as everyone else...

I do not like humidity.
I love nature, animals, the ocean, hiking, etc...
I like a cup of organic coffee in the morning.
I like to run but haven't found the motivation lately to do it.
My energy was low but is gradually increasing.
I was diagnosed through tests as having a hormonal imbalance. High estrogen, low progesterone. My adrenals are overworked. ( I believe due to stress, driving in stop and go traffic in los angeles where many drivers are angry and its like everyone is fighting with everyone in their cars.)
My thyroid is slightly underactive but not reflective in tests, just symptoms so I am taking 1 grain Armour.

When the pterygium developed my body was much more out of balance than it is now. I was eating a raw diet, compulsively eating, hormonally imbalanced and irritable and quite tired.

Today I am feeling much better. I belong to a compulsive eater's support group so I am not overeating these days. I am getting to the core of my issues and I am in a place of action. I have much more energy and am happier more than not.

In regards to my preferences emotionally, I prefer being happy and productive, creative, kind, loving, generous, patient etc... When I drive, patience is sometimes difficult but getting better.

I chose Ratanhia because it has been I read online that it has been effective to heal pterygiums if zinc doesn't work.

Right now I am cold, but it is cold in my apartment.
I am not as tidy as I would like to be, but getting better.
No warts, I have a small cute mole on my belly.
I do have dry skin...
Telamoon last decade
Symptoms with Ratanhia are more found in rectum discomfort and haemorrhoids. It is not to say it is no good, it is to inform you the symptoms and how different they read. If you have H. this would be a good fit.

TELLURIUM is more for the eyes in a broader way, inflamed, itching, conjunctivitis. Some eczema of skin. Back pain. Itching in hands and feet.

ZINK MET is more smarting lachrymation itching, with pressure. Blurring and squinting. Conjunctiva. Worse inner canthus.

Very different, but all have healed the Pterygium. If you havn't had surgery on it yet, please hold off until treatment seems to be taking. If surgery becomes necessary and is done too soon, it will grow back.

Clean Bottled water with one dose in it, shaken to melt; one half tps is one dose.

Take 3 times a day between meals, no gum or camphor in lip balm. You can also take a few drops and moisten eyes. Homeopathy works with osmosis also.

Do not change remedy any closer than two weeks. This is not a fast working healing. It took time to set up this condition, time to reverse it.

Am concerned of the thyroid prescription. You could use homeopathy.

Otherwise it sounds as though you are thinking positively for yourself going toward good planning for good health in all ways.

Don't let LA traffic get you, it won't hurt anyone but yourself. Learn to "not react," to save your emotions for something good. I lived near LA and had to do the driving there.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
3 times a day for several days if no increase in symptoms. Then once a day for a week, etc. If symptoms increase in body ways, this is good and slow or stop the remedy for few days.

Report as you go.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Dear Sabra,

Thank you for your detailed reply.

Regarding the ratanhia, I definitely do not have hemerhoids.

Below is an excerpt and what made me try Ratanhia...
"Dry eyes may be a contributing factor to the growth of tissue from the conjunctiva onto the cornea. This growth is called a pterygium. Try homeopathic Zinc 6C 3 times a day for 2 weeks, shifting to Ratanhia 6C if no improvement is noticed."

After reading about the Zinc Met that you suggest in regards to the symptoms, it seems more appropriate,

What do you mean by "smarting lachrymation" and "worse inner canthus" ?
I have not had surgery and do not plan on it. I am very holistic and would love to continue on that route for my eye.

Since I am currently taking ratanhia, (for about a week) would you suggest continuing or switching?
I purchased my rememdy from
Haneman in San Rafael; they do not dissolve well. Any suggestions?

I had started taking a Zinc, but I'm not sure which one... can't seem to find the little jar. I know it was from Boron and I got it from the health food store.
But I didn't take it for two weeks. Once I read that Ratanhia had been successful in healing pterygiums, I just wanted that one.

When I take my doses, I usually take 3 pellets. I will now increase to 1/2 tsp worth of pellets (this is what you mean, am I correct? or do you mean to put the 3 pellets into the bottled water? Also, how much water should the dose be in?

In regards to the thyoid prescription, I was very reluctant to take it. In fact I put it off for a couple months. I wanted to find a natural solution (even
though the Armour is considered natural in most circles...) But I didn't
have anyone to guide me. The Armous has helped give me back energy and I am definitely in a place of action. I do not like taking the bio identical progesterone cream either. My last period was very weird.

I would love to use homeopathy, but I am afraid of experiencing the symptoms that made my doctor have to prescribe both treatments. I am open... would much rather treat holistically.

Thank you for your blessings. I pray to be at peace when I drive and to not "react" but I'm a tough cookie at times and it comes out in the car. I know it is what through my whole system off, so I really am working to find peace when I drive. I am glad you can relate.

It is very nice being connected with you. Thank you for your time.

Just to recap (with a couple extra questions):

•How many pellets in a dose?
•How much water per dose?
•How far away from food?
•I do drink organic coffee in the am, rarely in the evening... what is a good rule of thumb with coffee?... I won't be stopping my morning cup of Joe.
•Should I continue taking Ratanhia or switch to the Zinc M
•An increase in symptoms mean I should slow or stop rememdy for a few days?... I think this happened, maybe the first day I took the ratanhia... but not sure. Could have
been while I was taking the Zinc.

Ok, thats quite a bit..

Thank you!!!!
Telamoon last decade
arg nit and Euphrasia may help but this seems to have deeper roots .
Untidy , dry skin and quick temper all point to Sulphur. BUt the coldness may point to its closest complementary , Psorinum. If the other things dont do the job perhaps we should look at these . Good luck.
passkey last decade
One half tps of the WATER mixture. When one puts the one dry dose, 3 pellets into the water...then one half tps of the water is one dose.

It is a way of taking remedies without using up all the dry remedy. Especially when it is a longer treatment.

Hard pellets are correct. Hahnemann's labs are a good source.

You may have encountered the flat sided softer tablets, this is a matter of choice for reasons we will never be sure of. Sometimes it indicates tissue salts, other times it is low potency, and again it may be the manufacturer.

Dry Pellets come in #50 a BB size, down to # 10 a small grain. 5 or 6 is a dose vs 3 larger pellets=one dose.

In homeopathy, the least taken is the best treatment. In your case this will be a longer treatment than a sore throat, etc.

Take half tps at least half hour before or after food. No gum. or camphor lip balm. Not near toothpaste.

Keep us posted.

Blessings, Sabra

Your coffee ok.

Some call an increase an aggrivation. I call it a response of the body to the treatment. If there is a response, even uncomfortable, this is a good sign and if more remedy given without waiting, one may be very uncomfortable.

So, we wait a bit between. Sometimes as much as 3 days. It all depends on the report. This is why we need details.

I would continue the Ratanhia, once per day for one more week, then wait at least 5 days. Watch and see.

Begin the Zink MET if no further action noticed. 3 times a day for 3 days and then once per day for a week...reporting.

If the Armour is considered natural and is feeling good, you need this at this time so you won't "snap" on the freeways. Good for now.

"Smarting Lachrymation" is like burning, blinking in irritation. Worse inner canthus only an eye doctor can see.
sabra last decade
Hah, when I am in a hurry I do interesting things??

You may be interested in this site. miracleII.com
Neutralizer good for the eyes. (and body) Not Master's Miracle, they are similar and I have tested both.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
I knew I should have done this...miracle2 Roman num. doesn't come up in text. S.
sabra last decade

How much water should 3 pellets be
put in from which the 1/2 (half) teaspoon = 1 dose?

My dose is a half teaspoon of the water, 3 pellet mixture.

But I am still not clear how much water the 3 pellets should go into..
Telamoon last decade
When taking a treatment like this for a longer period, one uses a purchased (carry about) water bottle for convenience.

Place one dose, 3 pellets in it and shake to melt. A sip or half teaspoonfull is one dose. Many small doses are preferred as treatment.

If one drinks down the bottle, it becomes ONE dose as it was a one-time thing.

Putting remedies in water is to save the dry remedy instead of using up and possibly running out at a bad time.

You can take a drop or two on finger and moisten eyes too. Homeopathy works by osmosis also.

Take 3 times a day between meals. After 3 days, take once per day for two weeks. It will take this long to tell if the eye is responding.

IF you have any interesting side symptoms please tell us, we can tell how to guide you according to the symptoms.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra last decade
Hi Telamoon

I also have a Pterygium which is apparently very unusal for my age (29). Did you have any success with the remedies? I see a classical homeopath but as yet have no success. Has anyone got any recommendations? Many thanks
Gracie last decade
So far, it is just growing slowly.
I am sad because it does cause discomfort and is quite visible.
I think I am have to opt for eye surgury.

I love homeopathy but so far I have had no success.

good luck!
Telamoon last decade
I am sorry to hear that you have had no luck so far- can I ask how long you have had it for? I live in the Uk and they are unwilling to remove it by surgery. As you said it is really uncomfortable and itchy and mine looks unsitely as I have them in both eyes.
Gracie last decade
I have had mine since the end of last summer. I believe it started developing because I was spending a lot of time in front of the computer.
I felt it before it came then all of a sudden it was there.
I really hoped homeopathy would heal it.
Surgery is very expensive.

peace and good luck
Telamoon last decade
Take one dose of Psorinum 10m and wait at least 2/3 weeks
passkey last decade
hi there...

I've read all the remedies and was wondering if an infant at 17 months old could be treated...my son has just developed what looks like a pterygium...the doctor looked at it and made the diagnosis...I've made an appointment for a second opinion...but right now I'm looking for any natural remedies that a baby could handle...any help appreciated...
anthony last decade
There is interesting discussion on this subject the best medicine for this disease is Zinc met but some old master says that instead of Zinc we should use Zinc sulph because it can be repeated frequently.it is true.the other medicine is Calcaria Carb.you can try one after other.thanks.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Like the response from Telemoon - I also developed a Pterygium and think that working on the computer up to 10 hours a day had something to do with it (design and video game profession). Opthomologist said it was from UV light and computer tube monitor or LCD... has no UV???
Not sure what to do now - hard to work on computer now without eyes iritating me. Looks like surgery is only 50% successfull and usually comes back eventually. Have also bought a number of sunglasses which help to keep more moisture in the eyes (Panoptix brand...)
soreeye last decade
I also have pterygium and before I have surgery I want to try the Zinc remedy. But just to be absolutely sure of the procedure. I put 3 pellets of Zinc 6C in a bottle of water. Take 1 tsp 3 times a day for 3 days and then 1 time a day for 2 weeks. I can also moisten my eye with that water. Now I should use that bottle of water until it runs out or do i need to make a new bottle of solution on a daily basis? Thanks in advance.
Granroger last decade
Every time prepare fresh.i mean few drops of the medicine in a little water thrice daily.The other method you are using few drops of medicine in a bottle of water and use it for a long time,sometimes i will discuss this process.This process is successful but with a little bit change to make it effective.I dont think you need surgery,it can be cured with medicines but needs time.
sajjadakram635 last decade
Thanks for the response. Are there any side effects or can taking too much Zinc cause any harm.
Granroger last decade
Absolutely no harm.The best way is to use medicines 5 days a week with two days rest then start again.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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