The ABC Homeopathy Forum
For all doctors and for open discussion- Premature Ejaculatio (A very common problem without right solutions)
Dear All,This post if for open discussion for the problem like PREMATURE Ejaculation and other Sexual problems in men. I am also suffering from this problem like millions of men across the world today and still we dont have 100% sure answers for these questions or medicine also.
I REQUEST ALL THE DOCTORS to read this post and think on this topic once.
I am suffering with Premature ejaculation for long time. I have read 100s of websites, many books and tried whatever I could. I have tried Ayurvedic medicine, homeopathy and what not. When I was searching for the solution on the net I found that there are more than 1000 websites claiming cure for PE. Some 100s of herbal products are also available too. I have read so many forums and blogs where people have shared their dissatisfaction with all the remedies. When there is so much material available, I am sure there are millions of people suffering from this problem.
Even there is no dedicated medicine in allopathy also. Even I read many posts (I see new post on this subject everyday) on this forum where everyone is suggesting some other remedy for PE. Being a normal patient I am not able to take any decision about what is right and what is wrong.
Sex life is one of the most important part of any marriage life. Today 10000s of men are suffering from such problem and we dont have enough research done on this subject or no sure meds. It is very easy to say that it is psychological and all but an average guy is not looking for GYAN but solution only. I was curious and wanted to cure this problem so I also went to a known sexologist but everyone do not have courage and money to do so. I have tired so many things and still trying to figure out the perfect solution but so many people can not do anything and suffer for the whole life.
I request doctors and other people to share their knowledge on this subject and help 10000s of men suffering from PE and other problems to save their marriage lives.
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pranavshah on 2009-11-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Sulphur 30 tobe used for one month atleast if the person not facing any other problem.
Salix nigra Q 10 drops daily at night
damiana Q 10 drops daily in morning
Acid phos Q 10 drops in the evening.
Salix nigra Q 10 drops daily at night
damiana Q 10 drops daily in morning
Acid phos Q 10 drops in the evening.
Drsalman last decade
fear is the only factor along with hurry to finish the act fear of ed .in most of cases mimmulus and impatient bach flower alone works and in some cases where it is related to masterbation staphysagaria and olive bach flower is the medicine .
♡ akshaymohl last decade
the cure is very very simple please read carefully it worked 4 me when ur about to ejaculate first squeeze VERY hard lower part of the penis with one hand and top of the penis with other hand when u do this sperm can not come out
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze lower part of the penis very hard with ur fingers around the lower part of the penis the other hand squeezeing top of the penis VERY hard with fingers round the penis head its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hands squeezeing at the same time
when i say lower part of the penis its very lower part of the penis
when sperm dont come out for few months u will get better its worked for me the advantage is u get the satisfaction but do not lose energy. recovery can be slow but u will recover when u do this breath in and out sometime u have to push the testicals gently down so its easy to wrap ur fingers round the lower part of the penis
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy vishnu05hotmailcom
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze lower part of the penis very hard with ur fingers around the lower part of the penis the other hand squeezeing top of the penis VERY hard with fingers round the penis head its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hands squeezeing at the same time
when i say lower part of the penis its very lower part of the penis
when sperm dont come out for few months u will get better its worked for me the advantage is u get the satisfaction but do not lose energy. recovery can be slow but u will recover when u do this breath in and out sometime u have to push the testicals gently down so its easy to wrap ur fingers round the lower part of the penis
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy vishnu05hotmailcom
vishnu5 last decade
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