The ABC Homeopathy Forum
An Individuals personal frequency
Just hoping to get some of the trusted homeopaths thoughts on this matter seeing as this closely relates.If a person were able (unwillingly) to make electronic devices such as computers, GPS units malfunction just from being present, would that suggest a possible bad frequency from that person or rather a good frequency. Just wondering what this might suggest of a person that has this happen to them on a very regular basis as I find it extremely intriguing and wish to learn more.
Any and all replies would be gratefully appreciated.
Ryelink on 2009-11-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is truly factual that a person's freq. can be altered or misaligned by all the computer & electrical stimulus in our world. There are items that you can use to 'modulate' your body back from a change in freq. I worked with a chiropractor who used a 'Beam Ray' for that very purpose with great results. A part of the body will change freq if dis-eased. The Beam Ray is set to zone in on that specific organ or issue (cancer, etc)and work to balance the frequencies in the body.
triciah last decade
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