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Sulphur: Professional Constitutional Kit #1: First Aid Kit:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need Advice on using Sulphur 200c

This is my first post on this Forum. I hope someone can answer my questions.

My 60-year-old husband has been having a strange sleep disorder for at least 10 years (we've been together just three years.) His body suddenly jerks violently or twitches. This will wake him up as much as 10 or more times during the night. "Restless" is a good way to describe him. Obviously, this sleep problem has been a major problem for me in that I cannot sleep in the same bed with him all night. We have tried everything natural you can imagine. Some of it has helped and I will say that the severe leg cramps he used to have are gone.

This brings me to Sulphur 200c. A good friend of ours who uses homeopathy said, "This sounds like the typical Sulphur personality."
I started reading about Sulphur in the classical homeopathy books I own and I was absolutely staggered! I felt as if I was reading a profile of my husband. The jerking and twitching is mentioned, as is many other mental/emotional/physical issues he has. Everything from a flushed red face and hands, a need to keep his feet outside the covers, love of beer, chronic sinus congestion indoors, difficulty in keeping an erection, lots of anxiety he keeps inside, independent, tissue growths (he has a cystic ganglia on his wrist), right knee problems, a need to eat food at 11am...I could go on and on. Simply fascinating!

The question is this: While I can't say that my husband is a Constitutional Sulphur (I'm not sure how one proves that), I DO feel that Sulphur is indicated and MAY be the final answer to is sleep problem and other issues he deals with, both physically and emotionally. To address the deeper aspects, I purchased a bottle of 200c liquid dilution Sulphur. The recommended dose is 4 drops under the tongue, three times a day. After consulting a good friend who uses homeopathy, she suggested he take it five days on and two days off for a period of 21 days and then take a look at his progress. Does this sound like a good plan???

What should he expect from this dose? He is VERY interested in pursuing this to remedy the sleep problem. Are there any physical/emotional side effects we should be aware of???

I would appreciate any concrete information from anyone with experience using this remedy for more deep seated issues, especially sleep issues.

Thank you!!!
  laddy111 on 2005-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What is the delay, why you want to know what will exactly happen? Don't you trust the person who recommended you the medicine or you want a double confirmation. I doubt if you will get any confirmation here.

You yourself read about Sulphur personality and believed that your husband fits to it. Actually you want triple confirmation.

Actually you should let us know the outcome.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
I understand. Is the dose correct? (4 drops of the 200c dilution, three times a day for five days with two days off?) I have read that in some cases Sulphur 200c should ONLY be given for short periods of time and then to reaccess the problem.

My question is that I am not that skilled using homeopathy at this high potency and just need some expert guidance.


I think it's important to ask what (if any) symptoms may occur with my husband since he has asked me that question and I cannot answer his question.
laddy111 2 decades ago
homeopathy is very much individualized-dosage depends not only on the patient (his disease and sensitivity) but also on homeopath. Everyone seems to recommend different dosage!
Some would give just one dose in one MORNING (best time for sulphur) and assess after a month! Some give one dose in 3 consecutive mornings-and it's also good. You use quite many doses-and they also might work!
Astra2012 2 decades ago
Give one dose of sulphur in the morning and wait for four to five days and then again take the symptoms to see whether your next dose is sulphur or any other remedy...
Qutab 2 decades ago
I agree with Qutab,
multiple doses for weeks on end can't give the immune system time to kick in. that is all that is needed. keep us posted on results and method of dosing.
parachute 2 decades ago
Update on my husband.

The 200c Sulphur medicine was finally delivered this past Saturday. My husband chose to start the remedy this morning, as he is a coffee drinker and felt that Monday was the only day he could go without it. (His choice.) He took one dose this morning, 10 drops of liquid dilution in approximately 3 oz. of water at 7:15am.

This may or may not be of interest but who knows. Over the past two weeks, he has complained of the following emotional problems:

A sadness that he is getting older and "life is passing him by too quickly."

Feeling "decrepit" (his words)

Frustration that he can't stop smoking even though he has tried numerous herbs, mody/mind techniques, etc.

Frustration that he is not exercising at all (something his doctor ordered him to do almost one year ago). He says he doesn't have time to do it due to work pressures and being too tired when he gets home.

A low level melancholy (he's always had that) that comes and goes. Thankfully, it goes more often now than stays with him. His father committed suicide when my husband was 29. His father attempted suicide in front of his sons when my husband was 14 (tried to kill himself in the garage with the exhaust from the car.) My husband stood by helplessly as his older brother used CPR to bring his father back to life. My husband maintains that the attempt of suicide he witnessed was by far more traumatic than the actual suicide of his dad. He has had numerous sessions of therapy to address that concern, most of which have not reconciled the feelings. He just tries to accept that it was not his fault that his dad killed himself.

A sense that he is self-sabotaging himself.

Severe disappointment and anger with his adopted daughter who is a schizophrenic and got arrested last week for drunk driving.

A feeling that he is "trapped" in his work life and wants out of his businesses but he doesn't know how nor what he would do if he didn't have work. (He must work to occupy himself or he'd go nuts).

Low self-confidence. However, he hides it well in public. In his businesses, he is the "King of the castle" and rules the roost. But he is very reserved in social situations and easily embarrassed if he senses attention is being drawn to him, whether it's good attention or not.

My husband is well liked and admired by many in our community. He is attractive and charismatic. (He's been told more than once that he'd be great in film or TV due to his innate charm and warm persona.) When he must put aside his feelings of being ill at ease, he can do it and do it well. But when he's alone with me or by himself, he turns to cigarettes and/or beer for comfort.

While he has a strong sex drive, it fluctuates. He is very impressionable whenever he sees films that are violent or overly sexual. However, he enjoys seeing mildly sexual films as long as they are not crude. He has admitted to me that he struggles between what he sees as "carnal" and the spiritual side of life and cannot reconcile these two in regard to our sexual life. Ever since we've been together (nearly 4 years), he has had mental preoccupuation and fears of failure to get erection. Sometimes, it has been such a powerful fear that he became flacid and literally paralyzed mentally and unable to perform at all for days. He finally took Viagra and that helped a lot but then there were times when he still couldn't get an erection with Viagra. There is this odd dichotomy with him, you see. We shared much passion early on in our relationship but then this, what I call "religious shame or polarization" came over him and created a static element in love making. The dichotomy is that he easily expresses sexual thoughts (not crudely) to me but when it comes time to act on them, he seems to freeze. If this is important, he is more likely to want sexual relations in the morning than at night. (I am the opposite, but I'm more than happy to be sexual with him when he's not hampered by his mental issues.)

He is still experiencing the intense jerking, twitching and sometimes, shocks to the entire body that awaken him, thus the recommendation of a homeopath to use the Sulphur 200c. He has also been kicking the covers off his feet more often. Also, he is noticing more and more the flushed red face and red palms of his hands in photographs that have been taken over the last month. To me, this says that his liver is over heated, but I may be wrong on that.

Thus, we shall see if the Sulphur remedy is appropriate. We will see what happens and wait four to five days as was recommended.
laddy111 2 decades ago
Update on husband's reaction:

He called to tell me that 90 minutes after taking dose, he felt an extreme coldness all through his body, but especially his arms. It was 70 degrees in his office and he was slightly shivering.

Emotionally, he was still feeling "out of sorts and stressed about money (nothing new on that). He said he was feeling angry and frustrated (nothing new on that except that he doesn't usually talk about that). On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being rage, he said he felt a 7.


Three hours later, the coldness has moved mostly to his hands and his face is very flushed (more than usual).
laddy111 2 decades ago
Another update...

It's now evening and my husband says he feels "spent" emotionally, more than usual. He also says that his joints are aching more than normal.

He has a question (and I don't know the answer since I'm not well versed in using higher potency homeopathic remedies.) Since he took the dose this morning and he will not take another until at least four or five days away, he wants to know if he can have a cup of coffee tomorrow morning. He usually only drinks one or two cups (usually one) every morning and he misses it. I told him I'd ask and let him know what you all think. He does not want to do anything that will stop the process.

Thank you.
laddy111 2 decades ago
For 2 years I was having the same problem (Sleeping Disorder) I started taking Transfer Factor Ritestart from 4 Life Research and 1 month later I was sleeping like a king.
eddie15 last decade

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