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Knee ligament wearing out

I have been an avid sportsman ever since the age of 10.Now at the age of 24 I am currently experiencing pain in my right knee..just to the lower right of the knee cap..my friends tell me it might be due the wearing out of the ligaments in the knee...i have problems when i play sports...upon foot impact with the ground,the area hurts. I'm thinking of takin Ruta...what do you guys think? And is this curable? Because allopathic medicine believes only in strengthening of the muscles around the area eg, thigh muscles and hamstrings and i hear doctors telling friends that they have to live with this for the rest of their lives.
  balloon on 2004-01-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
treatable yes--curable--depend upon on how much organic change has occurred over time.

at least expect reduction of pain--yet this all depend on whether there has always been tendency or weakness in this area.

yes physical therepy important--but homoeopathic treatment of underlying weakness just as important

also depend on you--you just want pallatation or deper healing of this problem.

explain some --when you first notice this and circumstances leading to this point.
what you notice besides impact aggravate condition?
what you find make feel better?

John stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa

john stanton 2 decades ago
there is every probability that you must have inflicted an injury to the knee during your sport one of those times. A MRI of the knee joint would help, ascertain the impact of the injury and its effects. Depending on the same and your symptoms a proper remedy can be suggested for you and whatever the type of injury or part affected, needless to say, Homoeopathy would be your best bet.

Dr.Venugopal Gouri
Consultant Homoeopath
drvenugopal 2 decades ago
RUTA G sounds pretty good. You described what you like...but tell us more bout what you like personally. Food, hot/cold drinks, any favorite or hates? Bed, sounds, people...annoy or enjoy.

One really should rest something that is really hurting that bad. Walking instead of running for awhile. Do some swimming. Have you had a chiropractor check to see if your hips are "out" and it is affecting the knee?

I, personally would take ARNICA every day at least once. See if it feels better. Give the knee some rest until you get a good diagnosis.

As you know, sports surgery is very good now, but still, I hope it does not come to that. Sabra sabragibsonhomeopathy.com
sabra 2 decades ago

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