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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Need Remedy for Hair loss that may be heriditary

I am a 23 year old female who has noticed hair thinning (in the front portion of my scalp)for the past two years.

I am currently stopped taking any medications or vitamins

I have heriditary hair loss in my family:
My father is balding
My mothers hair is very thin
My Brother (17) is starting to bald

My hair is starting to thin like my mothers and I want to avoid that.

I have taken thyroid tests and testosterone and estrogen tests and they all are normal.

I have hair on face, chin, arms, and legs

I am also very cold all the time.

My diet consists of spicy food, tea, sodas, salty food (I have seen in other posts to avoid these)

What remedy should I start and where should I buy it from. Can you please list them by (Drug Name, MG, Directions, Time Frame)There seem to be many remedies including arnica and sulfur should i take these?)

Thanks in Advance
  ks2129 on 2009-12-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take CALCAREA CARBONICA 30c, 4 pills, every morning (around 10AM), once a day for the next 1 month. Stop the medicine for 2 days in a week (may be Saturday and Sunday)

This is to accelerate the weak metabolism, which is key to assimilate the food and improve the health of the hair. The difference you would see after taking the medicine is that you wont feel as cold as today.

Every evening, take SILICEA 12x (Cell Salts), 4 pills for next 1 month as a supplement.

Do not take any supplement that contains IODINE in it

Where to buy:
You can buy these medicine in this website itself or go to a Homeopathic Pharmacy (India) or local Produce Store (like WHOLE FOODS in US)

Report after a month. I will suggest you to take Arnica 30c in wet dose (Joe) after 1 month.

It will take 3 months of medicine approximately for a lasting result.

For general instruction, see my Profile.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
Wash your hair with only mild shampoo, not frequently. Johnson BABY Shampoo is prefered.
Reva V last decade

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