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Nux Vomica:


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Severe Diarrhea from Nux Vomica 3 yr old

My 3 year old is now having severe diarrhea after taking 200c of Nux Vomica, before she was completely constipated and now she has extreme diarrhea. What can I give her to make this stop??? She has gone 8 times this morning alreay in 3hours and is crying.
  komplex on 2010-01-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give her a single dose of Ars Alb 200c and see how it affects in the next 4 hours.
kadwa last decade
I gave her 200c Ars Alb and after 4 hours she had a very loose diarrhea stool and is screanming in pain from the redness and soreness of her bottom
komplex last decade
She has not had any more diarrhea in the past 5 hours. I will let you know how she is in the morning, thank you! She was in such a happy mood the past few hours.... no moodiness or irritabilty too:)
komplex last decade
Still no diarrahea! She was really cranky , moody and obstinate thsi morning. Hping she will not go back to being constipated though!!
komplex last decade
You may give her Nux Vomica 30c if she gets constipated. It is expected that there may be no bowel movements for a day or two after severe diarrhoea. You should consider giving nux only after 2 days.
kadwa last decade
Now she has diarrhea again after 2 days without any. I gave 1 arsenicum Album 200c this morning and she has had 3 loose stools since then.
Shoudl I give her another Aresenicum Album??
komplex last decade
Arsenicum Album is not her remedy. i suggested Ars earlier to antidote Nux. Alteration of diarrhoea and constipation point to Nux.
Please give her three doses of Sulphur 30c at a gap of 4 hours. If she doesn't get relief you should give her three doses of Nux Vomica 30c at a gap of 4 hours on the next day. Please don't give remedies in 200 potencies, 30 or even 6 will do. Sulphur and Nux are complementary.
kadwa last decade
My other daughter had an 8 hour bug with vomiting and diarrhea and it stopped after 8 hours. Now christina's has stopped also after 8 hours, I think it was the bug not a reaction from the Nux vomica.
komplex last decade
I gave her the sulphur every 4 hours and she is till having realy bad diarrhea, even woke 2x in the night with messy diaper. Please advise and thank you!
komplex last decade
If you have the following tissue salts
kali mur 6x
natrum sulph 6x

you may give her 1 pellet each upto 4 times a day at a gap of 3 hours. These can be given upto 1 week.

If you don't have these salts and can't arrange quickly, you may give upto three doses of Nux Vom 30c at a gap of 4 hours.

It is always good to use tissue salts to follow the homeo remedy as one can't give homeo remedies for a long period. Only that much doses of homeo remedy should be given as are sufficient to stimulate vital force. Unnecessary dosing results in proving the remedy.
kadwa last decade
I gave her the tissue salts 3x today and she is still having diarrhea all day with mucus in it. I am afraid to give the Nux Vomica 30c because that is what started the diarrhea to begin with. Unless it is justa virus. I can't send her to school like this and have already missed work. Any suggestions? Thank you!
komplex last decade
i think that nux can do the work. Nux works for both constipation and diarrhoea. The other remedies that you may try are Antimonium crud, pulsatilla and podophyllum.
kadwa last decade
I found out from the nurse it is rotavirus. The diarrhea seems to have stopped after just giving tissue salts, but now my 5 yr old is vomiting andmyself. I have bad diarhea and cramoing also. I read that Veratum Album could help roatvirus, do you think it is safe to try?
komplex last decade
My 1 year baby daughter had Rota Virus infection. I controlled it by giving Arseic Alb 6C and then 30C.

You have slightly spoilt the case by giving arsenic alb 200C. Now 30C will not work.

Veratrum album will only work if her overall condition is matching Veratrum Album. The Veratrum Album picture is 'Collapse, with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness...cold perspiration on the head'. So it is a collapsed state with a cold body.

Another medicine is consider is Podophyllum.

All said, the medicines will only stop your child from dehydrating, and the infection will not go before 5-6 days. Make sure you give your child enough liquids and and some medicine to stop the vomiting immediately.

And, try Veratrum Album in 30C potency to see if it works.
Dubai2009 last decade

Please don't panic. You are right your remedy is veratrum alb. The other remedies that come to mind are ars, ipecac and nux vomica.
You may start with veratrum alb 30c thrice a day at a gap of 2 hours and continue with it till symptoms persist. The remedies may be taken in the following order in 30c at a gap of 1-2 hours. All remedies may be taken in 30c potency. Please don't worry some of the remedies will definitely work. You may change the remedy after if there is no improvement after taking 3 doses.

The remedies may be taken in the following order.

Veratrum alb, ars, ipecac, antimonium crud, nux vomica

You may also take 1 tablet each of the following tissue salts between two doses of the homeopathic remedy
kali mur 6x
natrum sulph 6x
ferrum phos 6x
mag phos 6x
kadwa last decade

Please don't panic. You are right your remedy is veratrum alb. The other remedies that come to mind are ars, ipecac and nux vomica.
You may start with veratrum alb 30c upto 6 times a day at a gap of 1-2 hours and continue with it till symptoms persist. All remedies may be taken in 30c potency. Please don't worry some of the remedies will definitely work. You may change the remedy after if there is no improvement after taking 3 doses.

The remedies may be taken in the following order.

Veratrum alb, ars, ipecac, antimonium crud, nux vomica

You may also take 1 tablet each of the following tissue salts between two doses of the homeopathic remedy
kali mur 6x
natrum sulph 6x
ferrum phos 6x
mag phos 6x

There was some jumbling earlier, now corrected.
kadwa last decade
Unfortunately I cann not find teh Veratum Albuma tthe store and she still has diarrhea as well as myself now and my husband with vomiting.
komplex last decade
The remedies may be taken in the following order.

Veratrum alb, ars, ipecac, antimonium crud, nux vomica

You may also take 1 tablet each of the following tissue salts between two doses of the homeopathic remedy
kali mur 6x
natrum sulph 6x
ferrum phos 6x
mag phos 6x

If you don't have veratrum alb, please take other remedies in the given order. If some remedy is not available skip that one and take others. It is better to take something than not taking anything and keep worrying.
kadwa last decade
I gave er the tissue salts and teh diarrhea stopped. Now she is constipated again. I agve her nux vomica 30c eevry 4 hours 2x and then once in the morning but nothing is happening.It just seems pastya nd stuck, not solid. She is moody, very clingy and cries easily.
komplex last decade
You may try silicea 30c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for one or two days.
kadwa last decade
Should I wait before giving it to her...I gave her the Nux Vomica yesterday.
komplex last decade
1-2 day gap is enough.
kadwa last decade
I Gave her the Silicea and she had a Bm in the morning, her mood has been worse though.... very whiny, clingy, crying, tantrums and won't follow any instructions. She is being extremely obstinate and very emotional. Is this an aggravation that will calm down in a few days?
komplex last decade
This behaviour is not due to silicea. It is something else.
kadwa last decade
Ruta Q is specific remedy for all types of diarrhoea, put 10 drops in one glass of water three times a day, you will be okay within a day.

[message edited by Dr Zaair Husain on Tue, 24 Apr 2012 23:47:10 BST]
Dr Zaair Husain last decade

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