The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Friend Who was left Paralyzed after Tetanus Shot
Attn: Kadma,My friend is up and walking, able to climb stairs and feeling much better. After taking the remedies you suggested she was up and moving with very little assistance in the next day or so. However, she still cannont drive a car, still has alot of numbness and pain in her feet, having burning sensation on scalp and arms. She would like to continue with homeopathy. She is taking no western drugs, just getting bodywork now and then and trying to deal with some emotional issues (some childhood trama) that she feels is pressing in her heart to release but is finding it very hard to do.
I had her answer some questions I received from this site if that can help out with the diagnosis. Main issue at moment though is numb/painful feet, burning on scalp and arms and feeling a pain in sacrum/tailbone when she moves her head.
1.How often do you get irritated or angry?
2. Very small incidents affect me really badly:
b) sometimes
3. Seek consolation from others for my problems:
a) always/ feel better when consoled
4. Contradiction aggravates me / I don't like to be opposed:
b) sometimes
5. I am an extrovert/ i mingle with others very easily.
Yes. I do mingle with others easily. I am a very easy going person. I love people, but I don't like big crowds. I'm good one on one or in a small group. In the same breath I love being alone and need my alone time.
6. Even minor incidents and happenings hurts me a lot.
c) occasionally ( )
7. Such incidents or happenings stays for a very long time in my mind.
No. I used to let the smallest things bother me but now it is very rare that I let an incident, big or small, bother me for a long time.
8. I think of some bitter happenings in my life and brood or dwell on them.
b) sometimes ( )
9. I get resolved of my past experiences and bad feelings.
BOTH a & b
10. I am sympathetic
a) to my own self or problems ( )
b) to others problems and sufferings.
11. I am anxious
b) before a presentation / stage performance.
12. My appetite is
a) good
13. Thirst/ how many glasses of water you drink a day?
a) very thirsty
b) moderate
c) mild or nil
i try to dring about 6 - 8 glasses of water/day. if i do this i'm not thirsty. if i don't i'm very thirsty
14. sweat
15. Cravings: Those food items which you long for/ which you cannot resist eating.
If I eat wheat, sugar or dairy (mostly cheese) then I greatly crave them and can't get enough. So I try my best to avoid these foods at all cost.
16. Aversions: Those food items which drives you away form them/ those which you don like at all.
I can't really think of a specific food other than liver.
17. Disagrees: Those food items which does not agree with your body, if yes then explain what happens when you eat them?
sugar - itchy, weepy, anxious, hyper, gas
wheat/gluten - achy, weepy, emotional, tired, heavy, bloating, gas, stomach cramps, diarhhea
dairy - stuffy, congestion, stomach cramps, constipation
soy - stuffy, congestion, gas
corn - stuffy, congestion
nuts - too many = coldsores
apples - gas
18. Bowel and bladder: How many times you pass stool and urine in a day? any difficulties associated with that- explain.
stool - at least once first thing in the morning. sometimes 2-3 more times in morning or later in day.
urine - about 6 times/day
19. Menstrual history:
a) no. of days of flow: - 7-9!
b) nature of flow (eg: clots) : VERY HEAVY with clots
c) profuse/ scanty : PROFUSE - change pad every 1-2 hours
d) other aches/ pains associated with menstruation: - I get very tired and emotional. Sometimes a severe pressure in the vaginal region.
20. Did you suffer form any illness like TB, Asthma, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cardiac complaints, and Jaundice.
I have multiple sclerosis.
21. Did you undergo any surgery in the past?
a) if s for what and how long did you stay in the hospital?
Yes. When I was about 9 years old I underwent exploratory surgery for severe pain in my stomach. A stone was found lodged in my appendics. I was in the hospital for about a week.
b) Was there any blood transfusion done before, during or after the surgery? no
c) Were there any complications associated with the surgery?
not that i can remember. but to this day (i'm 41 years old) i have a lot of problems in that area of my body... a lot of scar tissue.
22. Please do elaborate / detail the present complaint with which you are suffering from. Like when it started, how it has progressed and when the complaint is more and how do you feel better etc.
In July 2009 I suffered a miscarriage. It was my first pregnancy. Shortly afterwards (probably late August/early September) both of my feet went numb. They were extremely painful. The best way I could describe them was that they felt frostbitten. My body also did not feel right. Every joint and muscle in my body ached. I just wasn't myself. Although I have MS, I have been in remission for almost 10 years and I did not feel these were MS symtoms. On October 29 I fell while hiking. My hand slid down a tree and I sliced it open requiring 6 stitches. While in the emergency room I was 'badgered' to receive a tetnus shot. Since I have been completely drug free for almost ten years I DID NOT want to get the shot. But the pressure was very great and I got the shot. Later I found out it also contained dyptheria. Three days later I sat on my couch, pulled my knees up to my chest and got a 'zapping' sensation from the bottom of my feet all the way to my chest. It felt as though I got electrocuted. By the next day I was numb from the chest down. A neurologist ordered 4 MRI's to be performed all at the same time so I was in the machine for over two and one half hours without being able to move. The MRI showed 6 old lesions on my brain and a new lesion on my neck. Within days after the MRI's I was completely numb/paralyzed from the neck down. I couldn't move/feel anything. My hands were completely 'locked.' If anyone so much as touched the bed I was lying on I would get zapped. At times I felt like someone wrapped a rope around my chest and was pulling as tight as they could. I had difficulty breathing. Against doctors orders, I refused steroids and all other medications. I am doing much better now but still struggling with some symptoms. My scalp burns. My arms burn. My feet and hands are still numb, stiff and painful. They are also always cold. I'm very tired/fatigued and emotional. These symptoms never go away. They only get worse if I 'overdo' things and get tired. If I move my head a certain way I get zapping sensations in my pelvic region and/or my spine and inner legs. It seems this happens when I put my chin down toward my chest.
congested on 2010-01-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
day 1 to day 3
Please take three doses of Conium 30c at a gap of 4 hours
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
day 4 to day 15
Please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali phos 6x
calc phos 6x
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.
Please report after 15 days.
Please take three doses of Conium 30c at a gap of 4 hours
One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.
day 4 to day 15
Please take 2 pellets each of the following tissue salts thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours
kali phos 6x
calc phos 6x
Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
Please read my posts on the breathing exercises called as Anulom Vilom Pranayam and Kapalbhati Pranayam by following the links given below. Please practise these pranayams regularly for half an hour preferably in a garden early in the morning. You may practise at any other convinient time. The only restriction that you have to follow is not to do these exercises within 4 hours after meals. You can have meals not within 15 minutes after finishing these exercises.
Please report after 15 days.
♡ kadwa last decade
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