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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Patches of Hair Loss on Beard

I recently discovered that there are 3 tiny patches on my beard where the hairs stopped growing. The skin appear over smooth and shiny and with no hairs at all. I have observed that these patches have grown in the last couple of weeks. Looks like a fungal infection, without any itching or signs. I know for certain that one of my friends had this some years back and he was cured by homeopathy medicines given by his doctor. Need help on this from anyone who has suggestions.
  irfan26 on 2010-01-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Tell us more about yourself - personality, likes & dislikes, food aversions & cravings, thirst, thermal preferences, thought patterns, size and shape of these patches, etc.
srisri last decade
I am a person who work in research and technology management, with lots of pressures and timelines to chase. I am 43 yr old and maintain a very good physique and try to maintain regular workout regimen. I do not easily loose temper and prefer to stick to principles and ethics in day to day matters. My eating preference is home-made Indian food with less spices. I feel I am addicted to tea and I normally like sweets and nonveg food. Any kind of food, especially, purchased from outside doesn't agree with me and I often develop severe flatulence and gastric upset. Gas discharges with sound but is without smell. I can not digest milk in large quantities, but have no problem digesting 100ml.
When hungry or empty stomach, I feel sleepy and weak. I need more than 8 hours of sleep and can fall asleep within no time and anywhere I feel like. I dislike sour and am also prone to common cough and cold (flu) during every seasonal change. I often needs to clear my throat before I start to speak. I feel cold when I am thinking or studying seriously. I often drink a lot of water and even have to get up in the night at least once in the night to drink water.
The sizes of the patches are about the 1 to 2 cm oval / oblong shapes.
Hope this serves the requirement. Thanks for the willingness to help....
irfan26 last decade
Day 1: Please try Phos 200 - one dose

Day 2 to 14: Kali Mur 6x - 2 tabs daily

Please post feedback for further guidance.
srisri last decade
Thanks Sri for the prescription. I have Phosphorous 200 but I do not have Kali Mur 6X and will need 15 days to have it. I will revert back to you once i have taken the course.
irfan26 last decade

i have the same problem..but the spots are getting bigger and bigger day by day...i dnt kno wot to do and it has also started on my head but its reallly very samll now m quite worried abt it plz help me ...,,!!what shoud i use to cure dis disease some 1 told me abt arnica mother tincture for hair growth should i use it,..i have spent loads of money curing dis thing but they all fail ..,and if these same tablets are for me then can u plz tell me where can i find these..or u can post it to me..
thnks saadi
Saadi last decade
There is a good news to share. The patches I talked about are now gone from my beard. I, actually, took Phosphorus 200 for three days (twice daily), and later I also managed to get the Kali Mur but did not take it as the improvement was coming up fast. I did not do any other medication other than applying the topical traditional cream called Tadheen (popular in Hyderabad, India). Now, I believe it was Phosphorus that probably worked, certainly with the will of the Almighty, who ultimately delivers the cure. You may also try to take the suggested medication and see if things work out well for you. All the very best....
irfan26 last decade
Thank You Irfan for giving your feedback. We miss Srisri a lot and hope that he once again becomes active here.
kadwa last decade
:) thnk u soo much bro,,
i can understand abt phosphorus but what is kali mur and where can i find tadheen coz i live in uk...,:( u cannot find things easily here!!

plz reply
Saadi last decade
Hi guys.. I have the same problem. I have seen my GP and he advised me to use a cream called Daktarin but didnt work at all and patched are getting bigger. it started with a very tiny one and now i have 3 of them and im really scared of losing my all beard:/ Is that Phos 200 really worked on you? if yes its a miracle and i wanna try it! :)
eerdogan last decade
hi there,
It did work and took time of about a month or so. In the meantime, you may continue using whatever topical ointment you are using. I also used an Ayurvedic/Unani preparation called 'Tadheen' which is sort of a curep-all kind of an ointment, available frequently in South India (Andhra and Karnataka!).
Best regards,
irfan26 last decade
Hi Irfan,
Thanks for replying. I will definitely give a try of it coz ive been using that cream for about 2 months and didnt make any difference. I have also tried garlic, onion etc but nothing... I actually got an kinda abscess on my gum. I thought it causes that hair loss but i took antibiotics, abscess is gone but im still losing my beard. I live in UK and its really hard to find those products in here. But i think i can find that Phosphorus 200. I will check it today..
eerdogan last decade
Dear Erkan:
Not to panick you, but just to inform. I know of an incident where the person who developed this kind of patches went for some injectible steroidal treatment that developed into tumour of the lower jaw bone and he had to go for removal of the tumer and multiple reconstructive surgery of the jaw bone. If you still have trces of abscess you are advised to take Calc Carb 30c or consult a local homeopath. I will pray for your complete recovery. Best luck and regards,
irfan26 last decade
Hi Irfan,
I'm scared now. I really am:/ I dont know if i still have absess coz i have just finished my antibiotics day before. its not sore anymore. And i really dont want to inject any steroids at all! i have read some scary comments on net and i dont wanna try that. Thanks for your advises. I am going to buy Phosphorus 200 today and give a try. Hope it'll help. If does i will pray a lot for you.
eerdogan last decade
i have this problem for last two years.Actually i had waited for these days for hair growth.But i cant see any improvement in growth.Under the lower jaw there is oval shape patch which continuing to my right chin.i can see differnce of hair growth
in my left and right chin.is there any remedy for this?
thulasiraman92 last decade

Please take three doses of Phosphorus 200 as follows and see how that affects in next 15 days (only 3 doses in 15 days).

day 1 morning
1st dose

day 1 evening
2nd dose

day 2 morning
3rd dose

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 2 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 2 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

If this doesn't help take Selenium 200 in the same way and watch it's response for another 15 days.
kadwa last decade

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