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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help! I have a teenage daughter.

My 13 year old daughter is an emotional roller coaster. On an average day, she goes from happy to sad to angry all within a 15 to 60 minute period.

She has been having these emotional episodes at school where she is sad and angry and won't speak to anyone.

She cries easily, is sympathetic to others, cries when reprimanded. She is easily embarassed. She can be irritable and get angry easily but is very forgiving and rather timid when it comes to sticking up for herself.

She was adopted when she was 2 and I think she has abandonment issues. Her self worth is not good and she doesn't like the way she looks.

She says she feels like she doesn't belong in this world and shouldn't be here. This usually happens when she is tired. She cries and says she feels horrible inside.

When she gets really sad (usually over a boy) she wants to cut or stab herself when she sees a knife but hasn't done it. At times I feel she could be suicidal.

Also when she is sad she likes to write rather dark poetry.

She is friendly and likes company. She complains about being bored all of the time.

She isn't shy but is terrified about having to speak in front of her class or playing the piano at her recitals. Also she doesn't like to pay for things at the register in stores, this intimidates her.

She has pimples and blackheads on her forehead, cheeks and nose but her face doesn't seem to be too oily. Her hair is oily though and rather lusterless.

She has daily headaches coming on anywhere from 10:00 in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon and lasting until 6:00 pm. or so. She feels the pain in the forehead and also feels dizzy at the same time. Also she says her face feels hot and her hands and feet are cold during the headache.

She is average in body temperature. She gets cold at times and has flushes of heat sometimes.

She is very tired every afternoon. She gets tired easily and doesn't seem to have much stamina.

She goes to bed early every night and gets up around 6:00 am. She doesn't sleep well because of thoughts going around in her head. She seems to have a problem with persistent thoughts even during the day. These thoughts are usually about boys.

She is 5'2' tall and 98 lbs. Small boned, sandy blonde hair, green eyes with thick eyebrows. Muscular.

She likes pepper and spicy foods. She isn't fond of cheese but loves pizza. Likes meat and most vegetables. Drinks a fair amount of water. Eats well but not in large quanities. She likes sour candy and gum. She doesn't care much for pastries and cookies but really likes candy.

She doesn't like direct sun shining on her. High humidity and heat make her feel like she can't breath.

When the weather is cold her hands and fingers turn red then purple. Her feet do this but not as much as her hands.
She tends to have smelly feet. They feel cold and damp to the touch. Her hands feel dry.

Her periods are somewhat irregular, sometimes early sometimes late. The flow is normal to a little heavy, lasting a week. She has pain in her lower back and lower pelvic region for the first 3 days. A heating pad, or hot bath and Ibuprofen gives her some relief but not much. I don't like her to take the Ibuprofen. Before her menses she craves chocolate and has sore breasts.

She tends to have sprained muscles and tendons very easily in her fingers, wrists, knees, and ankles. They will swell and be very painful.

She has one ingrown toenail on her big toe and has a tendency for wens or whitlows around her fingernails and toenails.

She has very large stools which she has trouble passing. As a small child she would resist going because of the pain. She never has diarrhea.

Her tonsils are always very large but not often infected. She doesn't get sick often but is very sick when she does.

I have given her Nat mur which quite often would relieve her headaches but not always.

When I gave her Silica she seemed to have longer and better relief from the tiredness and the headaches for a month or two but it wasn't long lasting and I'm not sure how much it helped her emotional issues.

Pulsatilla doesn't seem to have much effect on her.

Nothing has relieved her menstrual cramps.

I would like to give her something that would relieve the tiredness, headaches, emotional ups & downs and the menstrual cramps.

Or maybe something to help the emotional issues and headaches and then something on an acute basis to help the menstrual pain.

Thank you for any help that you could give us.
  jewel22 on 2010-01-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hey I think your daughter even though is partly battling age issues she is also slightly turning to have some mood disorder issues, so i should suggest you to seek psychologist to help her with the emotional issues largely.
There is a remedy called graphitis 30, give it to her every week early morning empty stomach for two weeks. After two weeks report back we will see how the changes are and we will take it form there. silicea seems to be the near best remedy with the feet and skin issues in mind also taking the mental mood changes into account, but graphitis strikes very clearly from the start of the case itself. so go ahead give it with strength.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Thank you for your response. I didn't think of Graphites. I will have to do some reading on it. I don't think I have this remedy so I will have to order it. Her birth mother is bipolar, schizoprenic and multiple personality. Her birth father has mood disorders, anger and hostility. They both are heavy alcohol and drug abusers. She has an older half sister that is very similar to her in personality. She has been diagnosed bipolar but I don't agree. I have taken her to the psychologist. He says she has very low self esteem but was not alarmed at this point about mood disorders. I will give her the Graphites and report back to you. Thank you for your help.
jewel22 last decade
i think that you should consider lachesis due to the following
1. Suppressed menses
2. Worsening of symptoms before menses ie amelioration due to discharge
3. Persistent thoughts about boys
4. Sun headache
kadwa last decade
Well, I don't believe I would consider her menses suppressed. She has fairly regular periods they just can be early or late. Also I'm not sure if I would say she gets relief after the discharge. She has mild pms symptoms before hand but she has the bad cramps during the first 3 or 4 days of flow. She has the thoughts all of the time. I noticed all symptoms are worse when she is tired. When she is rested she is in pretty good spirits. Now that I think of it she could have the mental and emotional disturbance of Lachesis. I will look at my materia medica and see if she might match this remedy. Thanks for your help. I'll let you know.
jewel22 last decade
Purple coloured discolouration is another pointer.
kadwa last decade
I don't know, Dr.Kadwa,about the Lachesis. The only purple I have seen is when her hands and feet are cold. But when she was little and I would take her out of the bathtub, her body would become a mottled purple bluish color.

She is not afraid of snakes, or spiders. She likes them.

She loves the dark and thunderstorms. she also likes to dance. What do you think about Carc or Sepia? The only fear that she confesses is of her future. She is afraid to grow up and be in trouble all of the time like her half sister.

She can be jealous but it isn't a problem. She is not malicious or revengeful. Not violent. She is rather timid and mild mannered but is irritable when tired.

In the past she has had shakey spells. They would come on 1 to 2 hours after she ate either breakfast or lunch. We would give her juice and something to eat and it would eventually subside. She hasn't complained of it in the last 4 months.

Unlike Lachesis, she is very tired in the evening starting after dinner. She goes to sleep but wakes up from the thoughts and doesn't rest well because of the thoughts continuing in her head.

She is not overly talkative and doesn't mind tight clothes.

She has mentioned that she feels like someone is watching her all of the time.
She doesn't feel threatened just uncomfortable.

She doesn't sweat alot. She sweats on the chest and back after exertion. She said sometimes she wakes up in the night and has sweat on her forehead.

She has some extra hair on her arms and below her navel.

She tends to be what might be referred to as double jointed. She can bend her fingers back farther than normal and tends to get jammed joints frequently that are swollen and painful.

Due to her family history, I am afraid that because she is so emotional at this point, she will become bipolar if we don't find her constitutional remedy now.

Thank you for your help, it is greatly appreciated.
jewel22 last decade
Another thing that I forgot to mention was that I see in my daughter and her older sister a sense of not belonging to anyone, maybe a forsaken feeling. They both tend to seek males out to fill this need but become very emotional and suicidal when they dont' get the love and devotion that they seek. My daughter's caseworker told me when we adopted her that she would grow up with a sense of abandonment. I think this is true of both girls. The sister grew up in foster care.

I have looked into the Aurums, what is your opinion of this?
jewel22 last decade
i don't think that the issue of amative tendency could be addressed at aurums. i think that she should start with lachesis and later she may need Lyco.
kadwa last decade
I read an article about adopted children. It mentioned how they feel abandoned, not belonging to anyone and not nurtured. They mentioned a few different remedies and the Lacs (human and animal milks) were mentioned. What do you think about these milk remedies?
jewel22 last decade
Yes. These can be considered. In lac can you can read that it is comparable to lachesis and other lacs.
kadwa last decade

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