The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Weekness after having sex and hair loss
Dear Doctor,I am Male age 33 ,married
3 year before and have a baby as well.
i am feeling following problem now adays and after my family life.
i used to have sexual life almost 2twice in a week after my marrige.
but before marrige i masturbation once or sometime twice a week for the past 6 year.
your kind advice is required for the following.
i got too much tired and Terrible exhaust after having intercourse with my partnet seconday semen is discharge with in 30 second from the start of sex relation and it take 1 hour altleast to restore my penis erectile.
also feel too much Tiredness and sweating as well after sex.
semen quanlity is also on the lowering end day by day.
i have hair loss started since i masturbation and now i feel no hair on the middle of my head and from the front side of the head there are very few hair remaining.
i also feel that i am lossing my memory and forget things which are common to me to remember.( my job work is purly office managment and i used to sit long hour 6 hours atleats)
i also feel noice in my ear like some one is heart beat in the ear and it is usually on the right side ear and sound with the pulse.
i have been the paient of T.B in my college life and take medicnce for 9 months and there is no prblem since than.
i would request your advice so that i could have better family life.
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shahzad.84 on 2010-02-19
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