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insomnia and sexual weakness

Dr ,
My name is deepak. I am 27 Years Old and I suffer from Insomnia and Sexual Weakness. I have these conditions since last 3 years. Lately I also feel weak in my right jaw and have trouble chewing and small pits have developed on my teeth though not painful. I do regular pranayam because of which I stopped taking sleeping pills a year back. Please help me dr I am too young to have these problems in life. I have been taking Damiaplant and BC27 since last 6 weeks without any physical results. However I do feel optimistic after taking the medication. Please help me out of this.
  pawar82 on 2010-02-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take three doses of Phosphorus 30c at a gap of 4 hours for 2 days and report back after 15 days. Please don't take any other remedy on the day you take phosphorus.
kadwa last decade
Dear Dr Kadwa thanks a lot for replying. You mean to say that I should take phosphorus 30c for 2 days and thereafter continue with damiaplant and BC27. Please clarify. Also dr please specify a diet plan for me as to what I need to avoid and what needs to be consumed.
Thanks a lot
pawar82 last decade

You do pranayam regularly. So you know what the right diet is. Cow milk, Butter milk (takra), 1-2 tsp cow ghee, green leafy veg., other fresh seasonal veg.
The things to be avoided are junk food, cold drinks, fried food, spicy food.

You mean to say that I should take phosphorus 30c for 2 days and thereafter continue with damiaplant and BC27.
kadwa last decade
The cure is simple please read carefully u must practice this technique to get it right. Premature ejaculation can damage relationships and damage confident its a worse thing to happen to men .I suffered badly from it now i m recovering. This website is great its helping lots people. Thank you Please help other people who suffer from it.
1 there is point when u feel ur going to ejaculate at that point u must squeeze the lower part of the penis imagine penis like a pipe u find the deep lower part of the pipe fingers wrap around the pipe squeeze hard . u must do this just before ejaculation happen
2 at the same time ur other hand fingers squeezing the top part of the penis
3 u must continue breath in and breath out
4 u have to apply this technique very quickly just before ejaculation happen
when u do this the sperm can not come out when sperm dont come out for 3 months u will start to recover
5 u have to practice many time to get this technique right
When ur about ejaculate testicals will come very near to the lower part of the penis u must gently push them down with one of ur finger while squeezing
Cut ur fingers nails so they wont cut ur skin while squeezing
u can also practice this technique when ur not having erection imagine penis is like a pipe try find the very lower part of the pipe squeeze fingers around the lower part of the penis then squeeze the top of the penis with other hand fingers around top part of the penis breath in and out continually
u will recover but it can take some time be patient
when u start to recover plz let me know thanks
this maybe help too try to control when ur urinate when u urinate stop in the middile of urination count 5 then urinate gradetully stop then count 10 then urinate at first it difficult but u can control try this at home when u strat 2 have control urinate a little stop wait 1 minute then urinate it will work but it can take months.
vishnu5 last decade

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