The ABC Homeopathy Forum
hairfall and dandruff
i am 32 yr old female with shoulder length hair and am suffering from severe hairloss. Also have dandruff and itchy scalp.hv used all home remedies but to no use. Clean my hair twice a week with anti dandruff shampoo n also oil it regularly.i eat balanced feeling very depressed n irritating as quality of my hair is neither improving nor is it growing.for constipation n gastric problem i take home remedy like lime juice n warm water.pls help me as the degree of hairfall is alarming.singh31 on 2010-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you decide to take Sepia 200c as suggested to you earlier, it may also help your other problems that you are reporting here.
♡ kadwa last decade
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