The ABC Homeopathy Forum
side effectof thuja- q
Dear Doctors,I am 27 years old male.I have some warts below my neck and i was advised by a friend to take thuja mother tincture 5 drops in 20 ml water twice a day for a week. I would like to know that can i take this medicine. And i also like to know the side effects of this medicine. because someone said that i should not take this medicine as it will affect my health in future.
kanya on 2010-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Im certainly not a Dr or a homeopath, but I can certainly concur that thuja works for warts.
It worked for mine anyway.
I had several plantar warts on my hands, and after trying a variety of off the shelf treatments (including salysilic acid and a home freeze kit), i came across Thuja.
I had the pillules. The first pack didnt work, so I bought another pack and they were gone with in a week.
I am not aware of this causing any health problems further down the line.
Good luck
It worked for mine anyway.
I had several plantar warts on my hands, and after trying a variety of off the shelf treatments (including salysilic acid and a home freeze kit), i came across Thuja.
I had the pillules. The first pack didnt work, so I bought another pack and they were gone with in a week.
I am not aware of this causing any health problems further down the line.
Good luck
soulman last decade
Thuja is generally used for warts but warts on neck, Causticum-30 works well Please take its 3 drops per dose thrice a day and use thuja Q (mother tinture) orally on the surface/wart with cotton bud twice a day.
dr. mahfooz
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
kanya last decade
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I got warts on my chin at the right side two months ago..I used duofilm (acid) twice a day to remove that..Initially there was only 1 wart..But when I applied acid,for the time being it disappeared but gradually it again appeared and from 1 it became 2..I kept on applying duofilm..Now These are total 5 warts..Then I was told by one of my friends to use thuja..I went to the homeopath market and asked them for thuja..they gave me thuja q 20 ml (mother tincture)..I took 10 drops thrice a day..When I completed one bottle,I felt that there is no improvement..Then I again went to that dealer and told the situation..He gave me thuja 1000 pillules and instructed me to take 7-10 pillules daily for 5 days..After completing the course, I felt that one of the warts has become a little bit dry..I again went to that dealer to consult him that I have completed the course of 5 days now what should I do next..He saw the condition of warts and gave me more pillules along with homeo POORI and instructed me to use the thuja 1000 pillules only once a day and use these poories twice a day..I am now using that..But Now I am feeling that the warts which became dry are again getting healthy..I am very worried about this..Please suggest me what to do??Am I using the right medicine and in right potency/dose..??Or else I should use another thuja q mother tincture?
searcher2 last decade
Side effects of Thuja are apparently generally associated with the substance "thujone"
You can find a lot of information about this substance online.
You can find a lot of information about this substance online.
♡ xenawena 7 years ago
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