The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Cervical Spondylosis with myelomalacia
My mother is facing problem in her lower back since around 2 yeasrs. She feels burning sensation in her thigh region in leg. We consulted many physicians but nothing helped, we even did home massage with oil, hot water with salt, but nothing helped. one week back we went to Neuro Surgeon and he recomended surgery as he diagnosed my mother with Cervical Spondylosis. Since 2-3 months my mother is feeling numbness in her both hand fingers. But she has no pain in neck region.We counsulted two neurosurgeons and both said to operater her from back and neuro spine surgeon said to operate her from front. I am presenting the MRI report of her.MR imaging of the cervical spine was performed and high resolution T1- & T2-weighted serial sections obtained in the sagittal & axial planes usng a phased-Array surface coil on a 3.0Tesla scanner with high strength gradients.
The study reveals evidence of a lobulated band extending from lower border of C3 to D2 vertebral body causing commpression over underlying spinal cord. It demonstrate hypointense signal on both T1 & T2W Images. There is posterior displacement, effacement of anterior subarachnoid space & thining atrophy of cervical spinal cord.
Subtle Intramedullary hyperintensity is seen involving cervical spinal cord at C3 to C7 level suggests cord oedma/myelomalacia. The intervertebral disc spaces appear normal. No prevertebral and paravertebral soft tissue abnormality seen. Posterior fossa structures appear normal.Screening of lumber spine reveals posterior bulging of L4-L5 intervertebral disc.A few Schmorl's nodes are seen involving lower dorsal & upper lumbar vertebrae.Uterus appears bulky with presence of fibroids.
1) MR findings are suggestive of ossified posterior longitudinal ligament extending from lower margin C3 to D2 level causing compression over underlying spinal cord.
2) Cord oedema/myelomalacia involving cervical spinal cord at C3 to C7 level.
The above are the MRI findings. I would appreciate any comment on these as what should be the treatment and what medicine can we use to treat her.
child on 2010-05-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
The MR imaging reveals that the Uterus appears bulky with presence of fibroids.
So it is just not a case of Cervical Spondylosis but there is much more.
A homeo remedy is suggested on the basis of totality of symptoms and it works as a stimulation to the vital force. The cure is effected if the remedy is able to stimulate the vital force. Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
So it is just not a case of Cervical Spondylosis but there is much more.
A homeo remedy is suggested on the basis of totality of symptoms and it works as a stimulation to the vital force. The cure is effected if the remedy is able to stimulate the vital force. Please copy the Questionnaire from the following thread
and post all the questions here duly answered. On that basis your remedy may be worked out.
♡ kadwa last decade
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