The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Dr. Pankaj Varma or Dr. Kawda or Dr. Haran ch Malakar Page 4 of 7
Asthmatic symptoms: After continuing smiling for 2/3 minute, asthmatic problem comes out. That means start coughing ('Kashi' hote thake), It becomes hard for me for taking normal breath. then I've to take 'inhaler'. After 5 minutes of taking inhaler some liquid cough comes out with spittle. After 25/30 minutes I become normal. It happens every time with me when I'm in smiling for long time. I never take it so seriously because of, this problems also happens with my mother and sisters every time. When we laughing loudly for 2/3 minutes then start itching in throat (gola te chulkate thake)also. But this problem never take so seriously and do not using inhaler for this all the time.
Do you find any similarities between these symptoms with Aphonia?
What I said
* Laughing excites cough: Argentum Metallicum, Dros., Phos., Stan.
* Breathing difficulties for the cause of bronchial spasm:
The leading remedy for these symptoms:
Antimonium Tartaricum
Arsenic Album
Calcarea Phosphorica
Clinical Materia Medica by E A Farrington, M.D.
You cant find anywhere that Nitric Acid have those kinds of symptoms. Not any books, Internet or REPERTORY.
I said it under the condition of Smiling/Laughing excites cough.
When we laughing loudly for 2/3 minutes then start itching in throat.
This is a clear indication of bronchial spasm.
Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
*collinsonia Q, Hemalaisis Q)) This is ointment for external use in Piles to reduce Pain}}}
After that I got some relief..
Is this create any problem in my treatment??? as you said ((If you take any homoeo remedy for your present sufferings than all of the good effects of your previous medication are going into vain and your overall condition will revert back to your previous condition.)) Actually I couldn't tolerate then use this ointment just for 1 time.
Today in morning I observe no bleeding on my stool... just paining but can be tolerate. Not a bad pain.
I can't understand why suddenly this pain & bleeding comes out and gone only within 2 days!!!! On the past it happened with me for minimum 4/5 days.
Today it also paining but not so badly.
carebd last decade
Info.rahiq last decade
You face this only for 2 days because all the existing symptoms for the cause of Homoeopathic aggravation last only a few days.
Is this create any problem in my treatment?
> No. Dont worry about that & please do not take any homoeo remedy or use ointment externally right now.
Report back after 10 days.
Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
I respect both of you.
We have to observe carefully about our references and speeches.
I never ignore Dr. Pankaj Varma and Dr. Rahiq also.
But After Dr. Kadwa, I start taking treatment under Dr. Rahiq. Now I'm under close observation by Dr. Rahiq. So we should wait for completing this proses. Then in future if I need to take NitAc I must do so with your prescription and opinion .
Another If Almighty Allah pardon me with the medicines which is prescribing by Dr. Rahiq, It may becomes new experience for Pankaj Ji. As he said in Past ((I have spent 25 years with homeopathy ...and ...I am still a learner in many ways....becoz of the urge to learn more.))
I think Rahiq vay also red all of the post of Pankaj varma
Re: Dr. Pankaj Varma or Dr. Kawda or Dr. Haran ch Malakar From PANKAJ VARMA on 2010-08-11
I would like to inform my learned doctor friends ...she has the symptoms of the presence of a miasm.
Nitric Acid is the med for canceling the impact of the miasm.
Unless and until this is done per homeopathy teaching...other meds will not act in a beneficial way. She will experience frequent relapses.
I strongly recommend that she takes Nitric Acid 200.
Possibility is ...Nitric acid itself will cure her. There may not be need for a second med.
Pankaj Varma
So about NitAc may Rahiq vay put it on his mind and may prescribe me if I need so. Coz Rahiq vay also said that>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dear Joba,
May be you dont need it right now. The remedy which I advised to you starts to act positively. So, keep watching and give it a reasonable time to finish its work.
So Dr. Pankaj ji should I not waiting for this medicine's proper action???
When Dr. Kadwa think that Mr. Rahiq can give better treatment then him, he clearly told me to follow Rahiq's prescription. Same I believe when Rahiq vay think, need to follow Dr. Pankaj Varma or others prescribe about my problem then he freely tell me.
I'm a Patient and you are doctors. Please Don't mind if I do any mistake. Both of you pray for my early recover.
carebd last decade
Re: Dr. Pankaj Varma or Dr. Kawda or Dr. Haran ch Malakar From PANKAJ VARMA on 2010-10-03
So stop criticizing me and get your own facts straight.
Punkaj Varma
Ive no intention to criticize you. If you think that I want to criticize you than I hardly request, excuse me for that. I appreciate with respect your hard work for helping suffering people around the world.
Dear Joba,
Please dont compare me with Dr. Kadwa. He is a great person with great heart. I personally follow him & his method of case taking and lots of other things which I cant remember right now. He is 100 times better than me.
May Allah bless you
Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
You said this coz you r a Broadminded man. Yeah Dr. Kadwa is very experienced & nice man too. I just want to say that Some time I wrote in bengali & for that it became easy to communicate with you. Another Dr. Kadwa said
Re: Dr. Pankaj Varma or Dr. Kawda or Dr. Haran ch Malakar From kadwa on 2010-08-01
Please wait for Mr. Rahiq's suggestion. He is a good prescriber and makes suggestion after indepth analysis.
That's Why I said this.
Rahiq Vay
Yesterday I observed that 'The extra loose skin at the end of my anus' becomes hard. Just like a little soft Grape. This extra loose skin fill up with some thing which I don't know.....Can u understand???
My skin condition is given below.. as I said which spots are came first they turned in to darker.. Is this skin probs cure automatically??
You know I'm a married so this question is logically comes here...Is Birth control Pill {{'Desolon' from Renata, Bangladesh(Desogestrel BP 0.15mg + Ethinyl Estradiol BP 0.03mg)}} make any turbulence for my current medicine's action??
Allah Hafez
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carebd last decade
Homoeopathy treats the whole person, not a single disease. So, if your remedy is perfect than all of your physical or mental disorder will be cured. I strongly believe and hope that after completing your treatment; you can imagine yourself as a newborn child.
Yesterday I observed that 'The extra loose skin at the end of my anus' becomes hard. Just like a little soft Grape.
> Just wait for some days. Keep watch and see whats happened.
My skin condition is given below, as I said which spots are came first they turned in to darker. Is this skin problem cure automatically?
> Yes, it will cure automatically.
> You can take Desolon. Its doesnt interfere the action of the remedy.
*** Whats the condition of your husband Rehan?
Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
I observe today in the morning there is no pain on time of passing stool and what I said yesterday about 'little soft grape' become smaller.
Pray for me.
Allah Hafez
carebd last decade
or give me you cell no for emergency communication.
I'm waiting for your arrival
carebd last decade
My skin problems are increasing day by day.. as I told you before, old spots are turning in to dark spot and new spots are stretching out in whole body,(( neck, chest, upper & lower waist ))
Please do some thing
Waiting for urgent rply
carebd last decade
Please keep patience in mind. Wait, wait & wait until your body will stop developing new spot on your skin. Don't be panic. All the existing spots will cured automatically as you see before.
Report back after 10 day.
Info.rahiq last decade
Info.rahiq last decade
About my skin problem... I already said....Another Allergic problem is also growing up.... All time itching in my whole body (sobar hater upore j 1ta common tika er chinho thake akhon otar mod.he-o chulkay) otherwise over condition is normal......
No polyp, itching,pain in Piles problem, no bleeding, my mental condition is normal... burning feel in my whole body is gone...Now my beloved says that my body temperature is staying normal all the time. Now everything going normal except Allergic & Skin problem....
If you need any specific condition then let me know....
What about your accident & your PC?? I just notified about this from my husband.
Allah Hafez
carebd last decade
Walaikum Assalam,
Se rate lab-e agun lagar karone amar PC ta pure jae. Agun nevate giye dan hater kichu ongso pure jae. Kichudin hospital e chilam. Porshu bandage khuleche. Now I can move my finger. I write this post using mobile internet.
Don't worry about skin issue. You've to take 1 dose of Thusa Oc 1M on 1st week of November. Do not take anything right now. I will told you when you have to take the remedy & how will you take it. Until please eat as more vegetables with meal as you can.
Report back at 1st November.
Info.rahiq last decade
I'll report back u on 1st November then give me the detail of Thusa.
Allah Hafez.
carebd last decade
From last two days I didn't go to toilet for bowel movement. So after two days today I go to toilet and found that my stool become hard and it also bleeding (5/6 drops red blood), No polyps at the end of anus but some itching and paining.
I never take any junk food. But some time bowel movement stopped automatically. Why it happened???? And just after that it start bleeding....
Every time I've in great careful about this.... How can it becomes normally??? Hard stool is common in human life... In 30/40 days one day for hard stool, I think its normal.. but if I have hard stool just for one days then I've to face pilesproblem!!!!!!!!!!.... What is the solution about this???
carebd last decade
How are you?
What's your skin condition right now? How do you fell physically, mentally, emotionally, overall? Do you fell any disturbedness in your mood or behaviour? How do you fell about yourself & your relatives? Do you fell anger easily? All in all do you fell fresh now this days?
Info.rahiq last decade
I'm not so well. As I told you earlier. Bleeding problem was stopped when I'm used other med. like colonsinia, Asqulas Hip, But now It comes again.
When it start paining, mentally I become much hopeless. I can't do anything except laying on bed. I think my behavior to my beloved is going to change day by day... Some times I become angry frequently with him. But it not should be.
Skin problems in body still as before. Newly it starts in my face.. Here I'm giving my face picture. In my face this skin problem start growing.... What should I do now??? If this problem goes continually then can I think how it looks in my face!!!!!!!!! It may be very bad...
Please do some thing...
Allergy problem become less itching. But it still ...
Body temperature is now totally normal.
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carebd last decade
Dont worry about skin problem and bleeding issues. As I said earlier, it will cure automatically. Its only a matter of time. Now we need to move on higher potency of Ignatia or any other remedy according to your needs. Do you remember when you took last dose of Ignatia 200c. May be on 2010-08-05. Two month and 22 days had been passed since you took your last dose. We cant expect that a remedy like Ignatia in 200c potency can able to work as many days as it work on you.
Now lets work on mental level and try to cure all those disorders which related to mind and Miasm. Just tell me about one more things in details.
> How is your bowel movement and stool type now? Is it hard or soft as you said before?
> Do you see any change between two deferent time and condition: (1) before taking Ignatia 200c (2) Recent dates.
> When do you feel pain; before, during or after bowel movement?
> When do you see blood on stool; during or after bowel movement?
> Do you hear any strange sound on stomach or movement of water or anything else on it? If yes, than when it starts; before, during, after meal or any specific time?
> How is your thirst and hunger now: less, normal or excessive?
Best wishes,
Info.rahiq last decade
First of all today in the morning I observe so carefully that my stool is not so hard but my anal path become too narrow. Can you please tell me why it is??? What the solutions for narrow anal path?????? Is it can comes from my family history??? I'm not so fatty, I'm slim. But it is hardly true that my anal path is narrow. I told you about this earlier. Have I do any particular exercise for this??? Or any medicine for narrow anal path???? (in every month for one or two time hard bowel movement...I think it is normal in every human life. But If so it becomes terrible for me.. just one time Hard stool enough for me for bleeding and bad pain...this is the main problem)
When I start for bowel movement it also start paining and after bowel movement it becomes terrible. It happens not all the time. One or two times in every month. One thing doctor.... In the morning, after bed I fell gas problem in my stomach, same after dinner. It not happening everyday but frequently ( every 4th or 5th day, that means after 4/5/6 days continually)
Thirst and hunger now:normal
Any change between two deferent time and condition: (1) before taking Ignatia 200c (2) Recent dates.
After taking Ignatia my body temperature reduce visibly. Piles pain, itching happens but not staying for 2/3 days. It happens just for one / two times and then gone. After start Ignatia Allergic problem raised too much but now this day it start reducing. Thats all
If I've to give more details, please let me know.
carebd last decade
I just go to toilet for bowel movement again (In the morning it was not clear) and found again bleeding with stool and 5/6 drops after bowel movement. now it feels burning inside of anal path. (jokhon stool pass hote thake mone hochsilo anal path-a vitore sire gese ba rasta ta kete gese abong onek joltese...toilet theke ber hobar por-o akhon porjonto anal path er vitore joltese...)
Please do something.... Its very hard to tolerate. Any medicine with high power if effective for strengthening my anal path internally please please please provide me... when this problem happens really its so hard to tolerate.....
((Asthmatic symptoms: After continuing smiling for 2/3 minute is same as before.))
carebd last decade
Please take 2 (two) doses of Ignatia 1M at a gap of 3 hours only for 1 (one) day. Do not repeat it on the 15 days. Do not take any other remedy or herbs on the next 15 days.
1st dose means:
Insert 1 pellets or 1 drop of the remedy into 15 ml distilled water. Thoroughly stirred it and take 2 drop from it. Please use only hygienic disposable dropper before use.
2nd dose means:
Get a 500ml bottle of distilled Water from the nearest supermarket. Pour out about 250 ml of water from the bottle to leave some airspace. Insert 1 pills (If the remedy is in pills form) or Insert 1 drop (If the remedy is in liquid dilution form) of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard 15 times in a row (15 strokes of equal strength). Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succession which is done to enhance the medicinal power of the remedy.
Please take only 2 DROPS of the reconstituted dilution of 250 ml using a disposable dropper.
Please report back after 15 days. I look forward to your response.
1/. Nothing should enter the mouth for 1 hour prior to, or after taking the remedy.
2/. If your remedy came in pills form do not touch the pills with your hands, tip them into the cap of the container they came in and then into the water.
3/. Avoid coffee, tea (including green), and other sources of caffeine such as some fizzy drinks and large amounts of chocolate, except where this would cause a drastic change in consumption
4/. Avoid wearing perfume or exposure to anything with a strong smell on the day and 3 days following the remedy administration. This includes any and all essential oils, and incense.
5/. Avoid the consumption of excessively spicy foods.
6/. The use of medicinal herbs, either as 'teas' or supplements should be avoided during Homoeopathic treatment, as should the use of over the counter medication, unless this has been recommended by your Doctor.
Info.rahiq last decade
Today I went to toilet in afternoon (3rd time) and found again bleeding (5/6 drops) and pain. That means in one day 3 times bleeding....whats going on with me!!!!
Allah Hafez
carebd last decade
If you not taken the advised doses of Ignatia 1M than please dont take it.
3 times bleeding in one day this is not normal. May be some kind of rebuilding process happened on tissue & cells level of your anal path. We can clearly understand whats happening on there at tomorrow afternoon. So, please do not take anything right now. Trust me, there is nothing wrong will happened. Report back at tomorrow afternoon.
Info.rahiq last decade
I do not take Lgnatia 1M because of it was not available in nearest market. I bought it yesterday (31-10-10). But before taking this I lust log in here for further information and found you current advice for avoid this medicine.
I told you on 28-10-10 about three time bleeding but next day it gone!!!! that means on 29-10-10 in the morning there is no bleeding!! Today there is no pain also. But little bit itching at the end on anus where there is a skin like a little soft grape.
Now what should do??
One another information my skin problem. All of present spots turn in to darker...
carebd last decade
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