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Ignatia Amara: Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Ignatia Amara and Nux Vomica

Hi all,

I was feeling pretty down, irritable and I couldn’t sleep. The doctor prescribed:

- Ignatia Amara 200CH – 5 globules in the evening
- Nux Vomica 20CH – 5 globules in the morning

I started the treatment 4 days. Mentally, I am feeling better and I am sleeping much better. But physically I am feeling worse. My stomach hurts, and I keep eructating, feel bloated and have flatulence. This morning I woke up with a swollen eyelid. Yesterday I didn’t take the Nux and eructation abated. Today I took it and a simple glass of water is enough for me to start eructating. Can it be that the Nux is treating any underlying condition that I might have? If so, how long are the symptoms supposed to last?

Many thanks.

  MartinL on 2010-06-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Its better to consult your doctor again.
Dr.Saravanan last decade

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