The ABC Homeopathy Forum
distill water for wet dose
can we use distill water or normal water for arnica wet dose . pl s suggest mem.aditya on 2010-07-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Distilled water is the best to make the Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy.
So is tap water boiled to release the chlorine preferably passed through a water filter which is commonly used in India.
You can also use Bottled spring water like Bisleri in India. Read the fine print to verify if the source is a deep bore well as the water at that level is usually pure from Aquifers deep underground.
I note that you are using this water to make Arnica in the Wet dose. I cannot remember prescribing it to you and would like to know for which ailment you wish to do so.
So is tap water boiled to release the chlorine preferably passed through a water filter which is commonly used in India.
You can also use Bottled spring water like Bisleri in India. Read the fine print to verify if the source is a deep bore well as the water at that level is usually pure from Aquifers deep underground.
I note that you are using this water to make Arnica in the Wet dose. I cannot remember prescribing it to you and would like to know for which ailment you wish to do so.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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