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Can chemotherapy antidote a homeopathic remedy
Can chemotherapy antidote a homeopathic remedy's actions.I will be taking Rituxan and I'm on a bird remedy
bamilton on 2010-08-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
can you discuss this with me more please, as I do not have a homeopath. I can be emailed at b3hamilton at I would be grateful for any insight.
Thank you I would be grateful for any insight.
Thank you
bamilton last decade
Difficult to say. First, I would want to hear what remedy you are on, and to make sure that it is a remedy that has been found useful in cancer.
Rather than worry, in some cases, I might just retake the remedy, depending on what it is and when it was last taken.
Rather than worry, in some cases, I might just retake the remedy, depending on what it is and when it was last taken.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Actually, the remedy I'm on is Peregrine Falcon 6C taken 3 times over 4 months ago. I am proving it and I'm miserable. It has exacerbated the underlying peripheral neurological disease and the neurologist wants to give me a chemotherapeutic agent that will kill the B-cells that produce the antibodies that are attacking my nervous system. If this chemo will neutralize the remedy (I have tried everything imaginable to antidote it but to no avail) then I'm willing to do the chemo. If the rituxan/chemo cannot neutralize the homoepathic remedy then I will not take it. I am too sensitive to take any other homeopathic remedies and Camphor 30C which has been recommended by many neutralizes predominantly vegetable based remedies according to Vitoulkhaus. Furthermore, my heart is already pounding and tachycardic and camphor would only worsen it.
bamilton last decade
Of the several lists of gradients for remedies that have been found useful in the treatment of cancer by different authors, I have not found a single author who has found Peregrine Falcon to be effective in the treatment of cancer.
My expectation is that that remedy is completely wrong.
I've had patients who'd had terrible reactions to 6c remedies, and when I've found their correct remedies they can easily tolerate 30, 100, and LMs.
I would recommend that you let a quality homeopath review your case fresh.
Often the correct remedy will remove any effects of previous remedies completely.
My expectation is that that remedy is completely wrong.
I've had patients who'd had terrible reactions to 6c remedies, and when I've found their correct remedies they can easily tolerate 30, 100, and LMs.
I would recommend that you let a quality homeopath review your case fresh.
Often the correct remedy will remove any effects of previous remedies completely.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
Boenninghausen rubric for Early early stages of cancer.
Ars., Aur., Bell, Carbo an., Chin., Clem., Ferr., Kreos., Lach., Mag. Mur., Merc., Plat., Puls., Sabi., Sars., Sec-c., Sep. and Thuja.
Grimmers Rubric for Environmental Irritations such as Drugs, serums, vaccines, and processed and demineralized foods. Alum., Arn., Ars., Ars-i., Bell-p., Brom., Cadm., Caust., Con., Graph., Hydr., Kali-bi., Kali-cyn., Kali-i., Kali-s., Lach., Lyc., Merc-viv., Nit-ac., Phos., Phyt., Ruta., Sab., Sep., Sil., Thuj., Tox.
Kent's cancer remedies: GENERALITIES; CANCEROUS affections: abr., acet-ac., acon., agar., ail., alum., alumn., am-c., Ambr., anac., anan., anil., ant-c., Ant-m., ant-t., anthr., Apis, apoc., arbu., arg., arg-n., arn., ARS., ars-br., Ars-i., ars-s-f., asaf., Aster., Aur., aur-ar., aur-i., Aur-m., aur-m-n., aur-s., Bapt., bar-c., bar-i., bell., bell-p., bism., BROM., Bry., Bufo, buni-o., cadm., Cadm-s., Calc., calc-acet., calc-ar., calc-f., Calc-i., calc-o-t., calc-ox., calc-p., Calc-s., calc-sil., Calen., calth., Carb-ac., CARBO-AN, Carb-v., Carbn-s., carc., card-m., caust., cedr., chel., chim., chol., cholin., chr-ac., Cic., cinnam., Cist., Cit-ac., cit-l., clem., coloc., CON., cory., cot., croc., crot-h., cund., cupr., cupr-acet., cupr-s., cur., dulc., echi., elaps, elat., eos., epip., eucal., eup-per., euph., euph-he., ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr-pic., form., form-ac., formal., fuli., gaert., Gali., gels., gent-l., Graph., gua., Ham., hecla., hep., Hippoz., Ho., Hydr., hydrc., hydrin-m., Iod., iodof., Kali-ar., Kali-bi., kali-c., kali-chl., Kali-cy., Kali-i., Kali-p., Kali-s., Kreos., kres., Lach., lact., Lap-a., laur., lob-c., lob-d., lup., lupin., LYC., mag-m., mag-p., mag-s., maland., matth., med., Merc., merc-c., Merc-i-f., methyl., mez., Mill., morg-g., Morph., mur-ac., nat-cac., nat-m., nectrin., NIT-AC, nux-v., nym., Ol-an., Op., orni., oxyg., parat., perh., petr., ph-ac., PHOS., PHYT., pic-ac., prot., psor., psoral., puls., rad-br., raja-s., ran-b., ran-s., rhod., rhus-t., rumx-a., ruta, sac-alb., Sang., sarcol-ac., scirr., scroph-n., Sec., sed-r., Semp., senec-j., sep., Sieg., SIL., silphu., spig., spong., squil., staph., sul-ac., sul-i., Sulph., syc-co., symph., syph., tarax., tarent., tarent-c., tax., Ter., thala., Thuj., toxo., trif-p., uran-n., verb., vib-p., viol-o., visc., X-ray, zinc.
Ars., Aur., Bell, Carbo an., Chin., Clem., Ferr., Kreos., Lach., Mag. Mur., Merc., Plat., Puls., Sabi., Sars., Sec-c., Sep. and Thuja.
Grimmers Rubric for Environmental Irritations such as Drugs, serums, vaccines, and processed and demineralized foods. Alum., Arn., Ars., Ars-i., Bell-p., Brom., Cadm., Caust., Con., Graph., Hydr., Kali-bi., Kali-cyn., Kali-i., Kali-s., Lach., Lyc., Merc-viv., Nit-ac., Phos., Phyt., Ruta., Sab., Sep., Sil., Thuj., Tox.
Kent's cancer remedies: GENERALITIES; CANCEROUS affections: abr., acet-ac., acon., agar., ail., alum., alumn., am-c., Ambr., anac., anan., anil., ant-c., Ant-m., ant-t., anthr., Apis, apoc., arbu., arg., arg-n., arn., ARS., ars-br., Ars-i., ars-s-f., asaf., Aster., Aur., aur-ar., aur-i., Aur-m., aur-m-n., aur-s., Bapt., bar-c., bar-i., bell., bell-p., bism., BROM., Bry., Bufo, buni-o., cadm., Cadm-s., Calc., calc-acet., calc-ar., calc-f., Calc-i., calc-o-t., calc-ox., calc-p., Calc-s., calc-sil., Calen., calth., Carb-ac., CARBO-AN, Carb-v., Carbn-s., carc., card-m., caust., cedr., chel., chim., chol., cholin., chr-ac., Cic., cinnam., Cist., Cit-ac., cit-l., clem., coloc., CON., cory., cot., croc., crot-h., cund., cupr., cupr-acet., cupr-s., cur., dulc., echi., elaps, elat., eos., epip., eucal., eup-per., euph., euph-he., ferr-i., ferr-p., ferr-pic., form., form-ac., formal., fuli., gaert., Gali., gels., gent-l., Graph., gua., Ham., hecla., hep., Hippoz., Ho., Hydr., hydrc., hydrin-m., Iod., iodof., Kali-ar., Kali-bi., kali-c., kali-chl., Kali-cy., Kali-i., Kali-p., Kali-s., Kreos., kres., Lach., lact., Lap-a., laur., lob-c., lob-d., lup., lupin., LYC., mag-m., mag-p., mag-s., maland., matth., med., Merc., merc-c., Merc-i-f., methyl., mez., Mill., morg-g., Morph., mur-ac., nat-cac., nat-m., nectrin., NIT-AC, nux-v., nym., Ol-an., Op., orni., oxyg., parat., perh., petr., ph-ac., PHOS., PHYT., pic-ac., prot., psor., psoral., puls., rad-br., raja-s., ran-b., ran-s., rhod., rhus-t., rumx-a., ruta, sac-alb., Sang., sarcol-ac., scirr., scroph-n., Sec., sed-r., Semp., senec-j., sep., Sieg., SIL., silphu., spig., spong., squil., staph., sul-ac., sul-i., Sulph., syc-co., symph., syph., tarax., tarent., tarent-c., tax., Ter., thala., Thuj., toxo., trif-p., uran-n., verb., vib-p., viol-o., visc., X-ray, zinc.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
As I tried to explain, I do not have cancer. I have a neurological illness and one of the treatements is to eradicate the antibodies that are attacking my peripheral nerves with chemotherapy Rituxan.
I have become so sensitized to homeopathy that simply touching a bottle will impart its effects upon me. I over respond to any homeopathic remedy.
Thank you for going through all the efforts to find cancer remedies, but what I truly need is a means of neutralizeing Peregrine Falcon, one that hopefully does not entail homeopathic remedies.
This Peregrine Falcon is blocking my bodies ability to heal. I am unable to even use garlic to cleanse, or tai chi because I am 'blocked.'
Is there a remedy that neutralizes animal/blood based remedies, as camphor neutralizes vegetable remedies?
I have become so sensitized to homeopathy that simply touching a bottle will impart its effects upon me. I over respond to any homeopathic remedy.
Thank you for going through all the efforts to find cancer remedies, but what I truly need is a means of neutralizeing Peregrine Falcon, one that hopefully does not entail homeopathic remedies.
This Peregrine Falcon is blocking my bodies ability to heal. I am unable to even use garlic to cleanse, or tai chi because I am 'blocked.'
Is there a remedy that neutralizes animal/blood based remedies, as camphor neutralizes vegetable remedies?
bamilton last decade
I must say, that I think you have been told some mumbo-jumbo from some non-classical homeopath.
I've seen cases like this before, and usually the remedies that the patient has been given are very wrong. And the correct remedy makes the situation right immediately.
I've had patients who before me were given wrong remedies. I've given them a small dose of the right remedy, and they are soon up to whatever potency is right for them.
I urge you to begin your case anew with a real homeopath.
If you present your case here from the beginning, there are many great homeopaths to help you.
I suggest you forget antidoting this remedy, and just find your correct remedy. If you are really sensitive, then you will need to use the remedy with a number of dilution glasses.
I've seen cases like this before, and usually the remedies that the patient has been given are very wrong. And the correct remedy makes the situation right immediately.
I've had patients who before me were given wrong remedies. I've given them a small dose of the right remedy, and they are soon up to whatever potency is right for them.
I urge you to begin your case anew with a real homeopath.
If you present your case here from the beginning, there are many great homeopaths to help you.
I suggest you forget antidoting this remedy, and just find your correct remedy. If you are really sensitive, then you will need to use the remedy with a number of dilution glasses.
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
♡ John Stanton last decade
Heart pounding
weakness sensation especially lower body/ fatigue feeling
physical agitation/ physical anxiety
numbness of entire body
intermittent burning of upper body
skin changes scaly, thin
Bowel movements undigested
Unable to eat fats, proteins; cannot eat anything with high mineral content or that is cleansing like garlic, beets
night sweats
Tongue white, ridged, parched
dry throat
dry eyes (sclera folding), like sandpaper
eyes red, burn
environ sensitivity/
hands/feet burning
Ankle Pain R & L
Pain behind R knee
Calf and Thigh Pain R leg
Inc thigh girth
Bloating of entire body
abdominal bloating
Pedal pitting edema ankle
arthritis pain fingers
arthritis enlargement fingers
Arthritis Back
Fingers/ Feet swelling
throat constriction
eat fat --> heart pounding/tachyc, & weakness
ears burning
head tingling
face or back tingling
chest pain
freezing: feels cold, chills
hair loss
brain fog
light headed/ dizzy
eyes wonky esp with contacts
Heart pounding
weakness sensation especially lower body/ fatigue feeling
physical agitation/ physical anxiety
numbness of entire body
intermittent burning of upper body
skin changes scaly, thin
Bowel movements undigested
Unable to eat fats, proteins; cannot eat anything with high mineral content or that is cleansing like garlic, beets
night sweats
Tongue white, ridged, parched
dry throat
dry eyes (sclera folding), like sandpaper
eyes red, burn
environ sensitivity/
hands/feet burning
Ankle Pain R & L
Pain behind R knee
Calf and Thigh Pain R leg
Inc thigh girth
Bloating of entire body
abdominal bloating
Pedal pitting edema ankle
arthritis pain fingers
arthritis enlargement fingers
Arthritis Back
Fingers/ Feet swelling
throat constriction
eat fat --> heart pounding/tachyc, & weakness
ears burning
head tingling
face or back tingling
chest pain
freezing: feels cold, chills
hair loss
brain fog
light headed/ dizzy
eyes wonky esp with contacts
bamilton last decade
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