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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Terrible case of hair loss but hopeful

Hi All.
I am 24 year old male.
Background - Since childhood i have not been into any kind of sports and started masturbation at an early stage. maybe 12-13 years of age. I remember having poor stamina and bad memory power. And by the time i cleared my 12th standard I started to loose hair also.. Next 4 years of college i lost a lot of hair and now i have been working for 4 years and look like 35 while I am just 25. I've lost 70 % of hair from front and sides only back and back sides are left.. During my college days, i continued with daily masturbation and poor diet but started exercising little bit..
As a person, I am kind of emotional , love to make friends, don't get angry easily , love to listen to people and usually understanding in nature..
My current symptoms are : 1. hair loss.. 2. weak stamine .. 3. headache in sun .. 4. While masturbating, early ejaculation . ( early fall even if my partner touches me here and there for a 2 mins or so) 5. I see 2 nerves on my both sides of head and feel pressure in them when i am stressed..
My current cource of action - I have now reduced masturbation to once a week since last 6 months years...
I have been taking Flourica acid 30 for last 2 weeks and feel somewhat improvement in hair loss problem... earlier I used to shed 3-5 strands of hair as soon as i run my fingers through my hair .. now its reduced to 1 strand.. I wash my hair daily with 1 spoon dettol in 1.5 liter water and use no shampoo.. and I have started doing morning pranayam for 10-15 mins and jog for 20 mins or so in evening followed by stretching exercise.
As of now I am 6 feet , 72 kg and my abdomen is very thin and chest is also not at all broad. I look like a case of mal-nutrition. With clothes on I look healthy.
I have some how never been able to focus on my own self. In terms of polishing my capabilities and taking care of my health. But I am now firmly determined to do so.
I will report to you all what changes i experience using the cource of medicine my homeopath dopctor advices and what all i do.
It seems like the worst case of hair loss and I am hopeful to make it better.

I am attaching a picture of my scalp for reference.
I would be happy to hear any comments or suggestions and I will keep the forum posted for any updates / improvements I see in my case.
Thank you

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  senorshan on 2010-08-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
partner availability and still masterbate---addressing masterbation as key is correct
John Stanton last decade
Partner was only there for a short while approx 4 years back :)
senorshan last decade

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