The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Treatment for Bad acne scars
i have had acne for the past 2 years now. i picked the spots and now i am left with a lot of scars. my acne has gotten better now. i really need help to remove my scars, any help will be greatly welcomed. i am Sri Lankan and skin is brown and so the scars are very visible. if anyone wants picture of my affected skin then please ask, and i will email it.sajeev on 2005-04-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dont people read - enter ACNE in the SEARCH panel along side this page and call up oodles of info!.
passkey last decade
to fix the light rolling scars, you will need 1 -3 treatments of dermabration therapy, except that you are brown skin and hyperpigmentation can result. I would suggest then a facial peel using TCA. These are nice deep peels. For deep pocky ice pick scars use the TCA-CROSS method, which is 100% Trichloroacetic Acid dropped into the scar, this will raise the scar.
dadoody last decade
Silicea, silicea, silicea !!!!! READ THE THREADS HERE ! It works. Don't bother with peels and dermaabrasion.
carlotta last decade
He's male. silicea will kill his sperm off #1...
#2, we need to know the extent of the scarring. It sounds pretty bad, and silicea may do very little for tougher scaring.
#2, we need to know the extent of the scarring. It sounds pretty bad, and silicea may do very little for tougher scaring.
dadoody last decade
Please state you information source for the above, 'silica will kill his sperm'.
I have never heard this and i think that you dont properly understand.
I have never heard this and i think that you dont properly understand.
windwaker last decade
I think that he's read that about phytolacca berry and he's confusing silicea with that ...
No matter how bad the scarring, silicea will have an effect. Expect longer time. Have more patience. That's all.
No matter how bad the scarring, silicea will have an effect. Expect longer time. Have more patience. That's all.
carlotta last decade
hotty198 last decade
carlotta, can you tell us about your acne scars and how well silica did on them? how long did it take and how old were the scars?
hotty198 last decade
kalibrom last decade
Hi Hotty
Well I , as with many, read the thread about home made silicea in relation to acne and scarring started by Kuldeep and it made a lot of sense to me. I liked his line of thought and I trusted his homeopathy. The difference between me and many others is that I had some silicea 6x already made up, and i thought i'd try this before I made my own, as, going on Kuldeep's instruction, it was a potency that should have effect for scarring as it's low enough.
Now I should make clear I had kind of 'teenage' skin - nothing out of the ordinary. Then late teens - 20s I started getting cystic acne that seemed hormone related. I didn't have a face full , just one or two at a time, but they were painful and slow to heal, and when i went to the dermatologist it was severe enough for him to put me on accutane straight away. First time around I didn't take it for long enough and although my skin tried up and the acne subdued temporarily, a while later I was back to square one.
That was when i went through an unhealthy time in my life when I was not looking after myself at all. I had candida, my skin was the worst ever, I felt terrible, I was going out a lot and basically abusing life.
When I was around 25 I became really interested in complimentary therapy, diet, vitamins and healing and through research and self medication I cleared the candida and began to get well. I cleansed a lot, but despite feeling so much ,my skin was still a law unto itself, and while the condition was better I still had bad breakouts and we all know how depressing that is !!
So as a last resort in spite of feeling that I shouldn't I did another (expensive!!) course of accutane. This time my skin responded but left me with some scarring.
I tried lots of creams and stuff but nothing worked. It was weird actually because although I got the spots my skin always healed well, and cos it was a little oily, the texture was always good.
After the Accutane it was dry and uneven.
Then i came to this board and read about the silicea. It co-incided with my taking a course of MSM and my face breaking out all over again because of the detox of MSM. This really shows that allopathic medicine does nothing to 'cure' acne - it just pushes it deeper inside the body. I have read Passkey's article here on this and completely agree with him. For those of us that get skin conditions it is our body's way of pushing disease away from the organs, and your body basically wants to push acne 'out' rather than 'lock it in'.
That is why silicea really made sense to me. And after my MSM experience which was pushing boils and god else knows what impurity out of me (i didn't leave the house for 2 weeks!) I thought whatever I'll give the silicea 6x a go.
For me I took a couple under the tongue at night and I knew it was the right remedy from the word go. I was getting a few spots but I can't say it was as severe as many have posted on this board. I think I was over the worst with the MSM I took !
I kept with the silicea 6x for about 3 weeks and I was so happy with how it was working for me. My skin was 'normalizing' and the scars were softening, but then I reached a sort of 'plateau' and that potency was not longer having an effect. So I posted for Passkey and he advised me to order 3x and make a medcine with spring water and shake 10 times, so that is what i'm doing at the moment.
When I switched potency, it seemed to begin all over again , but the breakouts are small and very swift to clear up and only in one place. If I get a pimple it comes and goes without bothering me.
I also ordered the phytolacca berry and have been taking 6-8 drops in water per day, and I honestly don't know if this is having anything to do with anything or not ! I couldn't be tell you. I have a few read marks on my face and they seem to be the same as before I started the phytolacca. I'll probably discontinue any day now with that.
I'm sure, as i told Passkey, that the silicea is something constitutional for me as it's affected me on so many levels. It feels like I've been needing this remedy for a long time. I was born with jaundice and I had injections on my bum cheeks and outside of my thighs which left a mark, as they would on newborn baby skin. These have bothered me for ages as around my thighs the skin went dimpled and looked like cellulite but I'm amazed that since taking the silicea these areas are smoothing out and the injection marks are flattening !! It's just amazing !!
So Hotty, this is a really long post, but I thought I'd say my bit about the silicea as it's interesting for you to read another's experience. I'm sticking with it for as long as i need it, that's for sure.
I've read others' reaction to the home made stuff and I sympathise with the 're-awakening' of their acne, but you have to go through this whole process again with it if you have scarring, because it throws it all up again. This is how it works. But if you stick with it then the quality of the breakouts change until you don't break out anymore.
I'm just sad that Kuldeep has seemingly left the site as he should follow up on these cases personally and give advice and encouragement. Why did he post as Laura when there were so many real and live guinea pigs out there who were hanging on his every piece of acne advice !!!! I don't understand. I have defended him a lot on this site, but it seems to me now HE could do with some silicea himself for a dose of COURAGE...
All the best and take care
Well I , as with many, read the thread about home made silicea in relation to acne and scarring started by Kuldeep and it made a lot of sense to me. I liked his line of thought and I trusted his homeopathy. The difference between me and many others is that I had some silicea 6x already made up, and i thought i'd try this before I made my own, as, going on Kuldeep's instruction, it was a potency that should have effect for scarring as it's low enough.
Now I should make clear I had kind of 'teenage' skin - nothing out of the ordinary. Then late teens - 20s I started getting cystic acne that seemed hormone related. I didn't have a face full , just one or two at a time, but they were painful and slow to heal, and when i went to the dermatologist it was severe enough for him to put me on accutane straight away. First time around I didn't take it for long enough and although my skin tried up and the acne subdued temporarily, a while later I was back to square one.
That was when i went through an unhealthy time in my life when I was not looking after myself at all. I had candida, my skin was the worst ever, I felt terrible, I was going out a lot and basically abusing life.
When I was around 25 I became really interested in complimentary therapy, diet, vitamins and healing and through research and self medication I cleared the candida and began to get well. I cleansed a lot, but despite feeling so much ,my skin was still a law unto itself, and while the condition was better I still had bad breakouts and we all know how depressing that is !!
So as a last resort in spite of feeling that I shouldn't I did another (expensive!!) course of accutane. This time my skin responded but left me with some scarring.
I tried lots of creams and stuff but nothing worked. It was weird actually because although I got the spots my skin always healed well, and cos it was a little oily, the texture was always good.
After the Accutane it was dry and uneven.
Then i came to this board and read about the silicea. It co-incided with my taking a course of MSM and my face breaking out all over again because of the detox of MSM. This really shows that allopathic medicine does nothing to 'cure' acne - it just pushes it deeper inside the body. I have read Passkey's article here on this and completely agree with him. For those of us that get skin conditions it is our body's way of pushing disease away from the organs, and your body basically wants to push acne 'out' rather than 'lock it in'.
That is why silicea really made sense to me. And after my MSM experience which was pushing boils and god else knows what impurity out of me (i didn't leave the house for 2 weeks!) I thought whatever I'll give the silicea 6x a go.
For me I took a couple under the tongue at night and I knew it was the right remedy from the word go. I was getting a few spots but I can't say it was as severe as many have posted on this board. I think I was over the worst with the MSM I took !
I kept with the silicea 6x for about 3 weeks and I was so happy with how it was working for me. My skin was 'normalizing' and the scars were softening, but then I reached a sort of 'plateau' and that potency was not longer having an effect. So I posted for Passkey and he advised me to order 3x and make a medcine with spring water and shake 10 times, so that is what i'm doing at the moment.
When I switched potency, it seemed to begin all over again , but the breakouts are small and very swift to clear up and only in one place. If I get a pimple it comes and goes without bothering me.
I also ordered the phytolacca berry and have been taking 6-8 drops in water per day, and I honestly don't know if this is having anything to do with anything or not ! I couldn't be tell you. I have a few read marks on my face and they seem to be the same as before I started the phytolacca. I'll probably discontinue any day now with that.
I'm sure, as i told Passkey, that the silicea is something constitutional for me as it's affected me on so many levels. It feels like I've been needing this remedy for a long time. I was born with jaundice and I had injections on my bum cheeks and outside of my thighs which left a mark, as they would on newborn baby skin. These have bothered me for ages as around my thighs the skin went dimpled and looked like cellulite but I'm amazed that since taking the silicea these areas are smoothing out and the injection marks are flattening !! It's just amazing !!
So Hotty, this is a really long post, but I thought I'd say my bit about the silicea as it's interesting for you to read another's experience. I'm sticking with it for as long as i need it, that's for sure.
I've read others' reaction to the home made stuff and I sympathise with the 're-awakening' of their acne, but you have to go through this whole process again with it if you have scarring, because it throws it all up again. This is how it works. But if you stick with it then the quality of the breakouts change until you don't break out anymore.
I'm just sad that Kuldeep has seemingly left the site as he should follow up on these cases personally and give advice and encouragement. Why did he post as Laura when there were so many real and live guinea pigs out there who were hanging on his every piece of acne advice !!!! I don't understand. I have defended him a lot on this site, but it seems to me now HE could do with some silicea himself for a dose of COURAGE...
All the best and take care
carlotta last decade
yes I did thankyou. the only difference is Im using homemade silica. I have no clue what the potency is because there are so many factors involved like how fine I crush the rocks, how long I shake it. the only thing that remains constant is how long I let it settle before pouring. I havent had major breakouts yet and yet I have major scarring. not deep major but just rolling scarring all over cheeks and temples. I think its improving somewhat. I too will stick with the silica. maybe I should start buying the potency you are using. thanks for the encouragment. This limu post seems interesting. Im not buying the limu but just trying some kelp which should contain fucoidan right? Im willing to try many things in order to look somewhat normal again.
hotty198 last decade
Hotty - glad you saw the thread. Do you think you are over and done with with the breakouts ? Did you break out at all with the silicea?
Mind out for the kelp - it contains iodine which MAY aggravate acne for some.
Mind out for the kelp - it contains iodine which MAY aggravate acne for some.
carlotta last decade
well so far so good with the kelp. thanks for the info though. as far as the silica causing acne, very mild. I'll get a blemish here and a blemish there. white heads too once in a while. I dont see the silica causing any real breakouts. maybe this is bad?
hotty198 last decade
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well this book explains how u can get rid of acne internally... through uer diet... interseting read... i'll give it a shot from next week or so...
if any1 tries... plz give us uer update...
well this book explains how u can get rid of acne internally... through uer diet... interseting read... i'll give it a shot from next week or so...
if any1 tries... plz give us uer update...
rahul_ last decade
hotty198 last decade
You might have to consult a doctor or a help center which gives you proper treatment.
I am sharing some sites which can be helpful to them who are suffering from Acne Scars, Pimple Scars, etc.
I am sharing some sites which can be helpful to them who are suffering from Acne Scars, Pimple Scars, etc.
RoseAnatone last decade
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