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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss and Hot Burning Scalp


I have been suffering from hair loss over the past 13 years, on and off, with the onset of Crohn's Disease.

Initially the HL was thought to be association with steriods, taking medication, while I was sick. I have been med free since 2001.

The HL was then association with B3 deficiency. After that, it was low estrogen. After that is was low Ferritin. Overall, I cannot seem to get a doctor to address and balance all issues and determine the culprit.

Worst of all I get a severe burning sensation on my scalp. There is no redness associated with it, and it tends to be towards the front and around the temples or on frontal lobe area. Its intense and maddening.

Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
  BKburn on 2010-08-31
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