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stomach dull pain, acidity, bloating, burping,

Hi, I am a 50 years old female, it's about a year that I have had stomach problems that suddely started!!! and I have seen MDs and Homeopaths and so far no change in my symptoms!
my symptoms started around november 2009
dull pain left upper abdomen under the breast bone that never goes away,
bloating (abdomen is really really big- look like pregnant person),
purping all day, stomach acid burning but no GERD,
constipation, stomach inflammed and swallon, recently I cry a lot because of my problems, and I crave onion like crazy, sometimes i eat 3 onions in a day!!! I have nose itching and boring into my nose all the time!
I have done an ultrasound and many many many blood tests so far no problem was found, it wasn't H-pylori neither although symptoms very similar! at the end I was diagnosed with IBS.
homeopath gave me sulphur and told me to wait 2 months and take nat phos didn't work, she thought I might have worms by symptoms gave me cina 200c 2 days 3 dose continue with nat sulph for a months didn't work! (when I was taking cina my nose itching and boring was way more than usual, she gave me santonine 30c 3 dose 3 days, after I finished santonine I had a few small and a little painfull bumps inside my nose and 1 under my upper lips, I waited and nothing happened, (when I was reading about santonine a lot my symptoms were listed (nose itching, boring into nose, dark circle around eyes, more appetite than usual (maybe I need a higher dose!, I took herbal remedy (walnut, wormwood and cloves for a while nothing changed but while taking them my nose itching and boring was more than usual, I am really tired, my dull pain and bloating never goes away, please help me if you can, thank you so very much
  saghi on 2010-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take Calcarea Carb 200c thrice a day at a gap of 4 hours for only one day (not daily) and report back after 15 days.

One dose means
If the medicine is in pills form 4 pills. Don't touch pills with hand. Use cap of bottle to take pills.
If the medicine is in liquid dilution form, 3-4 drops in some 20 ml water. Sip up slowly.

Please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.
kadwa last decade
John Stanton last decade
if ''raw oinions'' and this craving occurrd in co-incidence with abdomen complaint---then thuja---test dose using 30c

as is of interest---if nose itch is of some tempory relief by boring finger ---and exact nostril (s) and depth of itch
John Stanton last decade
to kadwa: thank you so much for your reply, and do you mean homeo restrictions for 15 days or just the one day I am taking the remedy, thanks again
to John Stanton: thank you for your reply, yes I crave raw oinions and this craving occurrd recently (past few months), I think about eating raw onions more than the food!!! itching is out side nose and mostly sides and tips of nose, and no boring onto nose does not relief itching of it, boring about 1 cm in! thank you
saghi last decade
i dont knowif you have access to materiamedica pura or not--distension-eructations(burping) crave raw oinions---as well as coiciding (concomitant) symptomc omplex concerning nose---indicates thuja---and not get caught in prescribing war---i suggest 2 test doses thuja --1st 30c take in water 3 pellets dissolved stirred heavy---2nd dose will be 200c (same prep--only be taken if no response at all from 30c---

allow 2 days between 1st and 2nd --thta is if 2nd dose is required---
John Stanton last decade
3 pellets in 4 oz water in drinking glass---1 teaspoon of this as a dose--get rid of rest of glass contents
John Stanton last decade
You an try Thuja as suggested.

But I have a feeling that you have Spleen problem. There is inflamation in your spleen.

There are worms as well or the Fungus in your entesine.

After the test dose of Thuja, I need to confirm whether the Spleen is at risk.

For this I require your following details:-

Your 1. Date of Birth 2. Time of Birth and 3. Place of Birth.

The method is called Astro linked Homeo Technique.
RSGUPTA last decade
You can also visit the below mwntioned link.

RSGUPTA last decade
I have to order my remedy online so it's going to take a while, I live in a small city in california, I would appriciate if you can tell me about my astro homeopathy,
I am born in Tehran Iran, DOB is march/29/1961, and I don't know exactly what time I was born but I know it was late at night before midnight, all of my complains are listed above, thank you so very much
saghi last decade
Hi, what kind of responses I should expect from the 1st test, I took it this morning (thuja 30c, 3 pellets in 4 oz water in drinking glass---1 teaspoon of this as a dose), please advise, thanks
saghi last decade

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