The ABC Homeopathy Forum
I think I may have poisoned myself on salicylic acid
I had a very persistant corn in between my baby toe and fourth toe and used corn remover daily for weeks. This was about a year ago. Since then I have had loud noise in my ears, not ringing, more like static. Although this has been annoying I realize that it is just that - annoying and not life threatening. However, lately I have had more disturbing symptoms and was in fact sent to the ER for tests as my d dimer test results were very high and my MD thought I would throw a clot. Testing showed no clots in either my legs or my lungs. I am still very concerned that somehow I have compromised my circulatory system accidentally with the corn remover. I have tightness in my chest and what appear to be panic attacks but doubt there are as a low dose of ativan precribed for panic attacks does not alleviate the 'panic' symptoms. Tightness in breathing, slight pain in legs. Is it possible that the corn remover acted as an overdose of salicylicum acidum somehow and if so any thoughts. Or any other thoughts on what corn remover poisoning through the skin may cause or how it may be fixed. I am getting a bit desperate. Thankyou.bougainvillea on 2010-09-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
describe the exact nature of panic attacks---as how often?how long last? what physical sensations envolved and location eminating within/from? what you do at these times to seek relief?what things you found aggravte it?
♡ John Stanton last decade
The panic attacks are random, occur at different times of the day and evening; not related to stressful conditions. I am 59 years old and never experienced these. I get the tightness in my lower chest which feels like my diaphram is not working while breathing both in and out. I don't sweat, don't shake, or tremble, sometimes but not often get some minor palpitations. Mostly it is a feeling of dread. I may get some tingling in my extremities. I also experience a lightheadedness which seems more like a fleeting loss of consciousness; at times I experience olfactory hallucinations. All fo this started with the darn corn remover.
bougainvillea last decade
what you do when the ''dread''occurs? beside the dread--what your emotional state at these times?anger-weeping,yelling....etc ---just get the idea acrosshowyou change when the '''dread'' hits..
♡ John Stanton last decade
I understand that you are trying to be helpful but I am not focusing on 'emotional' states. There is a physiological problem taht I am trying to isolate. If you insist I will tell you that My emotional state is good when these physical symptoms hit and then of course I become afraid that I have some illness that will kill me - that is when the 'dread' also fear also concern - also while I had a high d dimer test which sent me to the ER for 9 hours. Forgive me but if all you are interested in is the state of my 'mind' not interested in going there. Thanks
bougainvillea last decade
listen and listen carefully--not interested in your state of mind PRIOR this --only such as changed in coicideing factor====being youknow litle of homoepathy---changes in all aspects lead to remedy selection---homoeopathic diagnosis is confined to what you callphysilogical---totality as changes occur---so example if you were freaking out mad when these episodes occur--this eliminates certain remedies and encourages to look in other remedies--thus narrowing selection ---
♡ John Stanton last decade
Restlessness, fear, difficulty remaining still, difficulty breathing, handwringing, foot twisting if sitting, no crying, no screaming, generally since I have somehat mastered relaxtion would try to relax these episodes away with some success. Episodes completely random not seemingly related to any stressful event and in in fact have occurred at the most enjoyable of times - with my family, shopping, vacations, dreiving, work, home. hot baths help alleviate the fear and symptoms.
bougainvillea last decade
ok-all stems fromcorn/skn eruption suppression--not so much the actual med used----as seen the corn was'is vent for inner ill--when removed--inner turmoi-deeper ill---proper treatment expect corn come back--either in passing or stalled--and continued treatment at that point will be required----1st ly---appears coffe usgae--in such case that coffe has been part of diet requarly---then STOP usage---and start treatment with single dose of nux vomica---3 pellets 200c in 4 oz water--in drinking glass --stir heavy ---teaspon dose----sepia will then follow--depending on response or not---------if no coffe usage in diet -----then start daily usage with sepia---3 pellets 30c in 10ml medicinal bottle---3/4 fulldistilled water---succuss (thump/strike HARD -bottom of medical bottle against thick book)) 8-10 times --DOTHIS EVERYTIME before using from the medicnal bottle solution---1 teaspon of this in 4 oz water in drinking glass--stir heavy -- 1 teaspon dose---get rid of rest of drinking glass mixonly---
we assess as go along
we assess as go along
♡ John Stanton last decade
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