The ABC Homeopathy Forum
8wk old w/ colic & reflux
Hello. We had a natural home birth, which went off without a hitch. Our daughter was born happy and healthy at 7.4 lbs. and 19.5 in. However, at around 2 weeks she started with colicky behavior (screaming for prolonged periods, gassy, etc.). We read a lot about it and realized it was definitely colic. Around the third/fourth week, she also started spitting up more frequently and in larger amounts. We were worried that it could be reflux, so we took her in to our pediatrician. During the visit, the baby spit up and the pediatrician said it was definitely acid reflux as opposed to physiological reflux. He wanted to prescribe Zantac. However, after leaving the office, we decided that was not the way we wanted to go. We did not want our baby on Zantac.We then took her to a naturopathic doctor and were given probiotic powder and two different homeopathic pellets (Nux Vomica and Cholocynthis). We've been giving these to her for about three weeks (although the pellets much less frequently). We have also been using Colic Calm and Hyland's Colic Tablets since week 3, for temporary relief.
We recently read 'The Happiest Baby on the Block' and Dr. Karp's advice for calming colicky babies has been helping. However, in the past few days, the reflux seems to be getting a lot worse. She spits up during and after almost every feeding. I used to burp her a lot during feedings, but now I am afraid to because I feel it is certain to bring up almost everything she nursed. I should mention here that I have been breastfeeding exclusively. Last Friday we took her to the pediatrician's office again. She was exactly 8 weeks and weighed 9.1 lbs. The pediatrician seemed concerned about this and suggested that we supplement the breast milk with formula. Specifically, our baby had gone from the 25% to the 10% line on his weight chart. He also prescribed Levsin to calm her down. We have not filled the prescription because we read that this can cause constipation, and we believe she is already constipated frequently.
HELP! We do not want to put our baby on Zantac or switch her to formula. But, we don't want her to be in pain, develop an ulcer, or have poor weight gain. We think the colic will work itself out, but we are really worried about the reflux. She is hungry all the time, and we believe that it is because she may be spitting up most of what she takes in.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. If I left out facts that would be helpful, please just ask.
Is Zantac really that bad? When she is spitting up and crying, I am so tempted to fill the prescription. But then I get my head together and also get worried about what I might be doing to her long term by giving her an antacid this early.
Thank you!
icibaqu on 2010-09-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I note that you have posted yesterday and I am indeed surprised to note that no other Homeopath has responded to help your Baby.
I missed your post which I read only a few moments ago and I have been treating 2 Babies on the links below today which I would like you to read ASAP. There are many other cases of GERD in Babies that I have treated which you can access by typing GERD into the Search box on every page and checking the list which pertains to Babies.
The remedy that I have prescribed for many Babies is Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt and you can give your daughter just HALF a tablet dissolved in her milk. I am confident that this will solve her problem within a few minutes of her feed and I do not expect her to spit up her feed if all goes well.
Please report her response after her feed after you have given her the Nat Phos as instructed.
DO NOT GIVE HER ZANTAC as I consider it a POISON especially for a Baby.
I missed your post which I read only a few moments ago and I have been treating 2 Babies on the links below today which I would like you to read ASAP. There are many other cases of GERD in Babies that I have treated which you can access by typing GERD into the Search box on every page and checking the list which pertains to Babies.
The remedy that I have prescribed for many Babies is Nat Phos 6x Biochemic Cell Salt and you can give your daughter just HALF a tablet dissolved in her milk. I am confident that this will solve her problem within a few minutes of her feed and I do not expect her to spit up her feed if all goes well.
Please report her response after her feed after you have given her the Nat Phos as instructed.
DO NOT GIVE HER ZANTAC as I consider it a POISON especially for a Baby.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Joe De Livera, Thanks so much for your response. Since there was some confusion in another post regarding the exact Nat Phos, I just want to confirm that we're heading in the right direction.
We found a Hyland's #10 Natrum Phos 6X Cell Salts with 500 tabs.. it was on Swanson vitamins website.
Also, in another post you said for the parents to dissolve the tablet into water. For us you said into the milk. Does it not make a difference? In the other post the child was 6 months by the writing of the post.
If that's the remedy you had pointed us toward?
Also, if we are breastfeeding, must it be dissolved in the milk in the bottle (i.e. do we have to pump)?
We found a Hyland's #10 Natrum Phos 6X Cell Salts with 500 tabs.. it was on Swanson vitamins website.
Also, in another post you said for the parents to dissolve the tablet into water. For us you said into the milk. Does it not make a difference? In the other post the child was 6 months by the writing of the post.
If that's the remedy you had pointed us toward?
Also, if we are breastfeeding, must it be dissolved in the milk in the bottle (i.e. do we have to pump)?
icibaqu last decade
The Hylands product is OK.
You can dissolve half a tablet in any liquid and give it to her with or immediately after her feed. You must remember that she cannot accept the solid 1/2 tablet at 8 weeks.
You can dissolve half a tablet in any liquid and give it to her with or immediately after her feed. You must remember that she cannot accept the solid 1/2 tablet at 8 weeks.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Ok. So we went ahead and ordered the Hylands NatPhos 6x to see if it helped our baby out. After about a week or so of giving it to her most times that she nurses, I would estimate that it helps about 75% of the time. The other 25% we still get at least one BIG spit-up per feeding.
Actually, the best solution seems to be the 1/2 tablet of NatPhos 6x and one tablet of Hylands Colic Tablets (the normal dosage is two, crushed up. But adding 2 to the NatPhos seems too intense for her little belly, and I noticed spit-ups when I went that route).
So, while not 100% perfect, I would say that the NatPhos 6x has been quite helpful in significantly decreasing the frequency of our baby's spit ups. Let us know if this is what we should have expected.
Actually, the best solution seems to be the 1/2 tablet of NatPhos 6x and one tablet of Hylands Colic Tablets (the normal dosage is two, crushed up. But adding 2 to the NatPhos seems too intense for her little belly, and I noticed spit-ups when I went that route).
So, while not 100% perfect, I would say that the NatPhos 6x has been quite helpful in significantly decreasing the frequency of our baby's spit ups. Let us know if this is what we should have expected.
icibaqu last decade
Check the composition of the Hylands Colic Tablets on the label and report them here.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
We are breastfeeding.
Hylands Colic tablets ingredients are:
Active Ingredients: Disocorea (Wild Yam) 3X HPUS, Chamomilla (Chamomile) 3X HPUS, Colocynthinum (Bitter Apple) 3X HPUS.
Inactive Ingredients: Lactose N.F.
How Supplied: Bottles of 125--one grain sublingual tablets (NDC 54973-7502-1
Hylands Colic tablets ingredients are:
Active Ingredients: Disocorea (Wild Yam) 3X HPUS, Chamomilla (Chamomile) 3X HPUS, Colocynthinum (Bitter Apple) 3X HPUS.
Inactive Ingredients: Lactose N.F.
How Supplied: Bottles of 125--one grain sublingual tablets (NDC 54973-7502-1
icibaqu last decade
I note that you have given the Nat Phos 6x with the Hylands Colic tablets. We will not know how effective the Nat Phos is for your baby as many mothers who are currently using this remedy seem very satisfied with its action as you can read on the ABC.
Suggest you stop the Hylands Colic tablets and see how the Nat Phos alone can help. A breast fed baby does not usually have any digestive problems at 2 months unless you are overfeeding him. This is something that you can look into. You can certainly feed him more often to ensure that he does not bring it all up.
Burping is also essential after every feed.
Suggest you stop the Hylands Colic tablets and see how the Nat Phos alone can help. A breast fed baby does not usually have any digestive problems at 2 months unless you are overfeeding him. This is something that you can look into. You can certainly feed him more often to ensure that he does not bring it all up.
Burping is also essential after every feed.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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