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The Mitzvah of Intactivism - Jewish Foreskin Abraham Genesis Bible History Torah Israeli Jew Foreskin Mohel Synnagague Temple Moyel Brit Milah, Bris, Bris B'lee Milah Kosher Intactivist Covenant Ceremony Mitzvot Israel
I should like to suggest to my fellow Jews that perhaps the time has come to redeem the foreskin itself, rather than sacrifice it. Surely some substitute might be found for this rite, ... that would be preferable to this assault upon and mutilation of a newborn infant...'Professor George Wald, M.D
Harvard University Professor, Nobel Laureate in Physiology and Medicine
'It's a mitzvah to fight to end circumcision!'
Samuel Richmond, a Jewish intactivist living in America.
'A web-based multimedia project that puts real faces and voices to the current Jewish movement against circumcision. This dynamic site is being created by, for, and about Jewish people. We each hold our own ideas about life and our Jewish heritage. We won't always agree. But we're united by this principle: the genital cutting of infants and children is wrong and must stop, no matter their religion or gender.'
'I don't see any reason why I should cut my son's genitals. There is no reason and I don't think I have the right, even as a parent, to cut a normal part of his body....Eventually I think religious people, too, will stop doing it.' - Kasher
In Israel, opposition to circumcision has happened in just two decades, and now these rebels number in the tens of thousands, according to Ronit Tamir, founder of Kahal ( ), a support group for parents who choose not to circumcise their children.
Jewish World, 3/11/10.
According to modern scholars, circumcision is not even mentioned in the either the earliest, 'J', version of Bereshth ('Genesis') nor the next three rewrites by other authors. Most importantly, the story of Abram is there in its entirety, except the part about the Covenant being 'sealed' with circumcision. The parallel Covenant story of 'a smoking kiln and its blazing torch' passing between the halves of animals and birds sacrificed by Abram is in J. Many biblical scholars agree on this point, and it is in accord with the mitzvot against desecrating the body.... It has even been suggested that early Judaism forbad circumcision!'
Case for Bris without Milah.
Betty Katz-Sperlich is a Jewish woman living in New Mexico, USA. A registered nurse, she is co-founder of Nurses for the Rights of the Child ( ). She refused to circumcise her son, now aged 13.
'I've been called anti-Semitic by non-Jewish people. But as a Jew, how could I not speak up against Jewish circumcision? I would be letting Jewish babies down.'
Jenny Goodman ( ), from north London, also refused to circumcise her son. She is a doctor and a psychotherapist as well as a Jewish feminist. 'I know at least a dozen non-circumcised boys whose parents are identified as Jews,' she says. She adamantly opposes circumcision, claiming that it is physically and psychologically damaging to the child and violates human rights: 'It also violates the most important of medical ethics, above all do no harm.' ( )
Opposition to male circumcision in the UK had its first big breakthrough 18 months ago with the controversial Channel 4 documentary It's a Boy!, by Jewish director Victor Schonfeld. It slammed the practice of Jewish circumcision as unnecessary and barbaric, with potentially horrific consequences. Mr. Schonfeld claims that public consensus against it in the UK is growing.
Nursing Times, p. 12-13, February 19, 1997
'I am a 72 year old retired physician, a Jew who is an active member of a Conservative synagogue, and a grandfather. Growing numbers of American Jews ( ) are now leaving their sons intact as they view circumcision as a part of Jewish law that they can no longer accept. Alternative brit bli milah ( ) or brit shalom ( ) ceremonies (ritual naming ceremony without cutting) are being performed by some rabbis. Increasing numbers of intact boys are going to religious school, having bar mitzvahs, and taking their place as young adults in the Jewish community.
As a Jewish grandfather, I want to assure young couples about to bring a child into the world, that there are other members of the Jewish older generation ( ), including other Jewish physicians ( ), and even some rabbis ( ), who feel as I do. If your heart and instincts tell you to leave your son intact, listen!'
- Mark D. Reiss, M.D.
AS AN INCREASING NUMBER OF AMERICANS - including a sizable number of American Jews - question the act of male circumcision ( ) , a group of San Francisco activists are advocating to ban circumcision, or what they call male genital mutilation ( )... Many of the leading activists against circumcision around the country are Jewish ( ).
Jerusalem Post, Challenging the Circumcision Myth, 04/10/2011
Israeli Related Links: (In Hebrew)
> Kahal / Jewish Intact Israelis' Parents' Rights Group (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
> <
> Israeli/Jewish Association Against Genital Mutilation (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
> <
> Gonen Al Hayeled / Israel's Protect the Child (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
> <
> Af-Milah - Second Thoughts on Brit Milah <
> The Israeli Journal Against Circumcision (in Hebrew) P.O. Box 207, Rosh-Pinah 12000, Israel (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
Related Links: (In English)
Hassidic, Conservative, Orthodox, Israeli, Traditional, International Reform Jews and more...
> Jews Opposing Circumcision: Conservative, Orthodox, Reform and More (Israel, UK, USA, International) <
> <
> Ending Circumcision In The Jewish Community By Moshe Rothenberg, CSW. (International) <
> <
> A Jewish, Conservative Rabbi Speaks Out Against Circumcision, 2007 (Israel, UK, CA, International) <
> <
> Brit Shalom - A Jewish Covenant of Wholeness Text (Israel, UK) <
> <
> Bris B'lee Milah & Bris Shalom Ceremony Text (International) <
> <
> Brit B'lee Milah & Bris Shalom Ceremony Text (Israel, UK, USA, International) <
> <
> List of Brit B'lee Milah & Bris Shalom Rabbis by Dr. Mark D. Reiss, M.D. (International) <
> <
> My Son: The Little Jew with a Foreskin, By Stacey Greenberg, 2004. (Israel, UK, USA, International) <
> <
> Women's Perspectives: Dr. Ron Goldman's Website (Israel, UK, USA) <
> <
> The Case Against Circumcision by Dr. Paul M. Fleiss, MD. (USA, UK, International) <
> <
> Jewish Roots of Anti-Circumcision Arguments by Lisa Braver Moss (UK, USA, International)<
> <
> A Jewish Woman Denounces Circumcision by Laura Shanley. (Israel, UK, International) <
> <
> Dr. Ron Goldman's Site <
> <
> Jewish Women Speak Out: Miriam Pollack (UK) <
> <
Israeli Groups Call For an End to Circumcision
'Eventually I think religious people, too, will stop doing it.'
Published in the Jerusalem Post, 2002.
By Hilary Leila Kreiger.
Kasher says, 'I don't see any reason why I should cut my son's genitals. There is no reason and I don't think I have the right, even as a parent, to cut a normal part of his body just because other people do it.'
He foresees a time when the practice will be relegated to history books. 'Eventually I think religious people, too, will stop doing it.'
The issue, according to opponents of circumcision, includes the moral ramifications of cutting one's child and the psychological impacts stemming from the trauma. They claim that the level of discomfort experienced by the child increases his later response to pain and hurts the bond between the baby and his mother. They also maintain that circumcision diminishes sexual pleasure and that there is no medical reason to remove the foreskin.
Ben-Yami counters that 'Jewish identity can survive without circumcision, in fact, even better without it because more and more non-religious Jews have an aversion [to the religion] because of some of the things it contains, like circumcision. Judaism has enough content in it to survive without circumcision.'
'It's something that came into Judaism from other religions and other tribal [customs] and it will pass from Judaism [too],' Udi says.
'It's going to vanish by itself, from the people,' he says.
A group of 35 American Jews that claims members from secular to Orthodox tries to find ways of reconciling Judaism to a circumcision-free life. The organization, Jews Against Circumcision
( ), was started, as founder Gillian Flato of California puts it, because information against the practice 'must come from within.'
- JERUSALEM POST, 21 November 2002
'who see the Brit Milah as a barbarous and primitive act that must be banished foreverand quickly'
'In the Jewish state live today tens, maybe hundreds of parents who decided, for ideological reasons, to spare their sons from the Brit Milah and leave them whole the way they were born. In addition, there are quite a few adult men who never underwent a circumcision, not to mention the thousands of new immigrants who were not circumcised.
This phenomenon is getting public attention, perhaps for the first time, after the establishment of the Association Against Genital Mutilation. The organization was founded by human rights activists who see the Brit Milah as a barbarous and primitive act that must be banished foreverand quickly.
Movements against circumcision have appeared recently in the US and in Europe, claiming that it must be banned not only because it is barbaric, but also because it is harmful to health. One study found that the pain treshold of baby boys who underwent circumcision was lower than that of boys who were not circumcised. Many more boys die from circumcision than from genital infections, claims one of the organizations founders, Rafi Rozen from Eilat.
The organization counts in its midtst tens of activists, among them parents who chose not to circumcise their sons. The members meet every other week and exchange ideas and opinions. They plan to be more active in the future, going to centers for natural birth to try to convince parents not to circumcise their sons.
Jonathan and Limor Enosh from Tel Aviv have been convinced already. They gave birth three months ago to their son Tzof and decided to spare him from Brit Milah. For a long time my wife and I were opposed to circumcision, thinking it was a cruel and painful act, says Jonathan. When Tzof was born, we told our families that we werent going to circumcise him...
I told our families that whoever believes that the Brit makes a child Jewish is wrong, tells a woman from Jerusalem whose two sons, ages 7 and 14, were not circumcised. There is no need to cut off anything to be Jewish. A majority of parents do the Brit because they fear that their sons would be different from the rest, but the whole circumcision thing is superfluous. I decided not to take part in a deed that could lead to long-term mental trauma and physical harm, as well as reducing their pleasure in bed.
'Also the singer and literary critic Menachem Ben didnt arrange a Brit Milah for his sonsin spite of his firm belief in God and the Bible. It is possible to do a Brit Milah at a level specified in the Torah: And you circumcised the foreskin in your heart, he claims with insistence. I circumcised my sons my own way, without cutting, by reading verses from the Bible.
- Itamar Eichner, Yediot (Israel) - May 6, 1997
'An Israeli research project in the early-1990s sought to measure changes in sexual satisfaction after circumcision among Russian immigrants who got themselves circumcised after immigration to Israel. The research was carried out by Dr Avi Teper and Dr Eliezer Shalev, from the Women's Department, Ha-emek Hospital, Afula. They mailed a questionnaire to 108 males, 76 of whom replied.
The circumcised immigrants reported a significant decrease in sexual satisfaction. Before circumcision 54 per cent reported 'great sexual satisfaction', but afterwards the number was only 24 per cent. The proportion of those reporting 'medium satisfaction' rose from 30 percent to 61 percent. There was no change in the number reporting 'small satisfaction'. Since 68 per cent of the respondents sought circumcision as the fulfilment of their dream to become full Jews and 10 percent because of Jewish tradition, it is possible that some of them denied they felt any adverse consequences from the operation. The remainder sought circumcision because of social pressure, and one for a medical reason.
Avshalom Zoossmann-Diskin and R. Blustein, 'Challenges to circumcision in Israel: The Israeli association against genital mutilation', in George C. Denniston, Frederick Mansfield Hodges and Marilyn Fayre Milos (eds) Male and female circumcision: Medical, legal and ethical considerations in pediatric practice, New York, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 1999, pp. 343-50'
'Jewish law specifically forbids body modification, including the cutting or marking of the human body'
'Within the Jewish community, there is growing disagreement about circumcision. Some feel that circumcision contradicts other aspects of the Jewish religion. The Torah forbids the torture or causing of pain to any living creature, especially physically assaulting or harming another person (Exodus 21:18-27). Jewish law specifically forbids body modification, including the cutting or marking of the human body (Lev. 19:28). Jews are also required to help those who are helpless, such as newborn infants, and are exempt from performing religious duties that would cause harm to others.' - Ryan McAllister, Ph.D.
'many Jews reject a brit milla as an archaic and barbaric ritual'
'Coming from a European background... where many Jews reject a brit milla as an archaic and barbaric ritual... This author grew up in France in a traditional Jewish family. Not a single male of her generation or her children's generation within her large family (or in her circle of Jewish friends) was ever circumcised.' - Nelly Karsenty, Humanistic Judaism, 1988; 16(3): 14-20.
Students fight against circumcision reaches global stage
April 21, 2011 by Maria Ágreda
Womens studies major contests practice as moral crime
UNLV student Travis Wisdom has been battling the centuries-old Western tradition of male circumcision for two years. And hes backing it up with research.
A womens studies major in his senior year, Wisdom is passionate about sharing his views and research on the preservation of the genital integrity of infants and is seeking to educate people about what he said is the danger of the practice of circumcision.
Wisdom was invited to travel to Lisbon, Portugal to share the knowledge of the history of circumcision that he has gained after two years of research. He will travel to Canada soon after he returns to speak on the medical aspects of circumcision.
In September, he will travel to the United Kingdom to speak about genital autonomy in a conference and assist those who have been circumcised and regret it.
When he comes home, he will have more to say, more to offer, more experience and more education, said Marilyn Milos, director of the National Organization of Circumcision Information Resource Centers, which has worked with Wisdom and identified with the cause of eradicating infant circumcision.
Everything he does, he does with dignity and respect, she said of Wisdom. He is responsible and conscious.
Wisdom was inspired to start his research after he watched part of a video that depicted a circumcision and engaged in a class discussion on the issue.
Wisdom interned with Doctors Against Circumcision for one year, after which he contacted Milos.
In Nevada, circumcision rates are the lowest in the country 20 percent. Wisdom helped to establish a second NOCIRC chapter in the state, which is the only chapter in Las Vegas.
I love what he is doing, Milos said. The fact that he is a young man who understands this issue is remarkable He is coming forward in this movement and doing some wonderful things.
Wisdoms research has focused on the medical aspect of circumcision. He said that nowadays, most doctors dont know the exact medical reason as to why circumcision is practiced.
The United States is the only country in the world to [perform circumcision on most of the male populations] for secular reasons, Wisdom said.
He explained that the practice of circumcision runs deep in American culture and has become established as an acceptable medical operation, starting in the West as a way to prevent children from masturbating because doctors believed that masturbation was the reason for many diseases.
In the beginning, circumcision was said to prevent diseases from head to toe, then hygiene started to be implemented [as a reason], he said.
However, Wisdom said that there is no necessity to circumcise a child for hygienic purposes.
Teach a child how to clean his penis and there will be no problem, he said. Not only is circumcision utterly ridiculous. Its extremely barbaric.
Wisdom also explained that most physicians perform circumcision on the basis of preventing penile cancer without telling parents of babies that penile cancer is even less common than male breast cancer.
I always get nervous when a doctor alleges the necessity of circumcision, Wisdom said.
He also said that circumcision can cause neurogenic shock on infants because it is a procedure usually performed without anesthesia. In most cases, babies are too young to undergo anesthesia.
Wisdom said he believes circumcision is a human rights violation and should not be performed on children, regardless of religion.
It is not a minor surgery and its not something that doesnt cause trauma to the body, Wisdom said. Circumcision is an act of violence and a misappropriation of power.
Wisdom is affiliated with religious organizations that are against circumcision. He believes that, in some ways, circumcision can be a way for religions to maintain dominance and control.
Your religious right ends with the rights of someone elses body, Wisdom said. [Nothing] gives you the right to harm someone elses body in the name of religion.
Milos commended Wisdom for his commitment to the issue of male circumcision and said that she is eager for him to continue his advocacy both nationally and internationally, though she said that changing peoples minds about such a long-standing practice will not be an easy task.
Is Circumcision Another Form of Genital Mutilation?
SALEM NEWS, January 15, 2008.
Tim King
Legislation could change the future of American males.
(SAN DIEGO, Calif.) - Circumcision is flying to the front of medical and political arguments as Americans face the idea that we as a society may be gravely in error in our choice to allow doctors to complete circumcisions of young boys, particularly those just born... a closer look at what circumcision really brings us; campaigns for Viagra and a lack of sexual satisfaction in men, shows that it may be among our worst and most cruel cultural practices.
Now the movement is stepping forward with legislation that would curb or end the practice in our hospitals. The MGM Bill to End Male Genital Mutilation in the U.S. could change the way our society treats its young boys.
'The legislation that we are proposing would give boys the same protection from genital cutting that girls have enjoyed since 1997,' said Matthew Hess, the groups president. 'Circumcision removes erogenous tissue in both sexes and results in a measurable loss of sexual feeling. It is a traumatic and disfiguring surgery that should not be performed on children unless there is a clear, compelling, and immediate medical need period.'
Hess says genital cutting of girls has been prohibited in the U.S. since 1997 when the Female Genital Mutilation Act took effect, requiring women to be eighteen years old before consenting to any type of genital surgery. The law has been credited with helping to keep forced female circumcision from spreading to the U.S. from Africa and the Middle East, where it is much more common.
A Frankfurt, Germany, regional appeals court pushed circumcision further into the legal gray area recently when it found that the circumcision of an 11-year-old Muslim boy without his approval was an unlawful personal injury. And in November, the Oregon Supreme Court heard a case filed by the mother of a 12-year-old boy trying to protect him from being circumcised by his father for religious reasons. (Oregon Courts Have No Right to Force Circumcision) The courts decision on the Oregon case is pending.
Perhaps the word 'convince' says it all. Doctors make money from circumcising young male children.
If you jump past the Biblical origination of the story and flash forward about 1850 years, you learn that Jewish people were actually scorned for their circumcisions in most western societies. But then a belief developed in England that circumcising boys would reduce masturbation. That is all it took, along with the money the practice represents for European and American doctors and hospitals.
This practice according to Milos, reduces the feeling that men experience during sex. That diminished quality has lifetime implications. She says it is that diminished feeling that leads to men seeking cures for erectile dysfunction.
She says pro-circumcision advocates also released through medical journals decades ago, a connection between uncircumcised men and penile cancer, which was proven to be false information. Instead, she says that in the case of many circumcised men who contract penile cancer, it begins at their circumcision scar.
This is a subject just gaining momentum in this country and it isn't likely to lose steam as parents and others become increasingly aware of a number of problems associated with the practice. The online dictionary Wikipedia clearly defines the practice of circumcision as mutilation.
Wikipedia states, 'Mutilation is an act or physical injury that degrades the appearance or function of the (human) body, usually without causing death.' Circumcision is listed alongside burning and amputation, as a form of mutilation or maiming.
Call to end circumcision of baby boys
Posted Sat Dec 8, 2007 9:00am AEDT
Tasmania's Commissioner for Children has again called on the State Government to review laws covering the circumcision of baby boys for cosmetic reasons.
Paul Mason says the practice is painful, inflicts permanent and irreversible disfigurement, and is a breach of human rights.
He says parents do not have an unfettered right to do whatever they like with their children.
Mr Mason says with Human Rights Day approaching, it is important to remember that everyone is entitled to equal protection under the law, regardless of their gender, culture or race.
'If I have a religious obligation, a religious belief that my child should do X, Y and Z and that conflicts directly with a human right of the child, then the human right of the child will prevail,' Mr Mason said.
- 'Call to end circumcision of baby boys'
Israeli Related Links: (In Hebrew)
> Kahal / Jewish Intact Israelis' Parents' Rights Group (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
> <
> Israeli/Jewish Association Against Genital Mutilation (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
> <
> Gonen Al Hayeled / Israel's Protect the Child (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
> <
> Af-Milah - Second Thoughts on Brit Milah <
> The Israeli Journal Against Circumcision (in Hebrew) P.O. Box 207, Rosh-Pinah 12000, Israel (Israel, International, in Hebrew) <
Related Links: (In English)
Hassidic, Conservative, Orthodox, Israeli, Traditional, International Reform Jews and more...
> Jews Opposing Circumcision: Conservative, Orthodox, Reform and More (Israel, UK, USA, International) <
> <
> Ending Circumcision In The Jewish Community By Moshe Rothenberg, CSW. (International) <
> <
> A Jewish, Conservative Rabbi Speaks Out Against Circumcision, 2007 (Israel, UK, CA, International) <
> <
> Brit Shalom - A Jewish Covenant of Wholeness Text (Israel, UK) <
> <
> Bris B'lee Milah & Bris Shalom Ceremony Text (International) <
> <
> Brit B'lee Milah & Bris Shalom Ceremony Text (Israel, UK, USA, International) <
> <
> List of Brit B'lee Milah & Bris Shalom Rabbis by Dr. Mark D. Reiss, M.D. (International) <
> <
> My Son: The Little Jew with a Foreskin, By Stacey Greenberg, 2004. (Israel, UK, USA, International) <
> <
> Women's Perspectives: Dr. Ron Goldman's Website (Israel, UK, USA) <
> <
> The Case Against Circumcision by Dr. Paul M. Fleiss, MD. (USA, UK, International) <
> <
> Jewish Roots of Anti-Circumcision Arguments by Lisa Braver Moss (UK, USA, International)<
> <
> A Jewish Woman Denounces Circumcision by Laura Shanley. (Israel, UK, International) <
> <
> Dr. Ron Goldman's Site <
> <
> Jewish Women Speak Out: Miriam Pollack (UK) <
> <
[message edited by Homeopathy International 1 on Mon, 25 Apr 2011 19:45:17 BST]
♥ Homeopathy International 1 on 2010-09-20
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