The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Gain weight For skinny people like me.
I am 23 years old. I am 6 feet tall and my weight is around 60-62 kgs. I also have the complete problem Explained in
I have been skinny thorough out my life. I tried almost Everything (included diet, Gym, proteins etc.). My diet is sufficient (Probably more than a Fat guy) but still I am not gaining any weight. Can anyone please tell me that is it something related to the link (Which i have given) ? I am thinking about Lycopodium for that itching reasons (As it is completely my case as well ).
Will it make any change ?
Kindly give some useful suggestions (Other than just eating bananas, milk, workouts and all. because i have been through all this already). As i have heard Classical homeopathy have a cure to everything.
anurag_imp on 2010-09-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello. I see that you have tried a little of each?
Have you ever checked your thyroid?
You say you eat a lot but do not put any weight on you?
May sound like a case of hyperthyroid.
Difficult for me to tell you what to take. I have seen some of what you have written before, but can you please in a few words sum up what are your main symptoms, what bothers you most?
Especially with this heat sensation, and itching.
Do you have warm feet when you sleep?
Say a little about your mood.
Sincerely; Parakletos, practitioner of classical homeopathy.
Have you ever checked your thyroid?
You say you eat a lot but do not put any weight on you?
May sound like a case of hyperthyroid.
Difficult for me to tell you what to take. I have seen some of what you have written before, but can you please in a few words sum up what are your main symptoms, what bothers you most?
Especially with this heat sensation, and itching.
Do you have warm feet when you sleep?
Say a little about your mood.
Sincerely; Parakletos, practitioner of classical homeopathy.
♡ Parakletos last decade
It may also be a gluten intolerance. I have seen this in a lot of people, especially when lower stomach is distended often after meals, skin has eczema or other dry conditions plus burning rashes and there is mucus in the stool.
It is worth looking into.
It is worth looking into.
Daniellie last decade
I was reading couple of books today, regarding this topic.
Do you experience any traumas, like when your Mom was expecting you. (ie: death of a love one)
Do you experience any traumas, like when your Mom was expecting you. (ie: death of a love one)
dragonfly1976 last decade
you making many post regarding same patient/ and same issues makes it very confusing.
You had many trying to help you on your previous post, what happened???
You had many trying to help you on your previous post, what happened???
dragonfly1976 last decade
To, Parakletos (Sorry for bothering you but please go through 114628 post)
I have never checked my thyroid. And as I said, 'post 114628' is completely my case as well. It seems very embarrassing when this itching thing starts anywhere. I am always very afraid of this, because when it does start, it makes me so uncomfortable that i just tend to make a move in any cool place. Sometimes even i use to sleep without cloths in the winter time. and for any other symptoms just read that 114628 post. it is a complete case of mine as well.
Winters are about to start and i have already started feeling so scared. it's like a nightmare (daymare as well). Whenever i get to take my meal (which is a little spicy), i take a comb with me as the spicy food makes a terrible itch in my scalps. I cann';t make out in the day time etc. And yes my feet are warm when i sleep, but this is the case only in summers. I am generally very calm by my mood but sometimes very sensitive to things. I am not easily convinced to things. There are lots of negative thoughts in my mind. and I guess a kind of inferiority from others too (for being skinny). I also feel fear for being skinny, so that anyone can beat me (This is what i think). I am skinny but not weak, but i don't know why this negative kind of thing comes to my mind.
I have never checked my thyroid. And as I said, 'post 114628' is completely my case as well. It seems very embarrassing when this itching thing starts anywhere. I am always very afraid of this, because when it does start, it makes me so uncomfortable that i just tend to make a move in any cool place. Sometimes even i use to sleep without cloths in the winter time. and for any other symptoms just read that 114628 post. it is a complete case of mine as well.
Winters are about to start and i have already started feeling so scared. it's like a nightmare (daymare as well). Whenever i get to take my meal (which is a little spicy), i take a comb with me as the spicy food makes a terrible itch in my scalps. I cann';t make out in the day time etc. And yes my feet are warm when i sleep, but this is the case only in summers. I am generally very calm by my mood but sometimes very sensitive to things. I am not easily convinced to things. There are lots of negative thoughts in my mind. and I guess a kind of inferiority from others too (for being skinny). I also feel fear for being skinny, so that anyone can beat me (This is what i think). I am skinny but not weak, but i don't know why this negative kind of thing comes to my mind.
anurag_imp last decade
To, dragonfly1976
I do not tend to wear dark, not necessarily. i wear all kind of clothings but it's a very good question. I use to try lots of stuffs because when I get to any place for shopping but in the end i reject every thing due to my same inferiority, that it won't look good when i'll wear it in public. And a usual activity of mine is, I plan things for a long time, and when the time of execution comes i just be reluctant to that thing. I don't know why do i always do things to empress others. I have noticed in previous 4-5 years i have not been me.
I try to pretend someone else.
I don't know why do i do it.
I do not tend to wear dark, not necessarily. i wear all kind of clothings but it's a very good question. I use to try lots of stuffs because when I get to any place for shopping but in the end i reject every thing due to my same inferiority, that it won't look good when i'll wear it in public. And a usual activity of mine is, I plan things for a long time, and when the time of execution comes i just be reluctant to that thing. I don't know why do i always do things to empress others. I have noticed in previous 4-5 years i have not been me.
I try to pretend someone else.
I don't know why do i do it.
anurag_imp last decade
Hello again.
After a review of your case, I have come to that Sulphur will be a medicine that suits you and your symptoms.
Have you ever tried this?
If you want you can start with one dose of sulfur in potency C200.
You probably have a good knowledge of how to take homeopathy medicine. But remember that you just take one dose, then wait about 10 days. If nothing happens during this time, you can take another dose of C200.
Try and notice any changes.
Sincerly Parakletos.
After a review of your case, I have come to that Sulphur will be a medicine that suits you and your symptoms.
Have you ever tried this?
If you want you can start with one dose of sulfur in potency C200.
You probably have a good knowledge of how to take homeopathy medicine. But remember that you just take one dose, then wait about 10 days. If nothing happens during this time, you can take another dose of C200.
Try and notice any changes.
Sincerly Parakletos.
♡ Parakletos last decade
To, Parakletos
I have searching on internet about all my symptoms and what i found that there are strong chances of hyperthyroidism. All the symptoms are almost same with the hyperthyroidism.
I also tried to find a relation between Hyperthyroidism and Lycopodium and fortunately i have found some very impressive results. Can you please advise me something about it.
I have searching on internet about all my symptoms and what i found that there are strong chances of hyperthyroidism. All the symptoms are almost same with the hyperthyroidism.
I also tried to find a relation between Hyperthyroidism and Lycopodium and fortunately i have found some very impressive results. Can you please advise me something about it.
anurag_imp last decade
One more thing. I have given my blood samples for thyroid test. I'll let you know as soon as I'll get the test results.
The pathologist guy asked me whether i have Jaundice. I said not then he showed me my blood samples after some processing in machine. The sample was quite dense and yellowish and then he compared my sample with another sample and i really observed that another sample was dense too but it was transparent. Then he asked me for my urine samples. and after some test he confirmed that i don't have a problem of Jaundice. But i didn't get why the color of the tested sample of blood was that yellowing and not transparent like the other sample All this i m telling because, in the past 23 years (my age is 24) i have suffered from Jaundice 4-5 times. All the same check-ups of serum bilirubin.
So kindly consider the above cases too.
The pathologist guy asked me whether i have Jaundice. I said not then he showed me my blood samples after some processing in machine. The sample was quite dense and yellowish and then he compared my sample with another sample and i really observed that another sample was dense too but it was transparent. Then he asked me for my urine samples. and after some test he confirmed that i don't have a problem of Jaundice. But i didn't get why the color of the tested sample of blood was that yellowing and not transparent like the other sample All this i m telling because, in the past 23 years (my age is 24) i have suffered from Jaundice 4-5 times. All the same check-ups of serum bilirubin.
So kindly consider the above cases too.
anurag_imp last decade
Hello anurag imp.
Main symptoms of Lycopodium is :
Lack of self cofidence
Fear of responsibillity
DISTENTION OF ABDOMEN from gas; flatulens, eructation.
premature ejaculation
Fan like motion of nostrils
One foot hot, the other cold; heels are cracked.
Right sided remedy.
Hungrey at night
Sleeps on right side
Aversion to cold drinks
I can not see Lycopodium in your description. Could be that it comes in later, not unusual for Lycopodium to come after Sulphur.
Main symptoms of Lycopodium is :
Lack of self cofidence
Fear of responsibillity
DISTENTION OF ABDOMEN from gas; flatulens, eructation.
premature ejaculation
Fan like motion of nostrils
One foot hot, the other cold; heels are cracked.
Right sided remedy.
Hungrey at night
Sleeps on right side
Aversion to cold drinks
I can not see Lycopodium in your description. Could be that it comes in later, not unusual for Lycopodium to come after Sulphur.
♡ Parakletos last decade
Jaundice is not a disease in itself but a symptom of a disease.
You have already told about the itching, which may be associated with jaundice. Often featured on jaundice, yellow skin, yellow color of eyes, light stools, dark urine, fatigue ...
This is due to the accumulation of bile juice.
I firmly believe that you should take Sulfur. It may be that you need a different medicine later, but right now, it's sulfur.
'Sulfur has burning of the skin or a sensation of heat in the skin, burning here and There in spots, much itch, itch from the Warmth of the bed and from wearing woolen clothing. The Warmth of the room goodwill drive heaven despair if two he can not get at the itching part two scratch it. After scratching There is burning with relief of the itching. '
Sulfur will also cleanse your liver.
My advice to you, as a homeopath is to start with Sulfur, as I have described above.
You have already told about the itching, which may be associated with jaundice. Often featured on jaundice, yellow skin, yellow color of eyes, light stools, dark urine, fatigue ...
This is due to the accumulation of bile juice.
I firmly believe that you should take Sulfur. It may be that you need a different medicine later, but right now, it's sulfur.
'Sulfur has burning of the skin or a sensation of heat in the skin, burning here and There in spots, much itch, itch from the Warmth of the bed and from wearing woolen clothing. The Warmth of the room goodwill drive heaven despair if two he can not get at the itching part two scratch it. After scratching There is burning with relief of the itching. '
Sulfur will also cleanse your liver.
My advice to you, as a homeopath is to start with Sulfur, as I have described above.
♡ Parakletos last decade
So should i not wait for the blood report, because I have a intuition about Hyperthyroidism.
One more thing is that, is sulfur is the solution to both (Skin itch as well as weight loss) ?
One more thing is that, is sulfur is the solution to both (Skin itch as well as weight loss) ?
anurag_imp last decade
Homeopathy is not dependent on laberiatorie tests. But for your sake, I think it is right to take such a blood test.
Homeopathy is based on the signals the body gives us, in terms of symptoms.
It is these symptoms that leads us to the right medicine. But it is of course dependent on the patient gives a good explanation, and that the homeopath is able to perceive what is being said. In this case, what is being written.
Homeopathy is based on the signals the body gives us, in terms of symptoms.
It is these symptoms that leads us to the right medicine. But it is of course dependent on the patient gives a good explanation, and that the homeopath is able to perceive what is being said. In this case, what is being written.
♡ Parakletos last decade
To parakletos
I am very sorry for not giving any reply for this long. I was out of touch of internet. My apologies...
I tried to find sulphur but no chemists are giving me the medicine unless i have a prescription. They are all asking for a authorized one.
I am very sorry for not giving any reply for this long. I was out of touch of internet. My apologies...
I tried to find sulphur but no chemists are giving me the medicine unless i have a prescription. They are all asking for a authorized one.
anurag_imp last decade
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