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Pilonial Sinus - Urgent Guidance Required to avoid Surgey

Dr. Punkaj,

I am 31 year old male suffering with pilonial sinus identified recently by the surgeon.
But I feel this was a problem with me since last 2-3 years not sure as I never thought this is a big problem.
Cysts use to come with pus and blood and go away in 2-3 months.
Off late I am suffering with pain and pus having a hole (only one hole) in middle area of the two buttocks above the anus.
(Picture enclosed)

I was planning to go for surgey tomorrow but wanted to try homepathy to avoid surgey.
I went through your older posts with the patients suffering with pilonial sinus.
Which makes me feel that there is a cure available in homeopathy but nobody is affirming
that they were cured with the homeopathy treatment.
Could you please throw some comments on this. As I am bit confused should I go for surgey or can be treated with homeopathy.

What would you suggest to remove hair? Hair Razer(manual) or electrical razer or lazer therapy?

Additionaly as mentioned in the posts, the medication is as below:-

1. Myristica 200c

2. Silicea 6c ..if that is not available then Silicea 30c

3. Silicea 200c

4. Calcarea Sulph. 3X

5. Belladona 200c

6. Calendula cream

Could you please provide me details as to the quantity and the days when above medicines are to be taken.
If possible, can you please refer me to some homeopathy doctor in Bangalore (who has enough experience in pilondial sinus) whom I can meet personally.
Or if you can share your contact number in my email.


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  chandu123 on 2010-09-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Use an electric clipper for hair removal...preferably.

The process has to be monitored...so can't say which med to use how often and how many times at the start.

Follow this:

http://www.abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/761/Re: Dr. Pankaj Verma - attention for Pilonidal sinus - please read From PANKAJ VARMA on 2010-08-12
Thanks for your wishes for me and my family.

I will surely help you.

I ask every one having this problem to read my old posts so that they can get a complete picture of the problem and how and why surgery is not a permanent solution. About this you have already experienced it.
Also, by reading those posts you get to know how many people have benefited from my homeopathic advice in respect of this problem. That helps to increase the person's confidence.

Important thing to know is that the pus comes on to the surface of the skin from 3 or 4 maybe 5 different channels created by the body to expel the pus.

The homeopathic treatment is in three stages:

1. To expel all the pus (this needs patience)

2. To heal the wound

3. To ensure that further pus formation by the body is stopped.

Medicines you have to order are:

1. Myristica 200c

2. Silicea 6c ..if that is not available then Silicea 30c

3. Silicea 200c

4. Calcarea Sulph. 3X

5. Belladona 200c

6. Calendula cream

When the meds arrive... take one dose of Myristica 200c next morning on empty stomach.

(Myristica works as a homeopathic 'doctor's knife' to yank out the pus.) So pus will flow...allow it, wipe it clean and apply Calendula cream externally on the area.

Brushing teeth, eating , drinking anything only after 45 minutes of taking the dose.

No coffee, no tea, no colas, don't use perfume, don't smell camphor, no garlic etc.

Watch progress with that dose for next 72 hours and after that post feed back here.

Will keep an eye on this thread...and guide you.

This process takes 3 to 6 weeks for healing (depending upon how severe is your problem)...so you will need patience.

Best wishes,

Punkaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Thanks a lot Doctor for a quick response. I will still the start the treatment and keep you posted.

Once again Thanks.
chandu123 last decade

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