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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Left hip pain and cervical neck pain

I have left hip pain. Doc did xray and said there is spurring along the acetabulum and femoral head. Scerosis and spurring is seen along inferior aspect of left SI joint. Thickening of trabeculae, extending to medial femoral neck calcar and thickening of medial cortex at the level of lesser trochanter,

Neck MRI shows disk issue . pls suggest remedy to control inflammation, pain, and also stop the issue
  123dana on 2010-10-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Homeopathy can be helpful for you in reducing the pain.A remedy can be suggested only after a detailed case-taking and analysis.You may need Physical therapy also.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Dr Saravanan- pls send me case sheet and I can send the info
123dana last decade
You may mail me,if you need further help.
Dr.Saravanan last decade
Dr Saravanan-

I just emailed. Thank you for offering to help me.
123dana last decade
i have neck,shoulder & upper back pain on my left side from last four years , please suggest me some medicine
ATUL CHOPRA 7 years ago

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