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Please help with potency question,thanks in advance!
Is the 30c potency available in US equivalent to 200x available in India?If not what is the equivalent of the 30c ,if buying in India ?
gudiyachettu on 2010-10-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
30c and 200x are not the same at all, they have been made quite differently. Are you asking if the Centesimal (C) scale is called something different in India?
The potency scales all have somewhat different effects when used, X is less diluted than C, and so tends to be more aggravating (as a general rule).
The potency scales all have somewhat different effects when used, X is less diluted than C, and so tends to be more aggravating (as a general rule).
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thanks for the prompt reply.
i am not familiar with these scales,
What I would like to know is, if I am adviced to buy a medicine in 30 c in US, what would be the equivalent of the same if I want to buy it in India since the Centesimal scale is not used in India .
Hope I made sense !
i am not familiar with these scales,
What I would like to know is, if I am adviced to buy a medicine in 30 c in US, what would be the equivalent of the same if I want to buy it in India since the Centesimal scale is not used in India .
Hope I made sense !
gudiyachettu last decade
30c is available easily throughout India. 30c may also be called as 30 or 30 ck or 30 ch. Do you want to say that you have 200x with you, can you use that instead of 30c?
♡ kadwa last decade
gudiyachettu last decade
'Can 200x be taken in place of 30 c? '
It depends. If you are not getting the desired results from 200x, you will have to move to 30c eventually.
There is no place where you won't get 30c. Even in france where restrictions are there for higher potencies, 30c is easily available. In india and U.S any body can get 30c with ease. In India, sometimes 30c is just referred to as 30.
It depends. If you are not getting the desired results from 200x, you will have to move to 30c eventually.
There is no place where you won't get 30c. Even in france where restrictions are there for higher potencies, 30c is easily available. In india and U.S any body can get 30c with ease. In India, sometimes 30c is just referred to as 30.
♡ maheeru last decade
thanx dr.maheeru, that clears everything.
i was under the wrong impression that the 30 potency available in India is not 30c .
I thought in India they use the 'x' scale or something :)
i was under the wrong impression that the 30 potency available in India is not 30c .
I thought in India they use the 'x' scale or something :)
gudiyachettu last decade
Dear JH
Generally while writing c potency c is excluded. ck and ch mode of labelling also tell about the method of making the potency. ch means the hahnemannian method and ck means some other method. Murthy or Girilal may tell you more about ch and ck. So this is not a unique labelling followed in India.
Generally while writing c potency c is excluded. ck and ch mode of labelling also tell about the method of making the potency. ch means the hahnemannian method and ck means some other method. Murthy or Girilal may tell you more about ch and ck. So this is not a unique labelling followed in India.
♡ kadwa last decade
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