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Posts about Shingles

Shingles9suspect shingles1Dad with Shingles3Skin sensation after Shingles1possible exposure to chickenpox thru shingles4Neuralgia from Shingles2015 months after shingles3Shingles1Shingles110 year-old Exposed to Shingles1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Shingles on face w/neuralgia


I'm hoping someone can offer a suggestion. I was recently diagnosed with shingles with a post-herpetic neuralgia of the face.

The pain follows the path of the glossopharyngeal, trigeminal, and lingual nerves on the right side of my face - it also goes down into my back directly under my rt. shoulder blade. The pain is severe and intense - and feels like it 'travels'. The rash presents itself on my chin in a small patch on the right side. These shingles episodes recur frequently (at least once every few months) and have been ongoing for years. I've had numerous misdiagnoses (i.e. tooth problems, herpes breakouts, etc.) Only recently has it been clearly identified as shingles.

Accompanying symptoms also include major fatigue, lack of appetite, mild fever, weepiness, and also 'brain fog'. I'm an otherwise healthy and active 36 year old woman. I do, however, have a history of infections including meningitis and sub-acute chronic appendicitis (ongoing for 4 years).

I am in quite a bit of pain and am also simply exhausted. Can anyone recommend a good remedy?

Also - I am hypersensitive and prove remedies very easily.

Thanks in advance!
  maddie37 on 2010-10-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hello Maddie

How this pain is affected by temperature viz. heat and cold?

what are the remedies you have taken till now and their reaction?

Any other symptoms?
maheeru last decade
Thanks for the reply. I can't say there's any marked difference with hot or cold. Sometimes it does feel better with heat... but not enough to be a dramatic difference.

As far as remedies, I've tried a few over the years:

- Phosphorus: Some improvement with pain and overall systemic improvement.

- Heklalava: Lots of pain improvement in jaw

- Carcinosin: Tried many years ago... mild improvement

- Hypericum: Not much improvement at all.

There are probably others I've tried as well. However, nothing really seems to get 'under it'... for a long-lasting cure. Also, I have a great deal of fatigue and little/no appetite at all. This has persisted for a very long time.

Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you!
maddie37 last decade

You shall dissolve 3 pills or drops of silicea 30c in a 250 ml mineral water bottle. From this bottle you shall take 3 drops two times per day. You will continue this for 10 days and report thereafter.

Some guidelines:

1) Do not take anything solid or liquid for half an hour before and after the dose.

2) Try to avoid taking coffee, tea, alcohol on the day of medicine and a week following the medicine.

3) Try to avoid the exposure to mint based substances, camphor based substances and also strong smelling substances including incense and strong perfumes.

4) If you notice any aggravation or discomfort, you shall stop the dose and then report.

5) Do not handle the pills(if drops use a disposable exclusive dropper) with hand. Tip the pills using the cap.

6) Do not take any other homeopathic medicine during this duration until further updates and avoid all OTC medicines and supplementation except the medicines prescribed by your physician and emergency medicines.
maheeru last decade

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